Potential Energy Surface (PES) and Chemical
A chemical reaction invariably implies changes in the
relative nuclear co-ordinates of the reactant-set supermolecule system. As an example,
the reaction H2 + I2 = 2HI involves large increase in the
H-H and I-I internuclear distances, and significant decrease in the H-I
distances; here the reactant-set supermolecule is the H2-I2
molecular combination. As nuclear motions are governed by the nuclear
Schrodinger equation as per the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation theory, so the
nuclear potential energy function U (qa) in this equation dictates nuclear motions. Thus we see
that the course of a chemical reaction is governed by the nuclear P.E. function
U (qa) for the reaction's supermolecule.
This function U (qa) depends only on certain relative nuclear co-ordinates: for
example in a diatomic supermolecule it depends only on the single internuclear
distance R, while in a non-linear polyatomic supermolecule it depends on the
(3N – 6) relative nuclear coordinates (that excludes the 3 translational and 3
rotational coordinates out of the total 3N coordinates in the N-atomic
supermolecule). So a plot of U versus these relative nuclear coordinates takes
the form of a curve for diatomic reaction systems, while for cases of N > 2
it takes the form of a hypersurface in a (3N – 6 + 1 = 3N – 5) dimensional
hyperspace. Such an imaginary plot of the function U versus its nuclear
coordinate variables is known as a potential energy surface (PES), and it is
the shape of this PES that governs the course of the chemical reaction.
The value of U for a fixed nuclear framework is
obtained by solving the electronic Schrodinger equation including internuclear
repulsion, in which U is the eigenvalue. To get an idea of the shape of PES,
this Schrodinger equation must be solved for many, say 10 or more, different
values of each of the (3N - 6) relative nuclear coordinates to get the
eigenvalues U, and then the plot of U versus its coordinate variables
attempted. Such plotting is generally done mathematically, by trying to fit
analytical functions of U vs. its variables to the (103N-6 or more)
points obtained in the above procedure.
From this plot of U (to be called the PES), the local minima
are found out. Such a minimum may correspond to the reactant-set, the
product-set or a reaction intermediate (set). Then the Minimum Energy Path (MEP) joining the reactants (reactant-set) and products (product-set) through a
minimum barrier of energy is searched for: generally the reaction,
approximately speaking, progresses through the MEP, as it either goes along the
MEP, or along paths slightly different from the MEP. (If there are another path
with similar barrier, the reaction to some extent may progress along that path
also.) The point of highest U on this minimum energy path (which is a
saddle-point) is the transition-state for the reaction. From the shape of the
MEP and also of its close nearby region in the PES (along which the reaction
may progress), it is theoretically possible to calculate the reaction rate
constant as a function of temperature; such a function obviously offers a
theoretical energy of activation, Ea. The experimental and the
theoretical Ea are close to the barrier height along the MEP, the
barrier height being the difference in U values of the transition-state and of
the reactant-set. Thus from the PES, a lot of information about the course of a
given reaction may be obtained.
It is found that the nature of the MEP is
dependent on the choice of nuclear coordinates (though the location of the
minima aren't). It is known that the most proper MEP is obtained by using the
intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC), which indicates nuclear Cartesian
coordinates multiplied by the square root of nuclear masses (i.e., ma0.5xa, mb0.5zb etc.): this MEP
is identical with the path of a classical imaginary particle freely sliding
downhill along the PES, starting from the transition-state. The MEP obtained
using the IRC is called the reaction path, which is used in familiar chemistry
discussions of energy vs. reaction path, used to explain activation energy and
catalytic action.
Discussions of more familiar reactions involving larger number of nuclei will be much more complicated, and so a discussion of the reaction H2 + H = H + H2 (i.e., Ha-Hb + Hc = Ha + Hb-Hc) is attempted. This is a triatomic reaction-system, with U depending on (3 x 3 – 6 = 3) relative nuclear coordinates, the PES being a hypersurface in (3 + 1 = 4) dimensional hyperspace. To have a 3-D PES, a simplification is made by considering only the linear reactive collisions with all the three nuclei remaining collinear. This reduces the number of independent effective variables to two, and the two internuclear distances Ha–Hb & Hb–Hc may be taken as those variables. Denoted as Rab & Rbc, these distance variables may be drawn along the x & y perpendicular axes on paper, with U to be imagined as plotted along z-axis, perpendicular to the plane of paper. The (x, y) points having the same value of U may be joined on the paper to get iso-potential curves, as if on a geographical altitude-indicating map.
From the iso-potential curves thus drawn, the existence of two 'low-lying valleys' is obvious; they are with nearly fixed, small value of Rab or Rbc with large value of the other distance variable: these two valleys correspond to the reactants and the products. In between them, with intermediately high and equal values of Rab & Rbc lies the point indicating the transition-state, with higher values of U along its two sides, and lower values along the other two sides. Joining the reactants and the products via the transition state, the minimum energy path is indicated by the dotted line.