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January 21 - February 19

The sign of the water bearer.

Traits : Tolerant, reserved, idealistic

The unpredictable nature of the horse born in Aquarius may be enough to put off many horse lovers. Others will be disturbed by his strangely penetrating gaze, while still more will be affronted by his shrinking away from the friendly hand upon his pointy ear. But the world is as strange a place to the Aquarian horse, as he is to it. It fascinates him, and so do you: just how do you bolt that door and why do you wear that odd coloured jacket?

Intelligent and inventive, beware the equine escapologist (change the locks frequently just to be safe) for if there is one thing this horse dislikes, it's having his freedom taken away. Democracy is very important to him too, so be prepared to negotiate, but also realise that he likes to be seen to be that little bit different: expect trouble if he has to wear the same old New Zealand rug that all the other horses sport and don't ask him to plod in line. His loathing of conformity and tendency to foot troubles make him an unlikely dressage competitor, while no Aquarian horse would be happy in a cavalry regiment or as a police horse. Content as one of the herd - albeit always a little away from the rest - perhaps long-distance riding would be the most suitable occupation for this individual.

Compatible signs: Libra and Gemini


February 20 - March 20

The sign of the fish.

Traits : Imaginative, peace-loving and kind

Typically smallish and graceful, the Piscean horse has large, liquid eyes and a dreamy far-off expression. These are the horses favoured by greetings card companies and the inspiration for countless creations of soft-toy manufacturers (though they rarely come in blue in pink!). Frequently, and with success, they are show ponies with names like 'Sorrow's Silent Dream' or 'Spring Is Closer Now'. Crowds gasp at their ethereal beauty, but don't clap too loud lest they appear gauche in the presence of this sensitive creature. Deeply imaginative, and therefore all too likely to see what isn't there, the Piscean pony is very likely to shy at nothing - learner riders be warned!

All is well when the Piscean horse is treated with reverance and kept form the harsh realities of life, but such is her delicate nature that she is ill-equipped to take criticism, make decisions (hay or neigh?) or cope when her owner forgets the mints. In such times of bitter sadness, the fishy horse philosophiclly retreats into her own fantasy world and you will most likely not realise your thoughtlessness. happiest as a doted-upon family pet, this horse will return the love it is given in plenty. Beware of hoof problems.

Compatible signs : Cancer and Scorpio


March 21 - April 20

The sign of the ram.

Traits : New beginnings, energy and leadership

Horses born under the sign of the Ram are seldom a 'novice ride.' This sign rules the crushing of the groom against the stable door, the biting of the yard dog, rope burns, the knocking off of riders on overhanging branches, swearing blacksmiths and splintered woodwork. There will be times (every day) when you will curse him, but if you can handle him, he will be the best ride of your life.

Courageous, determined, and wilful, Arian horses tremble with energy and have irrepressible, if simple, characters. Ideal as hunters, cross-country eventers, polo ponies or racehorses, the lean-framed Ram horse's tunnel vision will be invlauable, if not a little frightening at times. These horses like to lead, to win and to celebrate in themselves. The Arian horse won't, therefore, be content pulling the rag-and-bone man's cart. Never put your young child on a ram-looking seaside donkey; at best they will be unable to speak for the rest of the day, at worst, you'll never see them again. Quite often a fiery chestnut colour, these horses are probably accountable for the reputation of the proverbial chestnut mare.

Compatible signs : Leo and Sagittarius


April 21 - May 21

The sign of the bull.

Traits : Steadfast, courageous, and firm

The Taurean horse is easily spotted: she is the one to whom all the children rush at the pony rides, hanging around her chubby neck, feeding her apples and rubbing their hands on her soft coat. She loves it, especially the apple part, she could take hours of that. As the sign of the bull, these horses are often very broad-shouldered, muscular and solid. If you had a Taurean pony as a child, you probably have bandy legs but lots of good memories.

The characteristics of a Taurean horse, her stoicism, dependability, compassion and good sense, make her an excellent first pony or truly unshakeable police horse. The original 'armchair ride', the horse ruled by Venus is typically a passive nag but beware of pushing your luck when she is being obstinate (most of the time) or she will let you know her displeasure in no uncertain terms - you've seen cowboys on bulls at the rodeo? Well, you get the picture. But keep her happy (this is where apples are so important) and all will be very well with this close-to-nature horse whose love of health and home is second to none. Beware of obesity and watch out for troubles with the back and throat.

