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GFB Services Blog
Sunday, 28 May 2006
Remembering David Robert Coley, III.
Topic: Memories
I was sorry to see in today's Mobile Press Register yesterday's passing of David Coley.

I had the honor of meeting and briefly working with him many years ago.

He was looking for someone to draw a couple of houses he wanted to build to sell.

He was a respected attorney in Mobile and was a pleasure to work with.

Everytime I drive pass one of the houses, I think of how nice he was to work with.

My heart and prayers go out to him and his family.

I am sure he will be missed by all who met him.

My memory of him and his kind spirit will live with me until it is my time to leave this earth and join the spirit world.

Until next time... I am and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 1:44 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 28 May 2006 1:49 PM CDT
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Saturday, 27 May 2006
CSX Railroad Relocation in Mississippi
Topic: Government
Hello all!

I was surprised that $700 million was added to the hurricane relief fund to finance the relocation of CSX rail lines in Mississippi.

What are the rail road dependent businesses along Mississippi's Gulf Coast going to do when they no longer have rail road access?

What will the Cities and the State of Mississippi do when taxes paid by Northrop Gruman and other businesses leave Mississippi because they do not have rail road access?

How much will Senator Trent Lott's plan actually cost?

Some of the total costs will involve: environmental studies, engineering designs, negotiate and purchase additional rail road right-of-ways (including eminent domain acquisitions), construct new rail roads and bridges, abandon the existing rail lines along the Gulf Coast, construct the new Highway 90 infrastructure on top of the existing rail route, abandon and remove the existing Highway 90 infrastructure, and the loss of taxes due to rail dependant businesses moving to other cities and/or states.

A recent article mentioned that the costs could cost in excess of $2 billion. I think this is a low figure.

If you thought hurricane Katrina was bad, just wait until Senator Trent Lott gets his pork project financed by U.S. Taxpayers.

Let your elected governmental officials know what you think about this plan. After all... your tax dollars will be paying for this.

Let me know what you think. Until next time... I am... and will always be Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 3:28 PM CDT
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Saturday, 6 May 2006
Mr. Abe's Goody Book is Southern Cooking at it's Best!!!
Topic: Health
Hello everyone!

I went to Kenny Sylvester's book signing today after seeing an article posted in the Mobile Press Register about his cook book.

When I got home, I read his cook book from cover to cover.

Kenny describes how to prepare his recipes the same way he talks.

I have known Kenny since early 1998. He always has a kind word to say and I've never known him to have a cross word about anyone.

I cannot wait to try out his recipes at our dinner table!

His book is full of anecdotes about his life and the food he recommends for heart-healthy nutrition.

I encourage anyone who enjoys the combination of authentic Southern Cooking and healthy eating to purchase his book today.

"Mr. Abe's Goody Book" will remain in my family's kitchen and will be the source of many heart-healthy meals.

I'm just not sure if the first recipe we prepare will be his gumbo or one of his many grilled specials.

If it is his "Get Together Gumbo" (for the whole neighborhood), I'll have to call and ask him how to reduce the ingredients to feed a smaller crowd.

His recipe calls for 2 gallons water, 2 whole roasting hens, 3 pounds crab claws, 2 quarts oysters, 3 pounds scallops, 6 pounds shrimp, among other delicious ingredients.

Gets your mouth watering doesn't it?

Like I said before: "buy his book today at!!!

Let me know what you think of his fabulous recipes.

Until next time... I am... and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 7 May 2006 2:59 PM CDT
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Saturday, 29 April 2006
Design the downtown of your dreams
Topic: Development
Hello all!

On 23 April The Mobile Press Register asked its readers to submit their ideas of what Downtown Mobile, Alabama looks like in their dreams.

This is what I wrote in response to Mobile Press Register's 4/23/06 article "Design the downtown of your dreams"

"In my mind, Downtown Mobile will be a cultural center, an educational center and a residential community. This is in addition to Mobile currently being a major shipping port, transportation hub, and business center.

