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Site born July 5, 2003


7.5.2003 - Welcome to the site, this is the first day of it and the first update. *applauds* At the moment I've got Paul's match results and NWA-TNA pics up, that's about it. I'm working on everything else and it will begin quickly, I promise. Keep checking back and if you have anything to submit, please do!

ROH Rankings (6.28.03)

1. Paul London, 2.CM Punk, 3. Christopher Daniels, 4. Danny Maff, 5. BJ Whitmer

The #1 contender's trophy holder will get his title shot vs. world champion Samoa Joe on 7/19 at "Death Before Dishonor" in Elizabeth, NJ.

ROH World Title Match: Samoa Joe defends vs. Paul London
Ring of Honor

Major League Wrestling

"Rise of the Renegades" July 26 at Tabu nightclub in Orlando, FL.  Paul London vs. Jerry Lynn in a Young Lions Challenge.

Major League Wrestling