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Vegeta Fan


Goku Fan


Frieza Fan


Vegeta Fan

Frieza-sama ~ Soundwaves

Doesn't Frieza have such a sweet voice? I'm probably the only one who thinks that ^_^ Well, he does!
Some of these files were taken from The Zarbon Shrine

English Clips

Countdown This one's so funny ^_^ Aw, poor Veg.
Frieza boasts. Well, what's new? ^_^
Goku gloats at Frieza. That must be annoying...
"Well, well. It's you again." Damn saiyans. Why do they keep coming back? They're like frickin' boomerangs!
"A lowlife saiyan." All saiyans are tramps >:=)
"If there's three things I refuse to tolerate..." It's saiyans, bad haircuts and non-alcoholic beer.
"Did I happen to mention..." ...I'm single.
"You can't defeat me." ....Nah, I got nothin'
"Bang." Aw, bless. He's learnt a new word ^_^
"Forgive me if I don't tremble in fear" Sailor Moon.
"Zarbon, make a note please..." ...I must remember to get that frog out of my throat.
"Zarbon, the last time I had my hearing checked it was just fine!" Zarbon: And when was that, sir? Frieza: 1942.
"Open the doors!" And throw that damn saiyan out!
"This is no way for guests on my ship to behave!" See, this is what happens when you bring a saiyan into a potassium-free area.
"Monkey see monkey do." A tenner says the Goku/Vegeta fanfics started because somebody said chibi Vegeta saw Frieza and Zarbon.
"Tell me, Zarbon..." Do you find me attractive?
Zarbon: What more can you expect from a monkey? Is that Frieza in the background? What's he doing, crying or sniffing glue again?

Japanese Clips

"Frieza-sama!!" As far as I know, this clip translates into:
Frieza: "It's alright Zarbon-san."
Zarbon: "Frieza-sama!!"
Frieza: "Bejita, do a good job OK?"
Frieza: "Zarbon-san," Zarbon: "Yes?"
Frieza: "Open the hatch now!"