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Game: Super Mario 64

System: Nintendo 64

Glitch: MIPS Doesn't run from Mario

Discovered by: Dom Dunc

Description: This is a great example of a glitch that's very tough to pull off and gives very minor results, one for the hardcore only I think. Anyway, to perform the glitch play through the game until MIPS the rabbit appears in the basement (30 or 50 stars) Now you have to chase him towards a wall then dive and catch him just as Mario bangs his head against the wall, causing MIPS to be dropped without having a chance to give his speech. Now he'll just stand there, not reacting to Mario in any way. To get his star simply grab him again. (it's obviously very easy now) The easiest way to pull this off is to chase MIPS to the entrance of Shifting Sand Land and dive at him as he stops to turn around, you should be close enough to the wall to bang your head.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Yoshi Suicide

Discovered by: CHOCLAIR5 (Eric Pillwein)

Description: This glitch is unusual in that we have absolutely no idea what causes it, at the moment it appears to be random, so don't be disappointed if you don't get it quickly. All you have to do is wait around on top of the castle roof with 120 stars (so Yoshi's up there) and if you're lucky, he'll just decide to walk off the castle roof. When he leaves the castle roof he instantly disappears, sometimes he reappears in his normal area straight away, other times he'll be gone until you enter the castle and exit again. The easiest way to see this glitch is to point Mario at the right edge of the castle, hook your N64 up to the video recorder and leave it for half an hour, then rewind through the tape and see if Yoshi walked past. Or you can watch Yoshi walking around in his normal area, you can tell he's about to walk off if he steps on the slanted part of the roof, he'll then walk strait under the wing cap box and off the edge. 

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Getting the "Chests in the Current" Star on Dire, Dire Docks before getting "Board Bowser's Sub"

Discovered by: mEgAsHoT

Description: Basically, this is a trick that lets you get the Chests in the Current star before you get the Board Bowser's Sub star. I have heard from numerous people that this trick is almost impossible without a turbo controller. Well, I have done it without a turbo controller. You have to be quick, but you can get all of the chests without getting sucked in by the faster jet stream. The first three are easy, but the last one is the tricky one. First, swim into the water path that takes you to Bowser's Sub. Then, turn around and aim towards the chest right in front of the current. If you do it right, the chest should open and the star will be revealed. RIGHT after you hit the last chest, just tap the A button as hard as you can, and you can escape the current. Presto! You got the star! Notice that the Dire, Dire Docks painting area does not move back for you so you can get into Bowser 2. In order to do that, you MUST get the "Board Bowser's Sub" Star. I haven't figured out another way to get the "painting" to move back without getting the 1st star.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Popup Cave

Discovered by: ToiletDuck64

Description: Go to Hazy Maze Cave. Then go to the island in the middle of the lagoon, and stop the camera there. Then while keeping the camera stopped at the island, swim back, through the tunnel, up the elevator at the far end, ride the elevator to the top, get off, and approach (but don't open) the door to the room at the top of the elevator. The room with the falling rocks should pop in out of nowhere.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Bounce down stairs

Discovered by: Piet Stokman

Description: follow my steps:
1. go to the 3rd bowser level
2. at the end of the level is a windy place
3. in that same area is a stairs
4. you know how to let mario dive
5. dive into the most up stair, like this: ----_/. ---- is mario, _/ is the stair
6. mario will fall off and say 'oof'
7. he will fall further down from the little stairs and will say 'oof' every time he hits a stair and the ground

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Boo in the darkworld. | Submitted by Chris

Discovered by: Unknown

Description: Now, to see Boo in this environment, all you have to do is trigger him, whether it be from the weird boo noise glitch, or walking up to him in the hall like normal. Once he laughs and heads "outside" go to the door, but don't open it. Instead, stand right next to the wall, and turn around in "rotate mario head view." You will look into the darkness out of this dimension of the wall and see boo with his back to you, hovering in one spot in the darkness. My guess is he just stays there, for storage reasons in the game. Now if you enter the courtyard and come back into the hallway and look past the wall just like before, he won't be there. The game protocol doesn't keep him there, and he will appear back in the hallway once you do a familiar function, like enter and exit a course.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: One up in Castle Basement | Submitted by Chris

