Not Much Need to Buy AO?

If you, as an user of AO v3.2+, are hesitant to buy (authenticate i.e., register) the free (i.e., un-registered) variety of AO3, then this developer, sincerely speaking as a fellow human being, does not really see much need for the same! For your convenience, I would like to put forward the following suggestions for best exploiting Free-AO:

1. The 7-reminder (7LR) restriction is only a per-user restriction! Why, can't you pose as 20 different users to keep only your reminders? That way you may keep upto 7 x 20 (= 140) living reminders in your free AO!
2. No similar restriction for diary, isn't it? So, that way, you may write up to ~3650 diary-pages per decade in your free AO!
3. No similar restriction for the common address-book as well!

Happy e-reminder & e-diary management! -- The Developer