Compatible signs : Virgo and Capricorn


May 22 - June 21

The sign of the twins

Traits : duality, versatility, the intellect

Riding a Gemini horse through a forest after sunset in autumn is not for the faint hearted, for with every crack of dry wood beneath his hooves, every conker ralling to the ground, every breath of wind in the leaves, he will leap out of his skin, before long leaving you either buried in the leaf mound with a long walk home, or just plain exhausted. Nervous energy runs like electricity through his veins, his mind is constantly alert, his eyes rolling, his teeth champing, and oh yes, he neighs ceaselessly.

Gemini horses rarely sleep well and this may explain their jumpiness, if not make it more acceptable. It is the influence of Mercury that gives him these quicksilver characteristics, and also apparent lack of warmth, though he is charming and very curious in a coltish sort of way. Since the Gemini horse is restless, like the Aquarian equine, be sure to check your security measures or you won't find him where you left him, for his mind is a formidable tool. his competitive nature and lightning reflexes would stand him in good stead at Pony Club, where he would excel at cutting corners. Watch for shoulder problems and broken wind.

Compatible signs : Libra and Aquarius


June 22 - July 23

The sign of the crab.

Traits : Sensitive, material and very romantic

A Cancerian horse makes the ideal brood mare - protective, loving and devoted, she will be content with the pastoral life, watching the clover grow and the foals getting fat and glossy. In the wild, however, these mares will defend the herd's youngsters with all the tenacity characteristic of the Crab, so when weaning take the necessary precautions for separating a half-ton shellfish from its young!! (Or, more sensibly, get someone else to do it!)

Since she is a steady ride, given naturally to half-passing, watch out for your head as the Cancerian mare wants to scurry sidewys under overhanging branches or through doorways (they don't have to be open!). These horses seek shelter like the Arian horse seeks action and they are often devoted to homes, defensive of territory and hate changes in surroundings. Ruled by the Moon, these horses are sensitive to lunar cycles and may be a bit moody, indulging in comfort-eating, laziness and general crabiness. That said though, they nearly always have the manners of perfect ladies. Beware of excessive weight gain and colic, and keep the Crab horse happy with visits to the seaside.

Compatible signs : Pisces and Scorpio

Leo , Condor's Starsign.

July 24 - August 23

The sign of the lion.

Triats : Self-confidnet, enthusiastic and pride

Leo is the sign of the liberty horse, the flashy show jumper, the best in class. Impressive, proud and often blessed with remarkably glossy and luxuriant coat, he simply demands admiration. He is not usually all show, however, for there is great strength of character here (stubbornness) but vulnerability too (unavoidable considering that Leo have egos the size of polo pitches). Yet he is a warm, generous and benevolent King of Beasts, with a heart in proportion to his inflated ego.

Nice movers, these sun horses glide with all the carnivorous assurance of the lion, beating the ground with each footfall and glorifying in the sensation of their muscular shoulders shuddering with the impact and sending shock waves through their manes. (It's never a good idea to plait his mane, it will drive you both wild and it looks much nicer wild and free). Show jumpers who buck at the end of clear rounds are almost always Leos. You see, they might not seem to, but they do doubt themselves and they buck as if to say 'There, I always knew I could do it'. You, of course, never had any doubt in your brave steed, and often find yourself wishing he'd save his playfulness for the paddock.

Compatible signs : Aries and Sagittarius


August 24 - September 23

The sign of the virgin.

Traits : Discriminative, methodical, logical

The Virgoan horse has a similar look in the eye to the Piscean, but she is not as much of a dreamer as she appears. Her little feet are firmly on the ground and her head full of steady, earthy thoughts, not dreams. The closest she gets to dreaming is wishing you would tidy up the yard. Mess upsets her, and whilst she will cause you less trouble that a more exuberant sign when it comes to washing rugs, her aversion to mud, wind and rain make her a poor prospect for hunting or cross-country. Nor is she keen on being one of the herd, perferring her own space and a large degree of autonomy. She is best suited, perhaps, to the fair-weather rider who stables her in a tidy, effiecient livery yard. That said, though, she would probably shine at dressage, its precision and balance being welcome to her methodical nature.

Attention to diet is required, for the Virgoan horse is a fussy eater who may lose condition in the harder months, but don't worry too much over this because she is usually more robust than her slight frame suggests. However, it is important to worm regularly and supplement food with tasty tit-bits.

