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All staff members of Empire Protective Services, Inc. are highly trained to interview and recognize deceptive behavior in individuals through skilled investigative techniques.

We will provide you with reliable information in a timely and cost effective basis. Our company is skilled in locating witnesses, compiling background information on an individual, or compiling an in depth asset investigation. Our final product will reflect the high level of professionalism our clients demand. E.P.S. will provide you with safe, confidential, and competent investigative services.


To complete our work in accordance with your parameters, including:

    1. Information you wish to obtain.
    2. Financial limits you set.
    3. A time frame in which you would like to see the work completed.
We can unquestionably work within your financial and time limitations, producing all we can within such limits. It is also our policy to keep you up to date during the investigation so that you are well informed about the ongoing investigation. This policy guarantees customized investigations per your unique needs.


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