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Caleesto's Pregnancy Page!!!

I arrived at the breeder's (Myrtle Park Clydesdale stud) today 22nd November 2006. My mum tried to walk me through their stables there past the stable I was in when she first ever saw me but I have not been in an enclosed place (cept the float) since the day mummy took me home and I refused to go through there making them have to open really hard gates which had not been opened for years to get me into the paddock. I was placed in with my half sister and her foal and she did not like me very much and did not want me near the foal. She tried to attack me so I spun and threatened to kick her and she turned and ran away with her foal. I showed her who the new boss was. The stallion Count I am going to have a baby with is in the paddock behind where I am. Below is some photos of my arrival.

Hey all included in this Pregnancy Page will be photos of my pregnancy for the next year!.

Caleesto checking out the nice looking stud in the next paddock

Is that my big sis I see??? I better go and say hi to her!!! I am the youngest of the family!!!

Hey sis, how are ya going??? Yippy I am an aunty thats my lil niece with my big sis...

Happy families!!! I am here with my big sis, my niece and the clyde stud in the back is Count hes gonna be a daddy oneday to my lil bubba!!!

Isn't Count one extremely handsome looking Clydesdale stud!!!!!

My sis may be part arab (her sire was an arab mine a clydesdale) but I know how to prance like an arab when I feel the urge to show off.

This lil orphan foal will be a half sister to my bubba.

Just giving the young upstart some valuable information on surviving in this world, hee heee I am telling her all about my boyfriend Condor at home.

going....going... I am outta here yeehaw...

Today thursday 2nd February 2006 Harry the man who held me for my vet check seven years ago before my mummy bought me took me down to visit the stallion and to get to know him. I was placed in the breeding pen next to the stallion and I stayed well away not wanting the stallion near me and Harry had to move me closer for the stallion Count to get to know me. I am not in season yet therefore not interested in the stallion yet. I was there for about half an hour and finally Count realised I was not in season so stopped hassling me and I began to relax with him . I was glad there was a fence between us.

Today Friday 8th February 2006 they got the vet out to give me a check over as I have not come into season since I have been there and was due to come in the week before. The vet told Gordon the breeder that I would be coming in season next Monday or Tuesday. Once I am in season I will be bred to Count and then put in the paddock with him so roam with for the next couple of weeks. (I am a bit worried about this bit as he is the stallion who killed my mummy way back when he excitedly chased her around)

They were branding here today Saturday 4th February 2006 and if anyone is wondering where here is I am at Myrtle Park Clydesdale stud and all the foals were being branded. They put the little orphan foal in with me for awhile but Condor has taught me well how to be nasty and I attacked the little foal and chased her around so much they had to take her out.

My Sire Pedigree Line

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