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Kids Dance Stand w/ Rickey Josey

Mission Statement

To be a catalyst for a renassaince in the fitness and musical instruction of children.


To become a nationally syndicated television program that invites both children (ages 3-6 yrs.) and parents to participate through dance, games, and musical instruction; introducing the child to the world of music.


To produce a 30 minute program on public access television that would include free form dance using an audience of parents and their children for a live taping with Rickey Josey dancing and singing.

To utilize a choreographer to teach children different dance moves.

To explain different types of instruments and give musical instruction.

To have interactive games played for prizes and a chance to be on the Dance Stand.

Types of Music

The songs played on the show would initially include songs from 1956 thru 1988 creating an all oldies format to link parents and children musically.

World music would also be introduced to allow children the opportunity to learn other sounds and forms of music.

Types of Games

Initially the prizes consist of a number being picked from the ticket given to each child that comes to the Dance Stand taping, then the child would get to spin a wheel for a number of different prizes.

Types of Dance

To introduce to children American dance from all eras ie. Funky chicken, robot, break dancing, etc. Then children would be introduced to different types of dances from around the world.

Types of Musical Instruction

Introduce the child to the piano and find middle C. The correct way to hold a violin. What a xylophone is etc.