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Who or What is Rissa?

I'm Chicken Ramen!

"I am Chicken Ramen! Though I have friends, and am somewhat sociable, I see people around me that are always better than me in one area or another. Though mostly happy, this often causes me to be resentful of those people and of the world for not giving me one thing that I'm good at. Being somewhat overambitious, I often focus more on my schoolwork and get good grades, from my drive to be the best. I have a great work ethic, however."

What Flavor of Ramen Noodles are you?
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"I feel The current mood of at"

"The Internet as a whole feels The current mood of the Internet at "

"If I were a Neopet... I'd be an Aisha!

"Aishas are strange creatures with special abilities.

"They have acute hearing and a penchant for magic."
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

I'm a Cleric!

"I'm a Cleric! A Cleric is a very valued member of any group. I usually will need to be protected so that I am free to heal the rest of the form. For this reason, it is usually best to place me as far back and behind as many people as possible. Clerics have the ability to cast spells and have about the same hitpoints as a thief, but begin the game with a wisdom level of 16. Due to the religious training of a cleric to a Deity, I am not permitted to use bladed weapons, such as daggers and swords; therefore I should concentrate my powers on healing more than fighting. As a member of the Holy Order, usually I keep a positive alignment. I like to help people along their way, sometimes not heeding my own self and I might actually get into trouble during the process. I have a good heart, but I should be careful to not get myself too badly thrashed, because there might not be any way out."

What Medievia class should you be??
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