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Condor & Caleesto's mixed Photo's Page 2

WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we love playing silly buggers and having races, its FREEDOM!!!!!

Waaaaaaaa I only wanna play Caleesto you don't have to try kick me in the face!!!

What can I say but that I (Condor) am a cheeky boy, twice I got stuck in the fence here. The first time mummy had to cut me out of the fence I was completely stuck (The blue cirlce indicates where mummy cut me out), and the second time I got stuck behind the tree (Pink Circle indicates where) and I couldnt move cus ot the old fence post (Indicated by yellow circle) was in my way and I got stuck half over it and had to wait for mummy to cut all the old barbed wire away and part of the tree so I could get out. Mummy says Im silly but I just wanted to visit the horses next door!!!

Ha Ha didnt get stuck this time, I got through (Indicated by the pink cirlce) to all the yummy grass but waaa Caleesto need to learn to come with me shes silly she just stays on the other side of the fence and looks at me sadly. One day I will teach her.

GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SILLY CAT, I will kick you if you come near me again!!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrr Caleesto go away mummy only has enough bread for me so go away I am not sharing with you!!!!!

Im sorry Caleesto I didn't mean to chase you away from the bread, can we be friends again, please lets kiss and make up!!!!!

See we are so sexy no matter how you look at us, side on or from above, no matter how you look at us though I will still bug Caleesto, hee hee!!!

Caleesto is MY GIRLFRIEND Splash, go and get your own!!!!!

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