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GFB Services Blog
Friday, 14 April 2006
Michael Masterson
Topic: Library
Hello all!
I was pleasantly surprised when I read my Early To Rise e-zine today. On 2 April, I wrote to Michael Masterson in response to a question he asked about marketing of some of his books.

Well, today he included my comments in his e-zine message 1703. This is what he quoted:


Reader Feedback: "I cannot absorb the wealth of information quick enough."

Dear Michael Masterson,

If your new book, Automatic Wealth for Grads, is anything like Automatic Wealth and Power and Persuasion, I think graduates will appreciate receiving all three books as graduation gifts.

I am still reading my copy of Power and Persuasion and will be adding it to my book reviews when I finish. You are one of my favorite authors. I have found your viewpoints to be very similar to my opinions, and I think it's amazing how you are able to put into words what I have learned and believed for years.

Keep up the good work. I am rebuilding my library and cannot absorb the wealth of information quick enough.

Girard F. Bolton, III
Mobile, AL

Check out the books and let me know what you think of them. Until next time, I am, and will continue to be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 1 May 2006 8:24 AM CDT
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Sunday, 2 April 2006
"Automatic Wealth for Graduates" v.s. "Power and Persuasion"
Michael Masterson asked readers of his ezine: "Early To Rise", which of several options they would choose concerning the timeframe to publish some of his books....

So I replied in ETR's speak out forum:

"Michael Masterson:

Why decide on which - how about both?

I believe you should publish both books.

You are basically looking at two age markets.

If your new book for graduates is anything like "Automatic Wealth" and "Power & Persuasion" then graduates will appreciate receiving both books as graduation gifts.

Even better, why not offer a three (or more) book discount?

Of course, some of your older clientele may want to read your book for graduates too. I know a couple of people who I may give "Power and Persuasion" as gifts.

I am still reading my copy of "Power and Persuasion" and will be adding it to my book reviews when I finish.

You are one of my favorite authors. You are in good company with Jay Abraham and Robert Ringer, et al....

I have found your viewpoints to be very similar to my opinions. It is amazing how you are able to put into words what I have learned and believed for years.

I enjoy writing, but find it frustrating because my typing skills are so much slower than my thought processes.

I have tried putting my thoughts on recordings, but am not comfortable with talking into dead air.

I am considering recording discussions with those I share my thoughts as a possible solution.

Keep up the good work. I am rebuilding my library and can not absorb the wealth of information quick enough.

Girard Bolton"

p.s. - Just keeping you up to date. Go to and buy his book "Power and Persuasion" now, before you get caught up in something else!

Everyone wanting to become a leader, or read someone else's viewpoints on leadership, then do not hesitate.

Michael Masterson is good reading!

Until next time... I am... and will continue to be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 3 April 2006 11:42 PM CDT
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Saturday, 1 April 2006
Website History Research
Topic: Resources
Hello everyone!

I found another resource to help you understand what works on the internet and what other people have changed to make thier web sites become successful.

Study your competitors in depth to learn what is working for them and what did not work for them. To better understand what has or has not worked for competitor websites, check out their time lapsed progressions using the Wayback Machine.

By reviewing what other people have accomplished, you shorten your learning curve.

I have made it a habit to learn from other peoples' experiences. It has helped me avoid many common mistakes. Let me know how this resource helps you.

Until next time, I am, and will always be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 10:45 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 10:48 AM CST
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Tuesday, 28 March 2006
Internet Fraud
Topic: Government
Hello again!

The internet is a great place to do business and keep in touch with people you know. It is also a vehicle for taking advantage of people. However, the IRS has established one way of fighting fraud.

Yesterday, the Internal Revenue Service announced in publication "IR-2006-49, March 27, 2006" that the IRS established an electronic mailbox for taxpayers to send information about suspicious e-mails they receive which claim to come from the IRS. Taxpayers should send the information to:

With everybody helping, people that would do harm to you can be put out of business.

Until next time... I am, and will continue to be Frank...

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 1:43 PM CST
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Monday, 27 March 2006
Do You Believe in Answers?
Topic: Faith
What do you believe in? Do you believe in death? Or do you believe in an afterlife? Do you believe there are spirits who watch over you? A God? Gods? Angels? Demons? A relative who died yesterday? A friend who passed?

How often do you think of them? How often do you talk to them? How often have they talked with you? How often have they intervened in your life? How often have you prayed for them to intervene in your life?

What about your living family, friends, associates and strangers? How often have you prayed for their help? How often have you helped someone who did not ask? How often has someone helped you without asking?

Do you believe in the end of the world? Armageddon? The Redeemer? The end of all evil, and the beginning of peace on earth?

Do you think of what others think of you? What about those passed over to the spirit world? What do spirits see that the living do not see? Do you care what they think of you today? What about when you see them when you die?

If the world ended today but you were given the chance to stay and help others obtain peace, would you?

Why wait until then?

What do you believe in?

Girard Frank Bolton, III.

In loving memory of my longest living Grandparent who I knew as "Nannie"
and was known to all as Minnie Eva Burge Laird
16 September 1915 - 26 March 2006
She lives in my heart and our memories.
Until later... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 4 April 2006 5:57 PM CDT
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