Discovered by: Bullet Bill

Description: Go to the part of the castle where in the basement, there is a ramp going down to a flooring with another ramp going out of it. It is the floor in the tunnel leading to the moat entry draining room. Here, you touch all 4 corners for a one up. If the moat isn't drained, it just appears and after a while if you don't get it, it disappears. With the moat drained however, you can do this and hear what Bullet Bill refers to as a "spooky door closing" sound. It does sound like a door closing, however it truly is the water splashing. This sound is heard because as the mushroom appears, it submerges into the water and comes out again for a second or 2. And so, you don't hear a door, you actually hear water splashing.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Catch boo in the hallway.

Discovered by: Bullet Bill/Chris

Description: Play through the game until boo appears in the hallway as a result of having at least 12 stars. Now go in the hallway, and get ready. Once he is in your sight, do long jumps towards the boo. You will go faster than he can react. You will also go right through him, even when he's solid. This proves he is made of negative matter, he can't be touched, and if you try to do so you can't. He just reacts as normal, laughs and goes "outside."

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Swim in Cool Cool Mountain

Discovered by: Bullet Bill

Description: A nice glitch that allows you to swim around inside Cool Cool Mountain. To perform, simply jump on a spindrift an float Mario off the edge of the mountain, when under the mountain float underneath the pool of water the mother penguin is stood in, You should hear a splash and you'll end up swimming under the ground.

(NOTE: Sometimes you don't start swimming but end up pushing against an invisible wall, while standing in midair!)

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Black Room of Death

Discovered by: Version 1. I think pretty much everyone who has this game has found this glitch on their own.

Version 2. Neo Ninja

Description: 1. After collecting 120 stars (or using the 'castle roof with 0 stars' trick) climb up to the middle landing (there's the main roof, the middle landing and then the very top) and run into the wall at the front of the castle, you should go through it and fall down to an area behind the door to the castle, from here you can enter the castle but you'll still be stuck behind the door. To exit simply walk through the wall on the inside of the castle.

2. In this version of this glitch, you have to use the backwards long jump glitch and aim Mario at under the window on the lowest roof level. If you're lucky, you'll push through the wall and land in the black room.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Version 1, Version 2 (Captured by Neo Ninja)

Glitch: Enter the final Bowser Level with only 31 stars.

Discovered by: This was a collaboration by many members of the GameFaqs message board. Apparently the idea was originally expressed in a Mexican Games Magazine, it was then refined into it's current form by Gera2000, Brightguy and Bullet Bill.

Description: A great glitch that allows you to enter the final Bowser level after collecting only 31 stars. To perform, you have to play through the game until you have beaten Bowser twice (the minimum number of stars for this is 31) then you have to go to the staircase in front of the door that takes 50 stars for you to enter and perform a trick known as the 'backwards long jump', this involves you doing a series of long jumps but while holding the control stick so that Mario is long jumping backwards. Now, if you land on the stairs and get the jump timing right (when you touch the stairs hit A rapidly) you shoot up the stairs incredibly quickly and through the door without opening it. Now go to the endless stairs and perform the same trick and you should be able to enter Bowser's lair with only 31 stars.

(NOTE: if you perform the 'backwards long jump' on the endless stairs but aim Mario to the left, sometimes you push through the wall and land in the Wet-Dry World painting!)

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Ghost Lakitu

Discovered by:  Version 1: Unknown. Version 2: Dom Dunc

Description: 1. Start a new game, and before trying to enter the castle perform the 'Castle roof with 0 stars' trick then jump down off the roof and kick in the air so that you land under the arch you should see Lakitu sitting in front of the castle door. He does not move and you can walk through him.

2. Start a new game and run to the grey bridge that leads to the castle entrance, If you walk along the very right of the bridge it is possible to not trigger Lakitu's speech and you should be able to make it to the other side and see the frozen Lakitu. I've found that back flipping along the edge is the easiest way to achieve this.

