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The aughisky (agh-iski) is the Irish Water-horse, very much like the "Uisgue" of the Scottish Highlands. They were supposed to come out of the sea and Gallop along the shore or through the fields. It appears as a horse to be ridden. Anyone who could catch one and lead it away from the shore could use it as a splendid mount, if not the finest steed to be ever seen.

But, if it came within sight or sound of the sea, it would gallop wildly into the depths and tear it's rider to pieces, and devour them eating all but the liver.. November seem the month most likely for the aughisky to be seen, and it is also said that they devoured mortal cattle.

If ridden inland, it is safe unless it catches the slightest whiff of sea water, triggering the same lethal behavior as above. It is similar to the kelpie, but more dangerous.

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