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Kids Section



Vegeta Fan


Goku Fan


Frieza Fan


Vegeta Fan

The Kids Section

Can you believe this? Me! The winner of the World Martial Arts tournament! The son of the Prince of all Saiyans! And I'm hosting some dumb Kiddy Section!!

It's called the Kids Section, Trunks.

Quiet, Goten, I'm on a roll! Now... uh... what was I saying? Oh right - I should have my OWN section!

What was that?

Oh, uh, hi Rissa. Yeah, I was just introducing this great section, it's - uh - the Kids Section! And it's got, um, loads of great stuff, well not very much at the moment but there will be more later won't there Rissa?

Yes, as soon as I have time. Right now I have to get back to my office. Be good.

Trunks, is she gone yet?

Yeah, she's gone. You can come out from under the table.

She's scary!

Maybe for you, but she don't scare me!



Ha, ha, you're scared, Trunks!

Don't do that, Goten.

Why is my name in brackets up there? I'm hosting too!

No, you're my co-host.

What's a co-host?

Well, uh, it's like a host, but... more important! Yeah!

Wow, thanks Trunks!

Don't mention it... anyway, I've gotta get back to hosting.

All we've got at the moment is this colouring book, but Rissa says she'll have more soon. It's pretty cool, though, it's got pictures of my Dad in it!

And my Dad, too! And Gogeta!

My Dad says your Dad's a third-class idiot.

Yeah? Well my Dad could beat your Dad up!

Could not!

Could so!

Could not!

Could so!

Could so!

Could not!

You're right, he couldn't! My Dad's the strongest fighter in the whole world!

What? Hey, Trunks, you tricked me! No fair! Hey - Come back! Sorry, I gotta go, see you later everybody bye!