Screenshots: 1 2

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Reach the Castle roof with 0 stars.

Discovered by: This trick has been around for years.

Description: 1. From right of castle, run up to the dark green hill and triple jump so that the last jump is as high on the hill as possible, now turn you body to the left so you land on your butt and begin to slide, now jump and hold left for all you're worth. You should catch on to the wall of the castle.

2. From the left of the castle, go the the green hill next to the waterfall and stand with your back to the hill. Jump and kick in the air whilst holding up and right on the control stick, as soon as you land on your butt jump and kick again. Repeat this, and you should be able to climb all the way over the water fall and onto the castle roof. 

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: From Right, From Left

Glitch: Swim Inside Tall Tall Mountain

Discovered by: Unknown

Description: A small glitch that allows you to jump into the wall at the beginning of the level and swim around inside the mountain. To perform, simply long jump towards the wall at the beginning of the level (where the darker section meets the water) after a few attempts you should pass through the wall and into the mountain where you can swim around inside, do not go out of the water boundaries though because you wall fall and die. (note: If you swim to the far right corner of the water boundary and swim off the edge, you will 'warp' up to the pool of water near the monkey)

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Secret Lagoon (in Jolly Roger Bay)

Discovered by: Neo Ninja

Description: A nice glitch which allows you to swim out of the sunken ship in Jolly Roger Bay. To perform, enter Jolly Rodger Bay on the star 'Plunder in the sunken ship', lure the eel out of the ship and enter it. when inside the shim, swim towards the wall where the roof bends at a right angle upwards, if you get the angle right you should be able to swim through it, now hold down and left on the analogue stick and swim as fast as you can, if you're lucky you should exit the ship and reach the surface seconds before your air runs out. My description isn't very good, so I advise you to watch the video below. 

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Swim inside Tiny Huge Island

Discovered by: Neo Ninja

Description: This glitch allows you to swim around inside Tiny Huge Island. All you have to do is climb the mountain until you reach the platform with the Chuckya on it, then all you do is side flip towards the stone wall to the side of the platform and dive just as you're about to hit the wall and you should pass straight through the wall and and in the water inside the mountain.

(NOTE: This trick can be done in both Tiny Island and Huge Island modes)

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Swim inside Whomp's Fortress.

Discovered by: Unknown

Description: A nice glitch that allows you to swim around inside Whomp's Fortress. To perform, enter Whomp's Fortress on any star then pick up a cork box and take it to the brown wall near the coin ring in the shallow water, put the cork box down as close to the wall as possible. Then jump between the wall and the box, you should be pushed through the wall and into the water behind it, now you can swim around to your heart's content. 

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Onto Bricks

Discovered by: Common knowledge.

Description: A trick that allows you to jump from the Princess' Secret slide onto the bricks that cover the exit. To do it, simply slide down the slide until you exit the tunnel at the beginning, next jump off the left of the slide and push the control stick inwards towards the wall, kick in midair to get extra distance and you should land on the bricks.

(NOTE: These bricks are incredibly slippery, much more so than the ice in SM64, I found this out the hard way when I sprinted across the surface and then tried to stop near the edge.)

Screenshots: 1 2

Movie: Click Here

Glitch: Stuck in sliding animation

Discovered by: C. Skeavington


1.Enter the castle.
2. Talk to the Toad on the ground floor, next to where you come in.
3. Jump between the Toad and the corner that's sticking out of the wall.
4.Switch to Mario Camera, then face the bit that sticks out of the wall.
5. Jump, and butt slam (A+Z). If done correctly, Mario should get stuck in the "belly slide" animation.
6. To get out of the loop, press left or right.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Weird Boo Noise

Discovered by: Chris

Description: Go outside the castle then go back in and immediately run up the stairs. When you reach the top, stop. Run back down the stairs and go into the door on the bottom right with the 3 on it. Run and press yourself into the right wall next to the painting and you will hear a weird boo noise. Then go through the door into the corridor that normally contains Boo and you'll see that he has disappeared. 

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A