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Updated: June 25, 2003

Maintained by Tom Very, 


Travel Home Page




Friday June 20, 2003 Saturday June 21, 2003 Sunday June 22, 2003
6:00 PM      Moved to Thursday (I think) 9:00 AM       Elliott vrs Dormont 10:00 AM     Elliott vrs Pleasant Hills
8:15 PM      moved to Thursday 11:15 AM     Mt. Lebanon vrs Pleasant Hills

12:15 PM     Dormont vrs Castle Shannon (moved)

3:00 PM      Pleasant Hills vrs Castle Shannon 3:00 PM       Dormont vrs Pleasant Hills
8:00 PM      Elliott vrs Castle Shannon 5:15 PM       Mt. Lebanon vrs Castle Shannon (moved)
8:00 PM       Mt. Lebanon vrs Elliott
Monday June 23, 2003 Tuesday June 24, 2003 Wednesday June 25, 2003
6:00 PM     Mt. Lebanon vrs Dormont
8:00 PM Mt. Lebanon vrs Pleasant Hills 8:15 PM     Castle Shannon vrs Pleasant Hills 8:00 PM Elliott vrs Dormont
Thursday June 26, 2003 Friday June 27, 2003
6:00 PM      Castle Shannon vrs Dormont 6:00 PM     3rd Place vrs 4th Place (for Medals)
8:15 PM Mt. Lebanon vrs Elliott (from Friday) 8:15 PM     Championship (1 vrs 2)

GAMES TIMES/DATES MAY CHANGE.  Verses Teams will not.

Rule Modified/Clarified June 17, 2003 by Castle Shannon....Teams will ONLY bat the (not more than the 10) Players in the Game (not the bench).  Below is what was sent to all teams.

The Ground Round

Castle Shannon Youth Association

9/10 2003 Tournament Rules

  1. Rosters
    1. The number of players will be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15).
    2. Eligible players will have been born on or after 8/01/92.
    3. The field team will consist of ten (10) defensive players.
        1. The tenth defensive player must be an outfielder.
    4. Managers will provide a copy of a team member’s birth certificate within twenty-four (24) hours in the event of a protest.
    5. One copy of the completed roster is to be given to the tournament director prior to the first pitch of the first game. This will be your official roster.
    6. Official rosters cannot be changed after the first pitch of your first game.
    7. Ineligible players
        1. Use of a player not listed on the official roster submitted to the tournament director will result in the elimination from the tournament, regardless of the team record.
        2. Use of a player born before 8/01/92 will result in elimination from the tournament, regardless of the team record.
    8. Persons in the dugout will be limited to fifteen (15) players, one (1) manager, two (2) coaches, one (1) score keeper, and one (1) batboy.
  2. Game Scheduling
    1. All games will be played at Highland Field on McRoberts Road in Castle Shannon.
    2. Time schedules will be determined by the tournament director.
    3. Regulation games will be six (6) innings.
    4. The home team will be determined by a flip of a coin prior to the start of each game. Except in the championship game when the team with the best record will be the home team. (Will use tie break rule if necessary).
    5. Access to the field for warm-up will be divided equally between the two teams. Home team shall have access first.
    6. Incomplete or rainout games will be completed at the first open time slot.
        1. Three and one half (3 1/2) innings with the home team leading – or four (4) innings with the visiting team ahead will constitute a full game.
        2. Games stopped because of rain, and prior to being an official game will be picked up from where it was left off on a date to be determined by the tournament director.
    7. Prior to the start of each game, each manager will present in writing to the official scorekeeper the starting line-up. Any substitutions must be announced to the official scorekeeper prior to the substitute’s entrance into the game.

