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Wish List
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Graeylin's wish list
In no particular order:

Japanese soldier items (Cotswold, BBI)
Japanese/Vietnamese figures (In the past toys, BBI, or any Oriental figure from 21C)
Scottish Kilts (1/6th)... Action Man, Sideshow, Hasbro?
swords, armor, period pieces from Pre WWI era's. BattleRhino has some nice stuff!
the new/upcoming figure used in TUS VC RPG Boxed set
Pacific Island items, that can be used in Japanese Soldier Kitbashes.
Doberman from the Hasbro Marine K-9 set.
Cloth packs from Dragon Bernhardt, or cloth bags/packs from Sideshow/Dragon figures.
Hasbro Japanese SOTW items
Vickers round/drum ammo containers
Cotswold Type 97 Japanese Grenade

Barbie doll accessories (limited list, these are for the Wife: Any closed mouth Barbie figure is likely a success, any Doll of the World figure is likely a success)

KC Chiefs Football cards (pre 1980, or 2002/2003)

Also, I would love any used/canceled postage stamps from anywhere in the world. My Wife collects stamps, and can use them either in her collection, or to trade with others. So if you want to clip and save those envelope corners, I would love to have them!