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Don't Let Your Horse End Up Like These

A Blue ribbon against the slaugher of Horses, Please get one on your webpage today.

Everybody to do with this web page loves horses. Then when we see these beautiful animals go to waste due to mistreatment and neglect, it's just not right. If you ever see a horse in this condition, or even any animal that is obviously not looked after please contact your local animal control group.

These photos below were taken in a 200+ acre horse paddock in Lyndhurst, Victoria, Australia.

This is a yearling filly with a stomach full of worms.

A Part Clydesdale mare heavy in foal.

The same mare side on with her 8 month foal at foot.

The greyhound look, An Appaloosa Gelding.

An extremely poor mare, one pic shows her young yearling foal. A week after this photo was taken this mare mysteriously dissappeared. Was she moved???? Or is she still in the paddock somewhere in all the scrub, DEAD?????

This is a different black mare, heavy in foal, this mare about 2 weeks after the photo was taken was found on the ground, much to weak to get up. Upon the arrival of the R.S.P.C.A the mare was quickly "Put To Sleep"

A gelding with bad rainscald.

This mare is not in foal she just has a really strange huge belly.

This is one of the stallions roaming the paddock, he is extremely quiet, but under his rug he is skin and bone.

This is another young stallion, he is the son of the stallion above.

A poor forgotten gelding.

These next photos were taken on an agistement farm in Skye, Victoria, Australia.

This poor mare is 30 years old, she has no teeth left and is not fed the food required to keep her weight on.

This next photo was taken on a horse stud in Tyabb, Victoria, Australia.

This mare is extremely old and now forgotten.

This is the end result when nothing is done about the abuse.

This foal never got a chance at life. HELP STOP THE ABUSE AND NEGLECT!!!!!

What was done about these horses you may ask! What happened to the owner, was he reprimanded at all? Fined? Put in jail? The answer is NO!!!!! He got off scott free! He was never even reprimanded by the R.S.P.C.A. He still now owns many horses and those horses are still now probably suffering..... Laws are changing though and hopefully he will... if not already... get what he justly deserves...


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