@echo off rem Program FF.BAT rem Save each of following programs as *.bat files in a folder which is included rem in the Path Command in C:\autoexec.bat : This one as FF.BAT will find a rem lost file when you put the command FF filename or FF partname* etc. dir \%1 /s /p echo. @echo off rem Program DK.BAT rem Program to install DosKey and introduce one-letter DosKeys c,d,e,p,y etc.; the rem single letter being entered at the DOS-Prompt behaving as a useful command. rem Just run once and get the facility of numerous DosKey Macros till you exit / shut down. cls doskey /bufsize=2048 /insert doskey c=cls doskey d=dir $* /o /p doskey del=erase $* /p doskey e=erase $* /p doskey h=doskey /history doskey m=cd \ doskey p=type $* doskey r=ren $* doskey v=move $* doskey y=copy $* break on verify on cls @echo off rem Program M.BAT -- takes one to the main folder of drive just by typing M or m cd \ cls @echo off rem Program N.BAT -- takes one to the main folder of C-drive just by typing N or n cd \ c: cd \ cls @ECHO OFF rem Program T.BAT -- instead of typing EDIT filename why not just T filename ECHO. EDIT %1 @echo off rem Program X.BAT -- Lets one Exit from DOS-Prompt after changing over to C:\ cd \ c: cd \ cls exit