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Still waiting for better times 22/07/2003
After one month of rest, my knee still hurts and I am far from my best condition.
The 5 days on the beach will be held quite soon and I am not sure if I will be able to run there unless I recover on time. But even if I do I will be in a bad shape but at least I will be  happy because I will be doing the thing I love most in this life - RUN IN THE FOREST.

I know this injury can last for long time between 1 - 6 months and I am already anxious to get back to the trainings.
I have to be pacient.

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Serious injury in the knee 06/07/2003
I am in Portugal for a bit more than one week and unfortunately I haven't been able to run not even one step.
I think I got "runners knee", a quite hard injury for a runner, I just can't run and my knee still hurts all the time despite of the rest. I have rested for two weeks and still hurts. I will see a doctor soon.

I missed the Portuguese absolute championships 2003 and I might also not be present on 5 days of the beach, it depends on my knee.

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Flying to Portugal 24/06/2003
Tomorrow afternoon I will fly back to my country  where I will be for almost 2 months.
It's going to be nice to see my friends and family again after 6 months of being in Finland.

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Jukola 2003 19/06/2003
For the first time in my life I ran the biggest relay of the world Jukola in Finland.

It was just a great competition where also Paulo Franco, Bruno Franco and Sidonio Freitas participated.
We all ran for different clubs.

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Championships of sprint 2003 01/06/2003
This week I had many orienteering practices, one orienteering training on Monday, a small competition on Thursday and on Sunday I had the Finnish national championships of sprint.

It has been very nice to train a lot with maps lately, I think my technique is getting better.

Next 3 weeks I'll have many orienteering trainings and also some competitions.

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