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Updated: July 25, 2003

Maintained by Tom Very, 


Travel Home Page




Directions at end...basically fields are out by the Pittsburgh Intl. Airport.

Participating teams......we play each one once in a round robin.

Seating Team Contact Phone #

Mt. Lebanon

Tom Very



New Brighton

Joe Lemon




George Verlihay




Randy Davidson




Steve Smith

412-921-8357 or 724-258-1276



Dave Reilly



Overview of Town of Clinton 

Clinton Park Field is the one on the left side via access road

SCHEDULE  (Main schedule unless no lights)

All games @ Clinton Park

ALTERNATE SCHEDULE (Used of no Lights)

Games @ Clinton Park (CP) and ELM Street Ballfield (E)

Saturday July 26

9:00   G1: 1 (Mars)-2 (Mt. Lebanon) 

11:15 G2: 1-3 (Findlay) 

1:30   G3: 2 (Mt. Lebanon) - 3 (Findlay) 

3:45   G4: 4-5 

6:00   G5: 4-6 

8:15   G6: 5-6 

Sunday July 27

9:30   G7: 3 (Findlay)-6 

12:00 G8: 2 (Mt. Lebanon)-4 (Blackhawk) 

2:30   G9: 1-4 

5:00   G10: 2 (Mt. Lebanon)-5 (Elliot) 

7:30   G11: 1-5 


Monday July 28


5:30  G12: 3-4 

8:00  G13: 1-6 

Tuesday July 29


5:30  G14: 2 (Mt. Lebanon) - 6 (New Brighton) 

8:00  G15: 3-5 

Wednesday July 30


Semifinals: 5:30

Championship 8:00




Findlay Township Baseball

click above line for Findlay's web site.


10B Tournament 2003

Tournament Rules

Little League Rule Book (2003 Edition applies with the following exceptions or clarifications. Tournament rules are designed to promote safety, sportsmanship and fun for all players.

The Findlay Tournament will be a round robin format. The top three teams at the end of head-to-head competition will meet in a two (2) game playoff. The Semi-Final Game will match the third place team with the second place team. The winner of the Semi-Final Game will compete with the first place team in the Final Game. Ties in the standings after head-to-head competition will be decided in the following order: head-to-head play; least runs allowed, and if necessary, a coin flip.

All tournament games are scheduled in advance. The schedule is included in these rules. Changes to the schedule will not be allowed. If a team fails to show for a game, then that game will be forfeited. Teams may pick their position in the draw (from any remaining slots) upon receipt of payment. Games will be played at Clinton Park in Findlay Township and possibly at Elm Street Ballfield in Findlay Township. Directions are included in these rules.

Age – Ten years old or younger on July 31, 2003. Penalty for illegal players: Removal of team from the tournament with no refund.

Roster – Maximum of fifteen (15) players. One manager two coaches and a scorekeeper are allowed in the dugout. Rosters are due to the FAA before playing a game, and may not be changed once play begins.

Roster Complaints – Team must furnish birth certificates within 24 hours.

Starting Time – Fifteen (15) minutes grace period to field the minimum nine (9) players.

Baseballs-Each team will provide a 1074 (or equivalent) ball for each game

Warm-Ups- All warm-ups will be conducted in the outfield. No team will be allowed on the infield between games. This rule is designed to keep to the schedule.

Between Innings – Six (6) pitches maximum.

Home Team- Will be determined by a coin flip before each game.

Pitching – A pitcher is permitted to pitch 3 consecutive innings per game. If a pitcher pitches 3 innings in a game, that pitcher is not permitted to pitch in his team’s next game. A pitcher who throws 2 innings or less in any game may pitch in the next game, but may not pitch more than 2 innings in the next game. Examples: OK 3-0-3;2-2-2;2-1-2

No Good: 3-1-x;2-3-0;0-3-1

A pitcher hitting two batters in the same inning or 3 batters in the same game must be removed from the pitching position.


Substitution- Free substitution for defensive players other than pitcher. A team may field ten (10) players on defense. The tenth player must be used as an outfielder, and is not allowed to play a "rover" position. All outfielders must play a minimum of 20 ft behind the base paths.

Batting- Teams must begin each game with a minimum of 9 players, and 8 must be available to finish a game. All rostered players in uniform who are in attendance must be listed and used in a continuous batting order (Bat the Bench). If a player listed in the batting order cannot take his turn at bat, he will be declared out unless there is an injury or other reason acceptable to the umpire or tournament representative. Players arriving after the start of a contest will be added to the end of the batting order.

Bunting – Allowed. "Slash bunting" is prohibited--Batter is out, no warning.

Bat Throwing – Penalty for bat throwing: 1st Infraction – Batter is warned, offending team is notified of the infraction, and a warning is issued. 2nd Team Infraction – Player is out.

Illegal Equipment – The use of an illegal bat (one not approved for play by Little League Rules) will result in forfeiture of the game. All managers will be notified of the violation.

Base Running

Stealing –Stealing is permitted with the exception of stealing home. A player can only score as a result of a continuous play of a batted ball or a base on balls. Example: Runner on 2nd steals 3rd and ball is thrown out of play. Runner cannot score. Example: Runner on 2nd advances on ground ball to pitcher. Ball is thrown out of play. Runner scores. A runner stealing 2nd may advance to 3rd on an overthrow but cannot score.

Sliding – Base runners are to make every effort to avoid contact with defensive players.

Intentionally running into defensive players at their bases/home plate by use of force including, but not limited to, using the shoulders or hands in such a way as to cause harm will result in an automatic ejection from the game and the runner will be called out. All other runners will not be permitted to advance. A player does not have to slide but must avoid contact.

Leaving Early – Penalty for leaving early: Teams get one warning. Runner must go back to the original base and pitch will be taken over. Defensive team has the option of waiving the replay. Subsequent occurrences will result in an out.

Runs – Ten (10) run rule applies after the completion of the fifth inning. If the visiting team reaches a ten (10) run lead in the top of an inning, the home team will have the opportunity to bat before the rule applies. This rule does not apply in the playoff portion (semifinal and championship games) of the tournament.


Umpire Calls – You may not review or appeal judgment calls.

Protest – Solved immediately on the field by the umpires and Tournament Director, if necessary.

Out-of-Play – If a ball goes under/over fence, out of bounds, etc., the runner gets the base he was going to plus one.

Infield Fly Rule – Not in effect.

Stoppage of Play- It is the umpire’s complete judgment and discretion to stop play, award time or call timeout at any time.

Rain Delays – The Umpire will call rain delays after a game has started. The game will resume at the exact point of interruption. The game is official after the losing team has batted four (4) innings.


Team – Sportsmanship will be demonstrated at all times. Taunting the opposition will not be allowed. Verbal exchanges must be limited to your team (i.e., encouragement to players by teammates). Defensive players yelling "swing" or "strike" is prohibited.

Ejection – In the event that a player, manager, coach or scorekeeper is ejected from the game, they will immediately leave the field, including the spectator area.

Cleanup- Each team is responsible for cleaning the area in and around their dugout immediately following each game. Please help in making this an enjoyable experience for all teams, including those that follow you.

Injuries- All health and accident insurance will be furnished by participating teams. The Findlay Athletic Association, it’s directors and members and/or the Township of Findlay will not be liable for any injuries sustained by any player, coach, manager, or fan while participating in, viewing, or traveling to any game associated with this tournament.

In every situation in this tournament, we should all be most interested in:

Safety, Sportsmanship and Fun