Politics Canada
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Politics Canada

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  1. Campaigning
  2. CBC Programming
  3. Getting in the news
  4. Taking someone to court


Party Political Broadcast
Political broadcasts, shown on television, can ensure the party's message reaches thousands, nay millions, of potential voters. Repeated use, of course, could fuel voter apathy and the quality of its content, subjective to the administrator's opinion, shall judge its impact upon the party's standing in the polls. Broadcasts require some relatively substantial description of their content, their message, perhaps even the selection of music. All political parties are guaranteed one free broadcast during the general election campaign.

Party Political Rally
Political rallies can only be held in one region of the country . Speeches by leading party figures, a selection of music and perhaps even the appearance of celebrities can affect its impact upon the polls. In election campaigns, you are allowed to write the name of the celebrity. However, the avatars will decide if this celebrity would appear. If it is unlikely, it could cost a lot of money to pay the celebrity and would not have a big impact

Party Convention
The annual gathering of the party faithful, usually at seaside resorts, where the leading politicians of each party deliver speeches to the party's rank and file. New policies and initiatives can be discussed or introduced here, political parties often launching their new platforms on such occasions. Party leaders Can order a Party conference by sending a message to the administrator (Wegmann). Otherwise these congresses are forced by the avatars once in a while.

Party Political Tour
Political tours allow prominent party officials to meet and greet the ordinary voter, travelling around on their "battle buses" all across the country.

Political Speeches
Occassionally institutions, nominally controlled by the administrative team, shall invite politicians to speak at dinners, functions and openings. For instance, the GMB trade union might invite a Labour MP to speak about the government's policy on organised labour or, perhaps, the Cambridge University Union might invite a few MPs to speak on current issues.

Opinion Polls
Political parties can commission opinion polls on any matter of their choosing in order to test public opinion on pivotal issues. This can also be to explain a parties performance in the polls.


Press Conference
MPs can call for a press conference by writing their views on the speech board. Sometimes you may be lucky and this will appear in the National Post!


Newspapers advertisements

Newspapers are only national advertisements. It is a gamble to make a advertisement in the newspapers- as readers can ship the advertisement or use it for their fish n' chips. However some might read it while taking the underground or sitting in the NHS waiting halls.


Radio advertisement:

These advertisments are limited to 100 words.



Billboars are limited to two sentences.


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CBC Programming

Parties can now be a production team, producing TV and Radio shows that are political.

The CBC will offer so much money for so many shows. If the show is not known, it will most likely make a loss and likewise if it is known, it could make a profit. 

The avatars release a CBC list, showing how well these shows are doing.

When the CBC contract is finished, the CBC will might offer a new contract.

If your party wishes to do this, then contact Wegmann (rasputin_ak@yahoo.com)

Costs can be seen on polls and money.

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Getting into the news

There are 4 ways of getting into the news:

1. Westminster. This is your place of work and of course is televised and can be seen on the Internet. You are allowed to do three things here. To present a bill, and to debate bills, to ask government questions, and to debate.

2. BBC: See the above concerning CBC shows.

3. Press board: This is where MPs or parties release press releases. Other parties and MPs can make short comments, however debates should be in parliament. 

Sticky announcements : These are press conferences and statements that the party and MP wish to be noticed. This means that the party or MP has called the media to a special reception where they will make announcements. The avatars will pay more attention to these when making polls etc.

The Party leader can cancel a sticky by writing that the party will not pay for this within 48 hours of it being posted. Sticky announcements cost money

Otherwise Parties and MPs can make normal releases that do not cost money.

The avatars have the right to close a debate if it is out of place (eg lets kill the queen)


4. The Times: The Times is the official newspaper. There will be small updates several times a week. All actions should be sent to Wegmann through the message system on the private board or by sending an e-mail. The Times consist of two things, The actions and reactions of parties and MPs and events caused by the avatars. These events are usually events that have taken place in real life.


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Taking someone to court

£3m for prosecutor and £1m for defender

  • When you are suing anyone - then remember you have to pay.

  • Contact The administrator

  • The national avatar  will act as prosecuter, The prosecuter will send questions to the defence with a time limit to answer them

  • The International avatar (Alex) will act as defence, The defence will send likewise questions- which has to be answered

  • The Defence and prosecuter then are allowed to make closing statements

  • The administrators (Wegmann and Alex) decide the verdict

  • The Administrators will decide the punishment (if any)


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Political Consultants


Pay the consulent firm for one of the following reports:


What do the Public think of your party and its performance? Which Mps are known? Who is the favourite as leader? 


What do the Public think of your party and its performance? Which Mps are known? Who is the favourite as leader? Who would vote for the party?


What do the Public think of your party and its performance? Which Mps are known? Who is the favourite as leader? Who would vote for the party? What should the party do to be more popular?


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