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ICQ: 42864683



Who are you?

I am known to my closest friends as Jules and "Cheeky" by my classmates for my charismatic personality towards ladies. If you would like to be the judge of that, I can be contacted at icq number 58783957 or icq name "cheeky©". Alternatively my email is

Where are you from and where are you headed?

I am a pure bred Singaporean with Shanghainese undertones. Currently doing my last semester of Masters of Applied Finance and will be heading off to Singapore to get a job, hopefully in Goldman Sachs. After 3 years of relevant working experience I plan to do my Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and rule the world alongside with Patrick Roger Wei-Min Pincon. Now how's that for a depressing life! But all that is minuscule and somewhat irrelevant when I have my Joa-Quim Tan (Kim), the love of my life, in my heart!

Tell us a little about yourself...

Honestly not much to talk about ever since I met Patrick. I am now ever more corrupted, unkempt, and lost all respect for democracy. Isn't that right my staunch supporter of dictatorship Mr Patrick Pincon? Before Patrick's era and still maintaining what is left of my dignity, I still keep fit by exercising regularly trying to get my 8 abs. On top of that, I love playing racquet games though never had a go with squash. Don't think I would like them though. I am a fanatic when it comes to cars, typical isn't it. So I plan to get my Lamborghini by the age of 45, if not I will settle for an Aston Martin.

How did you meet Pat and how long have you known him?

I got acquainted with him in November of 2001 when I was given the post of Overseas Student Service (OSS) Treasurer. All thanks to girlfriend Kim (the sponsorship officer then) for introducing me to OSS. Did not know him well at all back then till I started my post in 2002, that's when all hell broke lose. In hindsight, I should have kept my distance from him when I had the chance. Oh man, think about all the stuff he has drilled into my mind or what is left of it.

What do you think of him?

He is the most craziest, comical, cunning and sly creature to say the least but he does have good points about him. He is emphatic, easy-going, friendly and a fun person to be with. By the way at this very moment as I write this, he is being recognised as gay so I'm trying my best to avoid him. ;p But there are many things, which I give him credit for and respect and that is his ability to see things sensibly and fairly, good procedures and policy oversight and impeccable foresight though sometimes myopic. He is a person who bottles up feelings and worries to avoid troubling other people. For your sake please find someone whom you can share your troubles with.

Describe him in one sentence.

I can do better in one word. So would you like to change your question?

Any good embarrassing stories that require sharing?

Muahahahahahahahah…..what can you offer me for this Pat? What the hell!

  1. Hit his puny head against the bathtub and was knocked out for several hours in Frank Tate House before waking up.

  2. Scarred his palm while trying to be gung-ho by putting out a flaming alcoholic drink (not flaming lamborghini).

  3. He kissed me!!!!!!!!!! Now that is something to take note of. Parents of Patrick, please do not be alarmed. It is all in the name of fun.

Why are you answering these idiotic questions?

I have a soft spot for him. Wink Wink.

Last Updated: 12th September 2003

Vital Statistics:

Age: 24

Date of Birth: 21st January 1979

Star Sign: Aquarius

Height: 170cm and still hoping to grow more.

Weight: 66kg

Eyes: Light hazel… still hoping.

Hair: Wavy jet black

Ethnicity: Chinese

Smoke?: Never in my life have I smoked once.

Drink?: Oh yes… favourite reality check.

Distinguishing marks: My rounded firm ass. Good for the pinching.

Doesn't eat: Basically a human rubbish bin

Fave Quote: Lessons: "Forgive your enemies but do not forget their names"

Reality: "Do not give face to others because they will not give face to you when you most needed it"

Personality: "Stay true to your believes and principles because that is what makes a person characteristically strong and happy"

Universal: "Trust your gut feeling. A slightest doubt is worth questioning to find out the truth"