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GFB Services Blog
Sunday, 2 April 2006
"Automatic Wealth for Graduates" v.s. "Power and Persuasion"
Michael Masterson asked readers of his ezine: "Early To Rise", which of several options they would choose concerning the timeframe to publish some of his books....

So I replied in ETR's speak out forum:

"Michael Masterson:

Why decide on which - how about both?

I believe you should publish both books.

You are basically looking at two age markets.

If your new book for graduates is anything like "Automatic Wealth" and "Power & Persuasion" then graduates will appreciate receiving both books as graduation gifts.

Even better, why not offer a three (or more) book discount?

Of course, some of your older clientele may want to read your book for graduates too. I know a couple of people who I may give "Power and Persuasion" as gifts.

I am still reading my copy of "Power and Persuasion" and will be adding it to my book reviews when I finish.

You are one of my favorite authors. You are in good company with Jay Abraham and Robert Ringer, et al....

I have found your viewpoints to be very similar to my opinions. It is amazing how you are able to put into words what I have learned and believed for years.

I enjoy writing, but find it frustrating because my typing skills are so much slower than my thought processes.

I have tried putting my thoughts on recordings, but am not comfortable with talking into dead air.

I am considering recording discussions with those I share my thoughts as a possible solution.

Keep up the good work. I am rebuilding my library and can not absorb the wealth of information quick enough.

Girard Bolton"

p.s. - Just keeping you up to date. Go to and buy his book "Power and Persuasion" now, before you get caught up in something else!

Everyone wanting to become a leader, or read someone else's viewpoints on leadership, then do not hesitate.

Michael Masterson is good reading!

Until next time... I am... and will continue to be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 3 April 2006 11:42 PM CDT
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