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GFB Services Blog
Sunday, 22 January 2006
Topic: Beliefs

I have been a member of The Presidential Prayer Team for a couple of years now. Please don't get all political on me. I do not agree with all that our President does and say. But, I do believe that he needs our prayers. (See I Timothy 2:1&2) If you choose to pray for our leaders, check out the web site. You can join for free. Our nation and the world will appreciate you. Until next time... I am and will always be Frank..... (Presidential Prayer Team Member #256110 May 2002)

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 1:16 PM CST
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Saturday, 7 January 2006
Topic: Resources
My sister and her teenaged daughter drove down from Nashville, Tennessee to visit family and friends this past week. Donna told me that my niece Andrea loves the historic homes in and near the downtown Mobile, Alabama area. But she said that finding photographs of the homes were scarce. Donna told me that Andrea was interested in taking photographs of the homes and selling signed and numbered prints on the internet. We even discussed Andrea publishing a book of her photographs. (Andrea got a digital camera for Christmas because she loves taking photographs. I can't wait to see her current portfolio!)

I found a web site called "Photo Stock Plus" several months ago and told her I would send her the web address. Well, you know me, I've got to share this resource with everyone who reads my blog. Click on one or both of the banners below and check it out.

"Photo Stock Plus" is a great resource for obtaining, selling or sharing photographs with friends, family, or business associates.

Take a look and let me know what you think. I have stacks of negatives and photographs (from about 40 years of my life) that I am itching to post on the internet. However, Andrea will more than likely get her collection on the web before I do. I am sure that you will see her name again.

Until later, I am and will always be... Frank

(p.s. - If you have not subscribed to my blog yet, scroll down to my 12/24/05 blog entry and sign up! It's free! - gfb3)

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 3:26 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 March 2006 5:50 PM CST
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Monday, 26 December 2005
XSitePro Software
Hello everyone! If you have not noticed by now, I believe that knowlege should be a shared resource. That is why I break one of the most important and sacred rules of consulting: "Do not share your resources. People will bypass you and you will lose customers."

First off, I do not have customers, I have clients. A customer is someone who you have no interest in... except to collect their money. Clients are people you nurture and who you do not want to take advantage of. Clients are people who you have their best interests at heart. So, having said that....

I just found out about a software program that will allow you to create websites quicker than most website building programs! It is especially great for people that have a fear of using HTML programming.

In addition, it has quite a few features that should keep you aware of specific details that may affect your web business. To learn here to watch the "7 Reasons Why You Need XSitePro Now!" video

If this interests you, and you are ready to purchase this exciting software program, click on the image below:

Let me know what you think of this resource. Until next time....I am and will always be Frank.....

p.s. - An associate asked me to tell you to click here to find out how to double your income in one-hour and multiply it ten-fold in just 5-days. I thought you might like to know. -gfb3

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 3:34 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 20 February 2006 12:25 AM CST
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Sunday, 25 December 2005
Merry Christmas!!!
Topic: Charity
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I wish your Christmas is everything you expect and more! I know today while I am fortunate to spend Christmas with my family and friends... there are many families who are not together. And... there are many families that do not have proper shelter and necessities. Save a place in your prayers for those less fortunate than us. With our help... The American Red Cross can help those souls. Please give what you can. Funds or blood. Until next time... I am and will always be... Frank
The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 March 2006 10:18 AM CST
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Saturday, 24 December 2005
Topic: Subscription
I found a way for you to get quick updates to my blog. It is though a service called "FeedBlitz". They recently published an imaginative variation of a well known Christmas poem that describes what their service provides. An excerpt of their poem follows. It was copied from their news website.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
'Twas the blog before Christmas
'Twas the blog before Christmas, when all through the house
No blogger was stirring, no hand moved the mouse.
The postings were stacked by the tag cloud with care,
In hopes that more readers soon would be there;

The users were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of updates danced in their heads;
And me with my podcast, downloaded like that,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,

When out from my laptop there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the portal I flew like a flash,
Tore open the reader and refreshed the cache.

The enclosure attached soon gave me to know
That new entries were here, more news I should know.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a raft of new updates, eight headlines so clear,

With a quick Wiki update, who could it be?
Our investor, of course, a leading VC.
More rapid than eagles his portfolio came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, Blogspot! Now Feedster! now, Movable Type!
On, FeedBurner, FeedBlitz! (On Marketing Hype!)
To the top of the feed! To the top of them all!
Now blog away! blog away! blog away all!"

As valuations that before the wild bubble do fly,
When they meet with a fund, mount up to the sky,
So up to the top of the investments they flew,
With RSS data, and named it Web 2.

And then, with a twinkling, I read in my news
Each notable posting, contrary views.
As I drew back my hand, and was turning around,
Down to my trackback he came with a bound.

His comments were brief, what was ado?
Were adwords OK? Did users click through?
A bundle of mashups he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

Our AJAX - how it twinkled! Our tagging - how merry!
We socially networked to his brand new BlackBerry!
Our RSS valid, we were well syndicated,
We subscribed to the feeds that we loved (and we hated);

The stump of our web site held tight in our teeth,
The hyperbole encircled his head like a wreath;
We tagged Technorati, we blogged with the best,
On Feedster we surged and made the A-list.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And marked us on Frappr, and Flickr he searched.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
Updated his blog, up our OPML rose;

He sprang to his feed, gave his investments a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,


With best wishes from FeedBlitz to everyone this holiday season!

(c) 2005
Full reproduction permitted only with full attribution and links intact.
Technorati: FeedBlitz RSS Bloglet

I hope you enjoyed the poem and if you are interested in getting prompt notices of my new blog entries, please let me know your email address.

Enter your Email

Powered by FeedBlitz

I wish all a Merry Christmas! Until next time... I am and will always be Frank.

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
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