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GFB Services Blog
Sunday, 18 December 2005
Topic: Beliefs
The Web of Life

The way I see it, life is similar to a web. As far as that goes, my vision of life is different than most people’s views. Our souls are long strands through time. Tied together, through the spirits of our children. Who in time, will tie onto other strands of spirits in time. Our lives are not limited to just one individual’s existence here on earth. Our lives are continuous throughout time. From generation to generation. That is why religions teach us to treat our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. We are. Our time on the physical plane of existence is limited. The physical world prohibits, no, rather hinders most people’s abilities to remember the spiritual side of life. The one that is everlasting. Everlasting calmness, or everlasting torture, or everlasting non-existence. Everlasting, none the less. Teachings tell us that our souls will live forever. They are. They always have. They always will. Our souls do not live entirely inside our bodies. Our souls grow in the memories of others. When we encounter each other, we effect the other. Every encounter changes the course of each individual’s strand of life forever. When we see something we consider unjust, we hurt. When we see something we consider just, we glow. Our spiritual side of life, outside our physical existence, is without the ability to “feel” the pleasures that the physical side of life has to offer. Most would say that our desire for physical pleasure is our downfall. Actually, it is our feelings of ego that gets in the way of that. The feeling that someone is “loved” more than another. We, as spirits, should love everyone. How we express and share that love is different with each person. We express our love towards our parents differently than we express our love towards our children, our soul mates, or our friends. We weave a web each and every split-second. What the web ends up looking like is beyond our imaginations here on this world. On the spiritual side of life, we are aware of everything. We are one, yet we are us. We, in our physical forms, are able to weave our strands of the ribbon of life as we see fit. We have a choice to hurt, or glow, in our encounters with other spirits. We have a choice to have a life of strong ties, or one of weak knots. Read the teachings that have been passed down throughout time. Keep the web strong as you travel through your portion of time; you never know whom you may influence. Or who may influence you. When your soul leaves your body, and you take a look at your web, will it be tangled or strong as the finest thread?

Girard Frank Bolton, III.

April 1999

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 7:54 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 5 March 2006 12:19 AM CST
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