My Shout Out Page

My Shout Out Page

Alright here are just a few quick shout outs....

Troy - Your like a lil bro to me, we've did some stupid, but funny shit together. Dude your right about what we talked about a while back too, fuck em! Always skippin art class to walk down to McDonalds, writting our own passes to get outta class, goin out to Teresa's truck "to get our books" ... haha, I'm gonna miss those days. Whenever I come back in town we'll be sure to party again, haha. Good luck in the Marines, Ooorah!

Will - Stop frontin' you will neva be as "bling bling" as me, haha. Your crazy as hell but iz all good, stay that way and keep in touch. Oh wait I cant forget all those crazy trips to get food durin lunch, GOOSE POOP!!!! FREE CELL PHONE!

Jon - We've known each other since Jr High and you've really helped me out. Thanks for everything, I could never repay you man. Sorry I didn't get to say bye before you left for bootcamp but good luck!

Ryan - Wanna start a fire?! Okay lets take a drunken hike in the woods to get some sticks! Haha, what a crazy night... oh and sorry for passin out/falling asleep on your trash can. I still cant beleive you guys took pics of me.. you bastards! Haha, anyways we'll have to chill again till then take care.

MaC DaDdY - Yeah we keep it crrrruuuunk, haha. I dunno what I woulda done without you all in Physics class, sorrta sucks you all got caught copying my homework though, oh well shit happens. JR layin in the back across the stools, yellin at us that he could feel his hair, haha. Then Jimmy D yellin at us for spinning round and round in the chairs. Get at me sometime and stop drivin the damn snow mobile drunk! What?! Tappin those Rockies!

Teresa - FREE CELL PHONE!!! No I'm not gonna stop hangin out your truck window shoutin at other people driving beside us. "Niggaz get shot at for that!" Haha... good times good times. Then at the JROTC Christmas dance.... me singin the song to you.. "Fat girl in a little blue hoody!" *does a dance* Haha, I'm so mean. Thanks for letting me paint my name on your wall, I feel special!Anywayz good luck in the future, call me up sometime.

Kecia - I'll miss ya, all our stupid raps we made up about people. Hey... I think we should pivot on 11, why aren't they wearing ribbons? Ooooh no.. we cant go threw that hallway, that's the class I'm skipping! HUH?

Amber - It's because I'm white, isn't it!? Yeah that's what I thought... hater! haha... "I walk into the living room and BOOM there were my crotchless underwear" Why aren't they wearing ribbons? I'm not stupid! Well good luck in your "JROTC Career" hopefully you get to command a drill team, oh what fun!

"The Wall" - Congradulations on getting Commanding Officer, make this year better. You better hold up the unit or I'll come back there and kick your ass! Haha.

Ware and Hupp - Yeah I know I'm sexy, hahaha. Sit back and watch... then learn from the master. Thanks dropping the rifle on my toe. You all probably have more skill than me now, but just remember I can do the 2 handed spin better than you! :-)

K-Dawg - Crazy times workin at DQ together, walk-in cooler, the shed, chillin out in our cars... seein who's system bumped the loudest, good time man. I'mma miss workin wit you and chillin after work, but keep it real and try not to get another PI and underage. You'll haffta come chill out here with me someday, until then have fun.

Devin and James - You two were like my big brothers, so many halarious memories crusin around after work, playin pool, and NBA Street on PS2. Gettin chciks numbers in drive thru is a must! Haha... lemme hand that out and take a look, woooo! We'll have to chill again sometime, this time I'mma try to stay sover so I can kick our all's ass in pool.

Zack - When we gonna race down the interstate? You know I'll kick your ass so stop runnin ya mouth. You hear that? Huh? No... what is it? I think... people are walkin on the trails up here... oh shit put that shit away! Haha, we're dumbass.