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GFB Services Blog
Tuesday, 21 February 2006
IRS Tax Credits
Topic: Government
Today I received a notice from the IRS about tax breaks for Contractors and Homeowners. When home builders and homeowners improve existing homes or build new homes with energy efficiency design factors, they will qualify for tax breaks. This is a great program. The IRS has downloadable pdf files that explain the requirements. I urge all homeowners and homebuilders to research these requirements. They can be found in publications IR-2006-032 Energey Policy Act of 2005 and IR-2006-034 Homeowners Energy Credits. Until next time... I am and will continue to be Frank....

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
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National Rifle Team for JROTC Students
Topic: Family News
Hello all!
It is time for me to brag about my youngest daughter! She attends public school in Mobile County, Alabama and is a JROTC rifle team member at BC Rain High School.
Victoria scored 234 points out of a possible 300 points at the rifle team match at Theodore High School today.
Her JROTC Instructor, Retired U.S. Army Major Rodney Cromer told me that he expects her to be within the top 10 shooters in the nation by her Senior year.
He told me that they are always looking for students that have "the gift" and she has it.
Thanks for the round of applaudes for her!
Until next time... I am, and will always be Frank....

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
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Saturday, 11 February 2006
Tillman's Tricksters Mardi Gras Ball 2006
Topic: Entertainment
Hello everyone! My wife and I enjoyed a night of dancing and festivities at the Tillman's Tricksters Mardi Gras Ball in Mobile, Alabama tonight.

Mobile is where Mardi Gras got its start. New Orleans picked up on the idea and started their own Mardi Gras the very next year.

Because of New Orleans' horrible hurricane Katrina situation, I expect this year's Mardi Gras in Mobile to be bigger than usual.

In hopes of offering a pleasant escape from the past year's losses, The City of Mobile decided to advertise our festivities for the first time this year.

Mobile's Mardi Gras is geared towards family fun. However, it is the only time of the year where you can walk the streets a little tipsy without fear of being fined. (Unless of course you get out of control and need to be confined.)

My wife and I have been going to Tillman's Tricksters Balls for several years. We've enjoyed every ball enough to be sore from dancing for a day or two later.

Take a look at the photos we took tonight. I do not know the names of everyone in our pictures. So, let me know your name(s) if you want me to identify you in my blog.

Keep New Orleans in your prayers. Mobile wishes them a fast recovery and a better future.

In the meantime, enjoy the photographs. You will see that everyone had a good time!

The photographs start with my wife and I dropping by her parent's house before the ball.

Link to Photo Album 2006 Tillmans Tricksters Mardi Gras Ball

I hope you enjoyed viewing the photographs. Until next time, I am and will always be Frank....

p.s. - Let me know any names I can put with the faces in the photos. Thanks - gfb3

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 4 March 2006 11:17 PM CST
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Thursday, 9 February 2006
Marketing Makeover Generator
Topic: Software
Vicky Heron of has been one of my valued advisors while I have been researching ways to build my web site. She introduced me to Alex Mandossian of He and his partners have created an innovative way to increase sales on your web site by utilizing a simple program that they developed. Without me having to go into too much detail, take a look at their software program by following this link: MarketingMakeoverGenerator.Com Their program will allow you to collect more opt-in email addresses, which will enable you to convert more visitors into sales. But, only if you follow their business advice. They even allow you to "test drive" the program for 7 days for only $1. Let me know what you think. Until next time... I am and will always be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 4:09 PM CST
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Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Drop Ship Internet Business
Topic: Resources
My father and brother (Steve) have always been interested in specialty item selling long before the internet became popular. Steve has encouraged me and others to earn money via drop-ship businesses for many years.

(For those who do not know: Drop-Ship companies are suppliers that will ship products to your customers without you having to purchase supplies and store them while you try to find buyers.) Personally, I have always thought that there was too much work for the amount of money earned.

But... now that the internet has increased in popularity, that type of business is easier to market.

Of course you have your friends, family and associates to market products to. And of course, the people you email will forward messages with product offers they believe will interest people they know.

In addition, search engines and several pay-per-click marketing methods allow that much more exposure for selling opportunities.

But, then you have to find products to offer your customers. That is where I get to my point...

Worldwide Brands, Inc. are The Home EBiz Product Sourcing Experts have researched companies that offer wholesale products and who are reputable.

There are too many companies that prey on trusting people like you and me. You send them your money and never hear from them again. The next time you visit their web site only to find the site does not exist or has been closed down due to their criminal activites.

Worldwide Brands, Inc. has a directory of real companies that encourage home based businesses and other companies to use them for drop-shipping services.

They keep real time records for your 24/7 access to your sales results.

Payment arrangements vary from one company to another, but you pick and choose companies you want to do business with.

Take a look at what The Home EBiz Product Sourcing Experts offer by clicking on the banner below.

Let me know what you think. Until next time... I am and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 9:05 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 20 February 2006 1:02 AM CST
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