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GFB Services Blog
Friday, 16 December 2005
Merchant Accounts
Topic: Commerce
I've been researching setting up merchant accounts for my future sales and found an inexpensive program that is easy to obtain. I hope this helps someone going into business on the internet. Let me know what you think. If you are interested, check out paypal's program via this link: Until next time...I am and will always be Frank.....

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 10 March 2006 9:06 AM CST
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Wednesday, 14 December 2005
Topic: Background
I have worked in the trenches in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industries since the mid 1970's (draftsman, office manager, projects manager, civil engineering technician, sales associate, etc...). By doing so, I have met many wealthy (and not so wealthy) people and have helped them increase their portfolios. I give excellent advice, but have been too stubborn - lazy - procrastinating about taking my own advice.

Then, last year I found out about Early to Rise E-Zine. It inspired me to start taking my own advice.

I made a New Year's resolution to begin my wealth building program at the beginning of 2005.

The first step I took was to learn from others' accomplishments and advice. So I bought "Automatic Wealth.

I was already inspired (to start taking my own advice) because of my daily dosage of the ETR E-Zine and was anxious to create a web site asap. But when I was only a couple of chapters into "Automatic Wealth" (see link below), I realized that I needed to structure my plan in more detail.

I went into a learning mode. It was hard to do, since I had psyched myself up so much for several months - procrastination being my deadliest influencer. But I forced myself into maintaining my progressive learning program.

While reading "Automatic Wealth" I began to position myself to be a better sales person at my weekend job at a local home-builder's office (Heritage Homes of Mobile). Soon afterwards I was offered two additional workdays at the same business. This worked nicely since I had reached a burn-out point in my fifteen year old full time drafting and technical support business (GFB Services). I decided to take a year off from my home based business and continued my learning program by reading the rest of Michael Masterson's book "Automatic Wealth" (bought at for my review), "Persuasive Online Copywriting" by Bryan Eisenberg, et al, "Action! Nothing Happens Until Something Moves" by Robert Ringer, "Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field - In 60 Days or Less" by Robert Bly, "The Copywriter's Handbook" by Robert Bly, "The Online Copywriter's Handbook" by Robert Bly, and "Getting Started in Sales Consulting" by Herman Holtz. In addition, I have listened/participated in several tele-seminars and have subscribed to other E-Zines covering different aspects of my learning experience. All of this information has added value to my overall progress. Now to the point of my reason of e-mailing Michael Masterson a Thank You Note for helping me see the path to wealth from a different perspective. I already had learned to enjoy happiness without wealth. By the way, I wrote Mr. Masterson that it is doubtful that it would be the last time he would hear from me. That is one of my benefits of reading his e-zines, I feel as though I have known him for years. Now to bring you up to date on my progress: I have already initiated other steps in my action plan, ie: editor of two e-zines at the home building company that I work with (existing clients and prospective clients), pre-construction site development consulting, residential & commercial construction marketing consulting, meditational recordings (yet to be released), business evaluation services, book reviewing, home plan catalogs of the plans I've drawn in the past (yet to be released), volunteering as a citizen action committee member for the new Mayor of Mobile, Alabama - Sam Jones. I plan on putting on free seminars for high school students interested in drafting - engineering - architecture - contracting industries. Also in the planning stages is an e-zine with advice for land development for groups and individuals. One feature of the e-zine are interviews with developers - contractors - engineers - and architects giving advice and insight for novice land developers. I have provided the following links so that anyone interested can benefit from the same resources I have researched. Until next time... I am and will continue to be...Frank

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 9:41 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 5 March 2006 12:13 AM CST
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Tuesday, 13 December 2005
The best time to start anything important is and will always be NOW.
Topic: Beginnings
Hello people! The best time to start anything important is NOW! This blog is open to public comments. I may not agree with your viewpoints, but I believe you have the right to voice them. Keep in mind that each person is responsible for their own opinions. My opinions are mine and mine alone. If you want my honest opinion, brace yourself. I have a tendacy to live up to my name, I am Frank.

Posted by pro/gfbservices at 10:56 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 18 December 2005 7:59 PM CST
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