Oh! Canada
All Cuddled up for the night
Our Dumb ass waitress took a picture of us for her tip
Chea enjoys the smoking room 2 minutes after we get there
Some of the girls at the bar
Me and Jon took pictures with my camera in the photo booth
3-way kissing at its best
Jason and Reeners
Not looking your best Stratton
The Joe
Drinking some more
Drinking again
Some random chick that pissed me off, gets a picture of her tits on the net
Dumb Bitch
This chick goes to GVSU, if you know that ass, get a hold of me
We're not gay, just WASTED, trying to find our way home
Smokin out the bathroom
Smokin out the bathroom
Smokin out the bathroom
Look at this hot mama
Wow, gayness at its best