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Vegeta Fan


Goku Fan


Frieza Fan


Vegeta Fan

Frieza-sama ~ Images

Aw, isn't Frieza soooo cute?! Especially in his fourth form. He's so sweet! ~*~ Aren't ya? *starts kissing Frieza's cheek*
*squirming* Hey! Get off, will you?!
Sorry, but you're soooooo sweet! Aren't you just the cutest little thing!!
Yes, but that's beside the point...
Okay, okay, I'll get off. *lets him go*

Click the thumbnails to see the full size image in a new window. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail for a comment from CBT on the image!

I don't like this one ^_^ Frieza in a sulk ^_^ Doesn't he just look so much like a spoilt brat here? I'm not a big fan of his 3rd form, but this one's kinda cool. Isn't this one so nice? I love the red sunset sky.
I really like this one, it's cool. *shrugs* Eh. Just your average profile pic. Still nice, though. This one's alright, but his toes are WAY too long! Mmm... I love it when he goes 100%. He looks so HOT! Not keen on this one. He looks too tall ^_^
He is sooooo cute! This is the cutest picture EVER! This one's kinda cute. I just love his nose! This one reminds me of Mewtwo ^_^; Awww, even as a cyborg he manages to make that cute little face of his! *sniff* Oh... my poor Frieza. What did that big nasty monkey do to you?!


He's so cute!
He's so cute! I love this pic! Wrong finger, dearest. Aw, doesn't he just look so gorgeous here? This one's just cool. Another sulk.
Aw, he's so sweet when he smiles ~*~ To be honest, he looks a bit constipated here. This one's just hot. Yet another sulk. He is so spoilt! Funny! ^_^
Isn't he so handsome in his second form? *giggles* Aw, bless him. No matter how angry he gets, with a face like his it just looks cute ~*~ This has GOT to be my FAVOURITE picture of his second form. He's so handsome! *giggles* Another angry picture. Again, with his face, it just doesn't work ^_^ Bless. I said it before and I'll say it again, he's HANDSOME!
I really love this pic. It's definitely the best picture of his 3rd form. I heard that before DBZ his previous job was one of the Ninja Turtles ^_^ Finally! A picture of Frieza angry that doesn't just make me laugh ^_^ How does he kiss with those lips? Not too keen on this one. I think his face is wrong.
*drools* In a word, HOT! Cute ~*~ He looks the cutest when he's angry in his 4th form. Wow. He actually looks serious in this picture. He must be REALLY pissed off! Eep! Oh, poor Friezie! I hate Gohan >:=( Oh, Frieza, be nice.
Another absolutely gorgeous one. Frieza has the nicest poses on DBZ. He is SO hot! I LOVE his fourth form! It's okay, but I can't say this is one of my favourites. This one is GORGEOUS! Love it! He's doing his spoilt brat face again. He looks so cute when he does that ~*~
This is by far my FAVOURITE fourth form Frieza pic. It's so GORGEOUS! Another hot one. I LOVE his 100%! He should be in that form all the time, he's so HOT! He's so beautiful ^_^ This is a pretty sexy pic. Looks like something that could go in a magazine. I know, I know, it's cruel. Hey, I'm not his mother! Go yell at him, it's not my problem! He's responsible for his own actions!
What's his problem? Aw... I love it when he's happy! This one's just weird. *smirks* Mmm... you sure could have some fun with all those Friezas... This is such a cool card! It's got everybody on it! Well, everybody that matters anyway >:=)


Kawaii gifs ~*~
This gif is SO cool! I really like this one and I don't know why.
I know it's cruel and kinda sick to laugh at this one but it's funny! This one's cool, too. A favourite of mine ^_^
This one's pretty cool, too. Isn't this just the greatest gif?
Isn't it so cool how he uses his tail like that? I love this one! And he's 100%, too ^_^
Aw, cute ~*~ Cool. Reminds me of Final Fantasy VI. Guess it's the graphics ^_^
Aw, bless ^_^ I don't know why, but I find this one really cute. This one is cool.
I LOVE this gif! This one's cute, too ^_^
This reminds me of an arcade game...