    1. The pitcher named in the starting line-up must pitch to at least one batter, except in the case of injury or illness.

  3. Tournament Rules
    1. Little League rules will apply except when noted herein.
    2. All games will be played under the direction of two (2) paid umpires.
    3. Teams will be given fifteen (15) minutes beyond the scheduled starting time to field a team or face forfeiture. An additional fifteen (15) minutes will be granted if a team representative informs the tournament director of the teams whereabouts.
    4. The 10 run rule will apply at the end of the fifth inning. (Exception-Championship game)
    5. Bunting is permitted. No slash bunting.
    6. Courtesy runners are permitted only in the event of injury or illness. Courtesy runner must be the player recording the last out.
    7. No free substitutions. Once a player has been removed from the game, he/she is out for the remainder of the game. The only exception is in the event of injury or illness. In order to reactivate a player your team must have exhausted the available supply of substitutes.
    8. The infield fly rule is not in effect.
  4. Base Running
    1. Players will not be permitted to lead off base, or leave early.
        1. Players leaving early will be sent back to the base by the umpire.
        2. If an out is recorded on such a play the out will stand and all runners are to be sent back to their respective bases.
        3. The team will be issued one (1) warning by the umpire. A second warning will result in the base runner being called out by the umpire. The inning will end regardless of continuous play if the second warning constitutes the third out.
    2. Base stealing is permitted.
        1. Base runners must be on base when the pitcher is on the rubber and ready to pitch.
        2. The ball must cross home plate before the base runner is permitted to steal.
        3. Once the pitcher has control of the ball all runners have 2 seconds to either advance to the next base or return to their base. After the 2 second time frame the umpire will call time out and all runners will return to their original base. This rule will be enforced to prevent "jockeying" by runners and to speed up the game.
    3. Base runners are to make every effort to avoid contact with defensive players.
        1. Intentionally running into defensive players at their bases/home plate by use of force including, but not limited to, using the shoulders or hands in such a way as to cause harm will result in an automatic ejection from the game and the runner will be called out. All other runners will not be permitted to advance.
        2. A player does not have to slide but can’t violate IV.C.1
        3. There is no stealing home. A player can only score as part of a continuous play from a batted ball. Example: 1. Runner on second steals third and the ball is thrown out of play. The runner must stop at third and cannot advance. Example 2 Runner on second base advances to third on a ground ball hit to the pitcher. The pitcher throws the ball out of play. The runner gets home.
        4. Double stealing is permitted.
    4. Coaches are not permitted to touch base runners during a live ball situation. The umpire will call the base runner out.
    5. Defensive players may not obstruct the runner without possession of the ball.
  5. Pitching Rules
    1. No player may pitch more than three (3) innings on any day.
    2. No player may pitch more than nine (9) innings in any week. The week will start 12:01 AM Friday.
    3. Players cannot pitch in consecutive games.
    4. One (1) pitch shall constitute an inning.
    5. No balk rule
    6. A player removed from the game as a pitcher may not return as a pitcher in the same game.
    7. If a pitcher hits two (2) batters in one inning or three (3) in a game with a pitched ball, he must be replaced.
    8. Pitchers are permitted to use a straight ball only. If in the umpire’s opinion the pitcher is throwing a breaking pitch it will be declared a No Pitch and the pitcher and the manager will receive a warning. A repeat offense will be cause for the pitcher to be removed from the mound.
    9. A manager may have two defensive conferences on the field in an inning. The third time, the pitcher automatically must be changed.
  6. Tie Break Rules
    1. The two (2) teams with the best record will play in the championship game.
    2. If there is a tie between two (2) teams the first tiebreaker will be head to head action. Whichever team won the game between the two teams in the preliminary round will have the better record.
    3. If three or more teams are tied then there will be a points system.
        1. 4 points for a shutout
        2. 3 points for a victory of ten (10) or more runs
        3. 2 points for a victory of five(5) to nine(9) runs
        4. 1 point for a victory of two(2) to four(4) runs
    4. If there is still a tie then the tiebreaker will be the team which allowed the fewest number of runs.
    5. If there is still a tie between teams allowing the fewest number of runs then there will be a tiebreaker game before the championship game.
    6. A forfeited game does NOT count and will not be used in any tiebreaker areas.
  7. Ground rules
    1. If a ball goes under the fence on first base or third base side of the infield the runners will get one (1) base.
    2. If the ball rolls under the out field fence the outfielder must raise his hand and the umpire will check to make sure the ball is under the fence and the batter will be awarded a double.
    3. If a ball crosses the white line going into the dugouts the runners will get one (1) base.
    4. If any ball is thrown over the backstop or the fence the base runners will get one (1) base.
    5. Any changes made to the ground rules due to field conditions will be discussed between managers and umpires prior to the start of the game.
  8. Protests
    1. There are no protests. The umpire’s decision is final.
    2. No appeals will be made. The umpire will call leaving the base early or a missed base by a runner, if he sees it.
  9. Conduct and Behavior
    1. Managers shall conduct themselves in a gentlemanly manner at all times.
    2. Managers will be held responsible for the conduct of their players and fans.
    3. Only a team manager can discuss a call with the umpire.
    4. No food is permitted in the dugout.
    5. Use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products of any kind by players, coaches, or managers will not be tolerated.
    6. Unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or managers will not be tolerated
        1. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to:
          1. Throwing equipment, bats, gloves, batting helmets, etc.
          2. Swearing
          3. Fighting or taunting the other team.
          4. Disrespectful behavior towards the umpire, opposing coaches, players, fans, and tournament director.
        2. Infractions will result in ejection from the game without warning.
        3. Second infraction will result in ejection of team from tournament.
    7. Under no circumstances will a manager or a coach call out instructions to a member of the opposing team for the purpose of confusing or distracting him. Violation of this rule will be cause for immediate ejection from the game.
    8. It is the manager’s responsibility to clean out the dugout after every game.
  10. Injuries
    1. The Castle Shannon Youth Association, it’s directors and members and/or the Borough of Castle Shannon and/or the Ground Round will not be liable for any injuries sustained by any player, coach, manager, or fan while participating in, viewing, or traveling to any game associated with this tournament.
  11. Directions
  12. Coming from the liberty tubes follow Rt. 51 south to Rt. 88. Make a right on Rt. 88 at the third light make a left (Grove Road). Follow to the top of the hill at the four-way intersection make a left (McRoberts Road). At the second stop sign on the left is the field. There are three parking lots one beside the field, one above the field, and one behind the Borough building.

    Coming from South Hills Village follow Rt. 19 North. Make a right onto Connor Road. Follow Connor Road until it meets Rt. 88. Make a left onto Rt.88. Follow for three lights. At the third light make a right (Grove Road). Follow to the top of the hill at the four-way intersection make a left (McRoberts Road). At the second stop sign on the left is the field. There are three parking lots one beside the field, one above the field, and one behind the Borough building.

  13. Concession Stand
  14. We will offer a full service concession stand so please do not bring coolers. We will have pop, snacks, hot dogs, and a variety of foods from our sponsor The Ground Round in Mt Lebanon.

  15. Important Numbers

Rob Mazzarini Tournament director

Home 412-881-8414 Cell 412-818-6579

Larry O’Leary Assistant tournament director

Home 412-341-7501