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GFB Services Blog
Tuesday, 28 March 2006
Internet Fraud
Topic: Government
Hello again!

The internet is a great place to do business and keep in touch with people you know. It is also a vehicle for taking advantage of people. However, the IRS has established one way of fighting fraud.

Yesterday, the Internal Revenue Service announced in publication "IR-2006-49, March 27, 2006" that the IRS established an electronic mailbox for taxpayers to send information about suspicious e-mails they receive which claim to come from the IRS. Taxpayers should send the information to:

With everybody helping, people that would do harm to you can be put out of business.

Until next time... I am, and will continue to be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 1:43 PM CST
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Monday, 27 March 2006
Do You Believe in Answers?
Topic: Faith
What do you believe in? Do you believe in death? Or do you believe in an afterlife? Do you believe there are spirits who watch over you? A God? Gods? Angels? Demons? A relative who died yesterday? A friend who passed?

How often do you think of them? How often do you talk to them? How often have they talked with you? How often have they intervened in your life? How often have you prayed for them to intervene in your life?

What about your living family, friends, associates and strangers? How often have you prayed for their help? How often have you helped someone who did not ask? How often has someone helped you without asking?

Do you believe in the end of the world? Armageddon? The Redeemer? The end of all evil, and the beginning of peace on earth?

Do you think of what others think of you? What about those passed over to the spirit world? What do spirits see that the living do not see? Do you care what they think of you today? What about when you see them when you die?

If the world ended today but you were given the chance to stay and help others obtain peace, would you?

Why wait until then?

What do you believe in?

Girard Frank Bolton, III.

In loving memory of my longest living Grandparent who I knew as "Nannie"
and was known to all as Minnie Eva Burge Laird
16 September 1915 - 26 March 2006
She lives in my heart and our memories.
Until later... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 4 April 2006 5:57 PM CDT
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Thursday, 16 March 2006
Increase your web hits by using this resource
Do you ever wonder why your web site is somewhere in the last couple thousand listed in your web search? Maybe it is because you do not know the search words people are using to look for what they need. Wordtracker is a valuable resource for finding out what people are looking for on the internet. If you are not selling something on the internet but are looking into what will sell, take a look at Wordtracker. Let me know how Wordtracker affect your sales.
Until next time, I am and will always be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 8:00 PM CST
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Saturday, 11 March 2006
How many A.D.D. children are actually Lead Poisoned children?
Topic: Health
What percentage of children in the U.S. have been misdiagnosed to have Attention Deficit Disorder but have never been tested for lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning symptoms are:

Children have reading and learning difficulties, behavioral problems, difficulty paying attention and hyperactivity, seizures, coma and death.

Children can get lead poisoning by breathing or swallowing lead dust particles.

Homes built prior to 1978 are prone to contain lead paint which can crack and turn to dust.

Unborn children can be exposed by their pregnant mothers.

Adults can have a loss of sex drive, physical fatigue and/or high blood pressure.

To learn more, go to EPA web site.

Anyone selling or buying homes, renting or leasing homes (landlords and tenants) or remodeling homes (built in or before 1978) should get tested for lead poisoning.

Blood testing shows lead poisoning acquired within only 30 days.

A "ZPP" test is a better test for long term lead poisoning.

Our bodies can not distinguish lead from calcium nor iron. Lead is stored in our bones for up to 30 years.

Most doctors have only minimal training in identifying lead poisoning.

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 16 March 2006 1:16 AM CST
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Thursday, 9 March 2006
Lead Safe Work Practices
Topic: Government
I attended a Lead Safe Work Practices seminar today. The Environmental Protection Agency is working to reduce the number of lead poisoning cases in the United States.

All houses built in and before 1978 should be tested for potential lead hazzards.

The EPA has created a brochure to be given to people who purchase, lease/rent, or work in (and neighbors of) homes containing lead paint. Violation of EPA and OSHA standards have legal consequences.

Home sellers, landlords, renovation contractors, and real estate agents are responsible by federal regulations to comply with informing people of the possible lead hazzards. In fact, the responsible parties are required to get a written receipt from the people they hand the lead hazzard brochure to.

Special equipment and supplies are required to be used by renovation contractors. I have researched some of the suppliers and provided links to their websites for your convenience.

Let me know when you have any questions. Until next time, I am and will always be Frank...

Disposable Coveralls X- Lg

Disposable Coveralls X- Lg

Keep your skin and clothes protected when performing messy maintenance tasks. Made from DuPont Tyvek, these lightweight and breathable disposable Coveralls are virtually impenetrable to paint spray and splatter, dirt, and dust. Features include a built-n hood, full zipper front, elastic wrists, ankles, and face opening. One size fits all. Coveralls Sh. Wt. 2 lbs.

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 10:56 AM CST
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