Compatible signs : Taurus and Capricorn


September 24 - October 23

The sign of the scales.

Traits : Balance, justice and love of beauty

The Libran horse is friendly and sociable and exudes a peaceful presence int the busy yard. He is also more likely than most other nags to be waiting keenly for your arrival and to greet you with a whinney. It's not that he's terribly excited about exercising, but he does love to admire the changes in the landscape through the seasons, to glimpse the first snowdrop and smell the dawn. He is a romantic, you see, not an athlete, though he will try to do almost anything to please, so don't push him too hard, or his slender legs may break down.

In case of injury, there's nothing more therapeutic to the Libran horse than having luxury lavished upon ihm, clover hay, organic oats, a deep, shiny, golden straw bed topped up wiht kind words and affection do nicely. Don't let him lie too long in self indulgence, though, as the scales of Libra are likely to tip towards hedonism or negative thinking. A stable with plenty of fresh air and a good view are important too. The wise Libran horse owner recognises that singing to their steeds and scratching their withers greatly improves performance and promotes a harmonious and rewarding relationship.

Compatible signs : Gemini and Aquarius

Scorpio , Caleesto's Starsign

October 24 - November 22

The sign of the scorpion.

Traits : Tenacious, secretive, intensely psychic

The Scorpio horse is like those in a team of stunt horses which charge into the showground four-abreast. They are big, black, a bit sinister-looking, and you know that although the moustached man balancing in a standing position on them is grinning, really he is terrified. He has good reason to be if they are Scorpio horses, for the horse born under the influence of Pluto, the romotest planet, is , well ..... dangerous. Since Scorpio horses have an ego approaching the dimensions of Leo's and all the volatile emotions of a broody rhino, many owners describe them as accidents waiting to happen - or ones that have.

Yet there is nevertheless something deeply magnetic about this sign and you may have bought her unwittingly. Perhaps you were captivated by her eyes, or maybe she just reminded you of a picture of a horse on the cover of a horror story you enjoyed as a child. On the plus side, however, she is loyal (though jealous), intense (though vengeful) and courageous (though strangely cautious with it). The reproduction system is governed by Scorpio so beware unwanted 'Sons of Phantom'.

Compatible signs : Cancer and Pisces

Sagittarius ,

November 23 - December 21

The sign of the archer.

Traits : Extrovert, optimistic, independant

In an old hunting print you can spot the Sagittarian horse with ease : he is the big, gangly bay, all hooves, fetlocks and knees, leaping well clear of the yawning ditch, his reins flying loose and his stirrups flying. He has what can only be described as a smile on his face and is paying no attention to the fact that, riderless, he is heading for the ground at top speed. His jockey can be seen on his knees a little way off, his hard hat pushed impossibly far down over his eyes, almost covering his flushed cheeks and concussed expression.

'Bold jumper' does not cover the daring-do of this horse - he can fly like a speeding arrow form the Centaur's bow without so much of an indicative twitch of his long, attentive ears. Never unkind, even so this horse is definitely clumsy on occasion, being the impatient soul that he is. There will be many times when he inadvertently steps on your feet or knocks you into a wall with a cheerful whinney, but don't be upset - it's his Jupiter personality : boisterous, fun-loving and enthusiastic. He is also a gambler (hence the habit of launching joyfully into space) so veterinary insurance is recommended.

Compatible signs : Aries and Leo


Decmber 22 - January 20

The sign of the goat.

Traits : Industrious, meticulous, persevering

The horse born a Capricorn is steady, quiet and reliable : an excellent worker. Yet she is not often found in riding schools as might be supposed - oh no, she is too ambitious for that (unless, of course, she is Viennese and has high hopes for a future son.) These horses make their slow, determined way to a more prestigious position perhaps drawing royal carriages or serving conspicuously as regimental drum horses. Like the Goat, the symbol of this sign, she is terrifically sure-footed, so perhaps instead she will be a pack-horse on ground-breaking expeditions.

Whatever she does she will be quietly asserting her indispensability. She won't let you fall or lose your way because, yes, she's a good horse, but essentailly her ambition is security. Her satisfaction comes form being useful. Above all other horses, the Capricorn knows the value of a good home and will make sure, if she is pleased with you, that you hang onto her. This is the sign of keeping the 'child's first pony' for the next generation. You will be glad that you did (she will make sure of that) since she tends to improve with age.

Compatible signs : Taurus and Virgo

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