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Welcome to Chris's Journal!
Updated quite regularly! :)
~Welcome to my semi-live journal. I got the idea from a friend of mine (Gretchen) who has one actual site.

~I'm 5' 10", dark blonde hair, blue/green eyes, and wear glasses. I'm currently in the Navy on a Trident submarine. I'm married to DeAnna and you should visit her site too. (See link below)

~Please feel free to leave a comment on any entry. I'll post it as soon as I can, which is usually the day after.

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-:Welcome:- {09OCT03|0044}
First entry. Welcome to my journal.Thank you for taking time to read it. It's nothing special, but it's special to me. (Don't ask why)

-:Update:- {10OCT03|2202}
I've redone this page because I accidentally saved over it. Oops! It's fixed now.

-:It's getting there:- {13OCT03|2133}
Created the rest of the pages. Also DeAnna's site got put up today. Just got back from my parents house. Had fun, and got a lot of stuff! Hung out with a friend (Brandon) from high school. Played pool and picked up some chicks. (inside joke)

-:Another day:- {14OCT03|2339}
Had General Military Training today. Not fun. Had some salmon at a local broiler. I love salmon! :) Then watched The Matrix Reloaded, OMG! That movie is kick @$$!!!!

~Gretchen~ =16OCT03|2044=
I checked it out..happy? You better be. Your song is on...remember what one it is?

-:AAHHHH!!!!:- {17OCT03|2333}
Death by training! 4+ hours of training all week. But it's over finally. Kicked some butt when I played DnD yesterday, feel good about that. Its rained (heavily) all week, hoping this weekend is going to be a bit drier. Oh, sis, I'm listening to your song. :P

-:I Sorry:- {07NOV03|2100}
Sorry for the delay in adding new entries. I've been really busy with the boat and haven't had much time to work on the site. Oh well. Remember I can't tell you when I leave. But if I don't add a new entry for a week or two, you can guess that I'm gone out to sea. =|

-:Congrations Josh:- {11NOV03|2148}
Well I got a lot of points toward getting qualified submarines! :) Also found out that my best friend is getting married and having a baby. Congrats Josh! You're finally doing something productive. (or is it REproductive?) J/K Its been a LONG two days, duty yesterday then having to stay till 2000 for studying. Oh well I've got tomorrow off so that's cool.

-:Patrol Summary:- {02FEB04|2145}
Ok, this is a summary of how my patrol went. Got qualified submarines! That's the biggest thing that happened. I'll have a picture of my receiving them when I get home. Other than that, got qualified a couple more watches. Missed my first anniversary, Christmas, and New Year's. But I made it home for valentine's which I'm happy for. Hawaii was fun, it was actually pretty cloudy while I was there so no sunburn. Yea! Last but not least I would like to congradulate my friend, Josh Hayek, who is now happily married and has a baby on the way.

-:The Sun:- {29FEB04|1758}
Hey guys yet another great day in Washington. The sun was actually out today. It was only like 65 degrees but who's arguing with the sun out? Did some work work on my Dark Cloud game, finally got to the moon. I also played Final Fantasy XI yesterday that was cool. Its really different from the games on the Playstation but I think I'll get the hang of it. Well I gotta go work on the other site now. It should be up by the end of March. Laterz!

~Lindsay~ =29FEB04|2043=
this is your sis nice site page like the pic

-:I'm Outta Here:- {01APR04|2048}
Hey sorry for not updating this sooner, but I've been rather busy on the boat. Did ya miss me? LOL Everything is going good over here. Going to my mother's house to build some shelves for her. Wish me luck! I should be fine, the shelves on the other hand... Their fate isn't so certain that's for sure. Well I need to get going and pack for the time I'll be at my mother's house. Leave me plenty of messages to read when I get back.