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The oils are done from brands such as Grumbaugher, Van Gough, and Newton. The Newton is water base while the other brands are oil base. The water base oils dry much faster and a little harder to work with. The oil base oils take days for drying while the water bass takes only hours.

The furs and feathers done by Cheryl Lee are done in layers as each layer is dried. Then a ripe out tool is used or brush to get the feathery or fur texture at the end. It takes days to paint one portrait with this process.

To see an enhanced view of each piece of Art just click

Great White (101) By Larry James

16 x 18

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Walking Polar Bear (102) By Larry James

16 x 18

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Manatees (103) By Larry James

16 x 18

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Great White Jaws (104) By Larry James

16 x 18

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Seals (105) by Larry James

16 x 20

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Tiger (106) By Larry James

16 x 20

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Wolf (107) By Cheryl Lee

16 x 20 frame

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Polar Bear (108) By Larry James

16 x 18

    To see an enhanced view of each piece of Art just click

Swans (109) By Cheryl Lee

20 x 30

Eagle (118) by Cheryl Lee

18 x 24

To see an enhanced view of each piece of Art just click

Grizzly Bear (110) By Larry James

16 x 18


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Copyright © 2003 Gods Nature Gallery
Last modified: December 05, 2003