Hellspawn Prophecies Presents: Evil Quiz

The Hellspawn Prophecies wants you. But how evil are you?

1. If you are driving your car and somebody flips you off. What will you do?
Ignore him/her and continue driving
Ram the rear end of his car
Follow him until he parks and then stick a banana in his tailpipe
Pull my Pistol out And shoot out his tires. Then watch him crash. Finally take a leak on his burning car.
Pray for his soul.
Flip him off back.
Roll down the window and say "What did you do that for?"

2. A baby gives you the look. What are you going to do about it?
I'd slay the baby with my Large knife. Then leave a note to his/her parent stating my name adress telephone number and that if they don't like what I did that they should come over and do something about it.
It's only a baby what harm could it cause.
Take a dump on it's head, and smear it with apple sauce.
I don't really care. Whatever.
I'd give the look right back to it.
Time for a staring contest!!! WEEEE!!! FUN!! 0.0;
Stick a dildo in it's diaper and then give it back to his/her parent/guardian.

3. You see a Hot ass chick talking to your best friend (frank)You...
Wave to her!
laugh in the face of danger and rescue her by sliting that faggit's throat and jaming an american flag in the wound.
are probably looking in a mirror.
Crap in a cup pour it in a blender and blend it with some ice and Kaluah Mud slide. Then give it to your friend to drink. And finally Punch him in the head and gover his hair with women's panties while singing "Uncle Fucker".
Go over and talk to her trying to get her more interested in you.
tell your friend good luck, and hope that you find a fine girl like her one day.
Crap in a cup pour it in a blender and blend it with some ice and Kaluah Mud slide. Then give it to your friend to drink. And laugh in his face for drinking shit.

4. For whatever reason, the Hot ass chick wants to stab you with her dagger! You...
Rape her ass.
Eat her with your giant mouth and spit her bones out.
don't need her anymore anyway and kill her before she can kill you.
tweak her nipples and run.
don't care. Let her do what she wants.
talk her out of it.
Pull your amazing titanium penis out and slapp her dagger away while poking her eyes out.

5. You see Michael Jackson in the street.
Pull his pants down ready to chop off his dick only to discover he had plastic surgery and now has a pussy. Which you then shove your dagger into.
Tell him that you liked his music video thriller.
Kidnapp him and get his skin dyed back. And then put his original nose back on. Finally butt-rape his monkey.
Tell him that you think he is a sicko.
Rip out his tounge and laugh. HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Pull his pants down only to discover he had plastic surgery and now has a pussy.
Tell him you like ALL of his work...

6. Now you go to an inn and stay the night. When you wake up, you roll out of bed and...
are fully refreshed for another day of killing and torturing!
are fully refreshed for another day of adventuring!
get tangled in the sheets. "HELP! My bed has captured me!!"
get back in bed again. You're a very lazy person...
say "G'morning" to the person you 'slept' with. 0.o; What was their name again?
still feel groggy.
say hello to the morning sun, and prance around in the daffodills.

7. Suddenly, this site doesn't work. What will you do?
As far as I'm concerned, I don't care. >:-)
Wipe my dick on the screen making it smell like ball chese.
Pick up and axe and smash the fucker in!!!!
Eat my computer with my ass!!!
Press reload again and again till it does work.
Stare at the computer bored as fuck, weeping until the rooster crows on the farm.
Pray to God to make the site work again.

8. The site starts working again. You are....
Really really really really really really happy.
Really really really happy.
Really really really really really happy.
Really really happy.
Really really really really happy.
Really happy.

9. Which of these would you rather watch on T.V. right now?
Marilyn Manson...Inside the head!
House of 1000 Corpses
Ace Ventura
Happy Days.
Gundam Wing
Sunday Mass on The Church Channel
The Exorcist

10. What do you think is the complete opposite of you?
Uhh I don't know.
Pure Evil