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So you have never seen Clydesdales play footy, or maybe you have? Over here in Australia we had for awhile, an ad on t.v. and it had just that Clydesdales had been taught to play footy for this ad. Don't ask us what they were selling we just can't remember, but look below at a few of the screen shots of them playing. Gotta say they are pretty good. Can't say we know much about Amreican Footy, but the horses looked good in the ad.

They are lining up ready to play ball.

Their way of throwing the ball through their legs to the horse waiting behind.

And he kicks it!!!!!

All after the ball, who will get there first?????

Looks like he is calling for the ball, or maybe abusing the unpire.

Pass it to me!!!!! Pass it to me!!!!!

Rats he missed it!!!!!


And they score, hear the crowd roar!!!!!

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