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GFB Services Blog
Saturday, 15 April 2006
Harvey Penick's Little Red Book - Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf
Topic: Library
I just got through reading "Harvey Penick's Little Red Book - Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf".

I enjoyed it so much that I had to apologize about my delay in submitting a positive comment on the seller's feedback page. But the book was that enjoyable!

I read the book because I was told it is a good example in marketing and business management ideals.

I don't even play golf!

I was able to apply Harvey Penick's words to attitudes and approaches to life though!

He not only teaches what he has learned about golf during his long rich life, but he also teaches a philosophy in how to live one's life.

His methods of evaluating the actions of his students and sharing what he has learned in an effort to improve their lives is obvious.

He refuses to use negative impressions in his teachings. Instead, he accentuates the positive.

He educates by guiding his students instead of "teaching" them.

I love his ability to teach with images, parables and metaphors.

His chapter "First Things First" about the golfer who wanted to learn how to get out of sand traps is great! After all, the problem is not always what you think.

I challenge anyone to read "Harvey Penick's Little Red Book" and share with me how they can apply his knowledge to their business and personal lives.

Whether you play golf or not, this book is good reading!

Until next time... I am, and will always be, Frank....

Read my book review.

Then order either the book or the audio or search here. - Later...gfb3

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 April 2006 10:59 PM CDT
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