The renovation of the historic buildings and new construction fill-in of vacant lots draw people into the area. Main Street Mobile and Mobile’s Architectural Review Board have done great jobs in maintaining architectural historic integrity in the downtown area.

Wireless electric trollies carry you from parking garages to one of the culinary arts schools where you can sample cooking skills of the students. From there, you could walk to a play at one of the performing arts colleges. After the show, you could walk to the Peanut Shop and get a healthy snack. Then sit in one of the landscaped areas with bench seats and gas lighting scattered throughout downtown.

During school hours, students attend colleges of performing arts, culinary arts, art and sculpture, medical, etc… After school hours, students live in downtown apartments, with businesses furnishing all necessities nearby.

At night, students go to their upstairs apartments, freshen-up, change clothes, and go out on the town. They have choices between going to one of the movies at the theater complex, a couple of plays, one of them on the floating stage next to the marina. They could go to the bowling alley, a pool hall, or one of the many restaurants or clubs. They could go to the gym, spa, tennis or basketball courts. The handball courts, racquetball courts or the indoor firing range are options.

After crossing Water Street via one of the overhead walkways, they could walk or jog along the waterfront, come back for a visit to the Explorium/IMAX center or the one of the museums. A riverboat dinner cruise or a pre-sail party on board of one of the cruise ships in port is an option. Or they could just watch the ships go by and gaze at the stars and water.

If they want to ride the hovercraft to Fairhope Pier for a change of pace, they know it would have a stop at the USS Alabama Battleship Park to drop off and pick up people enjoying the causeway’s restaurants, amusement parks and nature trails. Then again, if they’re carrying fishing tackle or swimming gear, that’s another option.

Visitors to the City of Mobile would stay in one of the downtown hotels, attend conventions and business meetings with the international businesses that have moved into one of the new office buildings downtown. They too could enjoy the flavor of downtown Mobile. Imagine their surprise when they open their lap top computers to find the entire downtown area has wireless internet access.

Local downtown residents live in houses, gated communities, efficiency apartments, luxury apartments, and in condominiums at one of the new riverfront residential towers. Delivery services would be available at any hour. Or they could walk to one of the corner grocery stores, delli, restaurants, or coffee houses.

If they do not want to drive to the malls, they could ride the monorail along the interstates and transfer to the monorail loop serving the three malls. City buses and taxis would take you to the other places you want to go.

I was one of over 600 participants involved in creating what became the Final Report for Mayor Sam Jones Transition Task Force. The report is available on the internet at the City of Mobile's web site. It does not include everything I pictured above for downtown Mobile, but it can be utilized as the beginning of a new Master Plan for Downtown Mobile. Developers and investors can get some great ideas by reading this report because Mobilians have asked Mayor Jones to accomplish these goals for Mobile.

I have worked in the consulting, architectural, engineering, and construction industries since 1976 and am looking forward to seeing the city continue to grow in a positive direction.

I was born and raised in Mobile. After my four year enlistment with the US Army I returned to Mobile. While employed by Architect Dewey Crowder I was an architectural design team member for the construction of Riverview Plaza and other projects. In fact, I have a collection of several development studies he created for the Mobile area.

I encourage you to contact me via my email address to discuss.

Sincerely yours, Girard Frank Bolton, III."

I am interested in what dream you envision for your city's downtown.

Until next time, I am and will always be Frank....

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 March 2007 10:29 PM CST
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Tuesday, 25 April 2006
Financial Crimes and Fraud Schemes
Topic: Government
Hello everyone!

From time to time I get emails and letters asking my help to transfer money from Nigeria and other countries to my bank account in the U.S.

They always offer me a huge percentage of the transfered funds.

These offers are illegal. The people who send these offers are out to take your hard earned money.

The U.S. Secret Service are constantly working to prosecute these criminals.

To learn more... visit the The U.S. Secret Service web site for more information.

When you do get an email offer... forward the email to and delete it from your computer.

I know several people who have lost money because they trusted these people.

I hope you are not their next victim.

Until next time... I am and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CDT
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