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GFB Services Blog
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
2007 Mardi Gras in Mobile Alabama
Topic: Mardi Gras
Hello everyone!

It is the end of the Mardi Gras season here in Mobile, Alabama.

Here is a picture Victoria (my youngest daughter) took of me sitting next to the stone cross in Bienville Square.

You can see there are lots of people enjoying Mardi Gras in the historic downtown park.

Fat Tuesday is the last day of the two week plus celebration Mobile has been celebrating since before New Orleans ever thought about doing it.

I guess Mardi Gras was Mobile's gift to New Orleans many years ago.

New Orleans is famous for getting Mardi Gras known internationally.

Their population has always been greater than Mobile.

I understand that New Orleans is rebuilding as quickly as they can.

If you did not know any better... you would not believe that San Francisco had to start over and rebuild after that catastophic earthquake they had over a hundred years ago too.

Well... happy Mardi Gras and I will see you next time.

I am and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 24 February 2007 3:52 PM CST
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Thursday, 15 June 2006
How Fast Are Apartments Being Rented or Purchased?
Topic: Development
Hello all!

The US Census Bureau released a report 14 June 2006 addressing the issue of apartment rentals and purchases.

Download a copy of this free (taxpayer paid) sixteen page report at: The US Census Bureau

Let me know how helpful you found this info.

Until next time... I am... and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 14 June 2006
Automatic Wealth for Grads
Topic: Library
Hello everyone!

I was happy to see Michael Masterson quoted me in today's issue of Early-To-Rise e-zine.

Here is what he published:

"Reader Feedback: "When Michael Masterson published his book for grads ... I just had to buy it for my daughter."

My daughter read Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independenceand loved it! (Even though she said Mr. Masterson sounded too arrogant. I told her he was only giving out advice that worked for him to build his own wealth.)

So ... when Michael Masterson published Automatic Wealth for Grads…and Anyone Else Just Starting Out, I just had to buy it for my daughter. I gave it to her for her 19th birthday, a couple of days ago, and she told me last night that she was getting more out of this book than the first one.

I have to admit that I snuck a peek at her book before I gave it to her. I thought it had more detailed information than the original version. Masterson breaks down his information in easy-to-follow steps and descriptions. Now I will have to buy it for my own library!

Girard Frank Bolton, III

Mobile, AL"

Until next time... I am... and will continue to be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 5:42 PM CDT
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Sunday, 28 May 2006
Remembering David Robert Coley, III.
Topic: Memories
I was sorry to see in today's Mobile Press Register yesterday's passing of David Coley.

I had the honor of meeting and briefly working with him many years ago.

He was looking for someone to draw a couple of houses he wanted to build to sell.

He was a respected attorney in Mobile and was a pleasure to work with.

Everytime I drive pass one of the houses, I think of how nice he was to work with.

My heart and prayers go out to him and his family.

I am sure he will be missed by all who met him.

My memory of him and his kind spirit will live with me until it is my time to leave this earth and join the spirit world.

Until next time... I am and will always be... Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 1:44 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 28 May 2006 1:49 PM CDT
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Saturday, 27 May 2006
CSX Railroad Relocation in Mississippi
Topic: Government
Hello all!

I was surprised that $700 million was added to the hurricane relief fund to finance the relocation of CSX rail lines in Mississippi.

What are the rail road dependent businesses along Mississippi's Gulf Coast going to do when they no longer have rail road access?

What will the Cities and the State of Mississippi do when taxes paid by Northrop Gruman and other businesses leave Mississippi because they do not have rail road access?

How much will Senator Trent Lott's plan actually cost?

Some of the total costs will involve: environmental studies, engineering designs, negotiate and purchase additional rail road right-of-ways (including eminent domain acquisitions), construct new rail roads and bridges, abandon the existing rail lines along the Gulf Coast, construct the new Highway 90 infrastructure on top of the existing rail route, abandon and remove the existing Highway 90 infrastructure, and the loss of taxes due to rail dependant businesses moving to other cities and/or states.

A recent article mentioned that the costs could cost in excess of $2 billion. I think this is a low figure.

If you thought hurricane Katrina was bad, just wait until Senator Trent Lott gets his pork project financed by U.S. Taxpayers.

Let your elected governmental officials know what you think about this plan. After all... your tax dollars will be paying for this.

Let me know what you think. Until next time... I am... and will always be Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 3:28 PM CDT
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