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(Abridged lecture notes on the topic for M.Sc. Chemistry students
at Cotton College)
Abstract: Non-equilibrium
thermodynamics or irreversible thermodynamics, the branch of science mostly founded
by Ilya Prigogine (born 1917, Russia; Nobel prize in Chemistry, 1977) discusses
about irreversible (non-equilibrium) processes. In any irreversible process the
entropy of the universe increases: this gives the concept of entropy production
here. Any irreversible process always occurs because of some generalized forces
or affinities (e.g., difference in chemical potential, difference in
temperature, difference in electrical potential etc.) which result in some
generalized fluxes or flows (chemical reaction and diffusion, heat flow,
current flow etc. respectively; such fluxes indicate the speed of the
irreversible process). Non-equilibrium thermodynamics puts forward some
generalized linear relations among such forces and fluxes (called
phenomenological relations; those relations are generalizations from observed
irreversible phenomena), and looks for the possible interrelation among the
coefficients involved there. While looking for such interrelations, it notes
that the irreversible phenomena at a microscopic level are governed by
reversible laws, i.e., the mechanical equations of motion of individual
particles are symmetric with respect to time; this concept is called that of
microscopic reversibility.
For a system within which an irreversible process occurs, the infinitesimal
entropy change dS because of that process can be expressed as a sum of two
parts: (i) the entropy flow deS into the system from the exterior
i.e., the surroundings, and (ii) the internal entropy production diS
inside the system, such that dS = deS + diS. As deS
is nothing but the negative of the entropy change of the surroundings [i.e., deS
= dSsurr, this is because the irreversible process under
consideration is assumed to occur within the system only, thus implying that the
entropy change in the surroundings (dSsurr) can occur solely due to a
transfer of entropy (deS) from the system towards it], it is obvious that diS (= dS deS = dS + dSsurr) is nothing but the entropy change of the universe (dSuniv). So (i.e.,
as diS = dSuniv) the internal entropy production is
never negative (as per the 2nd law of thermodynamics stated in terms of
entropy); it is positive for irreversible processes and zero for
reversible (equilibrium) processes. For an isolated system dS = diS
as deS obviously equals 0.
As an example of entropy production in an irreversible process, let us consider
a system consisting of two sub-systems 1 and 2, maintained respectively at two
uniform temperatures T1 and T2 (see figure).
Entropy being an extensive property, it is obvious that dS =
dS1 + dS2. Let the heat absorbed by each sub-system be
divided into two parts as: dQ1 = dQ1i + dQ1e
and dQ2 = dQ2i + dQ2e,
where dQ1i is the heat absorbed by sub-system
1 from sub-system 2 (i.e., from the interior of the system) and dQ1e is the heat absorbed by sub-system 1 from the
surroundings (exterior), and similarly for dQ2i & dQ2e (obviously, dQ1i = dQ2i).
Thus we get that the entropy change for the whole system dS is: dS = dQ1/T1 + dQ2/T2 = dQ1e /T1 + dQ2e /T2 + dQ1i (1/T1 1/T2).
Remembering dS = deS + diS, it becomes obvious that the
part [dQ1e / T1 + dQ2e / T2] equals the entropy flow deS
reversibly transferred from the surroundings to the system, so that the
remaining part [dQ1i (1/T1 1/T2)]
is the internal entropy production diS arising from the irreversible
heat flow inside the system; i.e., diS = dQ1i (1/T1 1/T2).
It is obvious that the internal entropy production is always positive here:
from our familiar zeroth law of thermodynamics, we find that dQ1i > 0 if T1 < T2 , dQ1i < 0 if T1 > T2
and dQ1i = 0 if T1 = T2.
Thus dQ1i and (1/T1 1/T2)
will have the same sign or, at most, both will be zero, excluding the
possibility for any negative value for the internal entropy production. It can
be zero when thermal equilibrium is established, i.e. when T1 = T2.
The quantity diS/dt, entropy production per unit time,
is frequently used in irreversible thermodynamics, and is called the rate of
entropy production. Here, diS/dt
= (dQ1i/dt)(1/T11/T2).
It is obvious that this rate is never negative as diS is also never
negative. This equation also signifies an important concept: the rate of
entropy production is a product of the rate dQ1i /dt of the irreversible process of heat flow
(a generalized flow or flux), and of a generalized driving force or affinity
{(1/T1 1/T2), the difference of inverse of
temperatures} which is a function of state of the system. The direction of the
irreversible process is determined by the sign of this function, and this
driving force may be considered the macroscopic cause of the
irreversible process. [It is common experience that the magnitude of the
generalized flow is more when its aforesaid cause is more in magnitude; in the
later part of this discussion we'd even talk about (experimentally observable)
proportionality laws relating the flux and the causative generalized force.]
As another example, let us consider the entropy production due to
(irreversible) chemical reactions. For a chemical reaction expressed as 0 = Si ni Ai (e.g.,
0 = 2CO O2 + 2CO2, where the stoichiometric coefficients
ni 's are negative for the reactants Ai but positive for the
products Ai) we have: TdS = dU + PdV Si mi dni (starting
from dG = VdP SdT + Si mi dni and G = U + PV TS implying dG = dU
+ PdV + VdP TdS SdT, then equating these two expressions for dG) i.e., dS = dQ/T (1/T) Si
dni as dU + PdV equals the
heat absorbed dQ (using the first-law relation
dQ +
dw = dU --- it is being
assumed here that in the reaction no non-mechanical work is done, so that dw =
Now, for the reaction, we have dni = ni dz where z (zeta) is the
advancement of the reaction defined as ni = ni0
+ zni,
in which ni is the number of moles of i-th substance at time t [by the end of the chemical reaction (i.e., when
z becomes 1), ni changes from its initial value
ni0 (at z = 0) to its final value
ni0 + ni ]. So we get dS =
dQ/T (1/T)
Si mi ni dz. This is
expressed as dS = dQ/T + (A / T) dz where A is
called the affinity of the chemical reaction defined as A = Si mi ni.
Considering an example of a reaction, such as the carbon monoxide combustion
reaction mentioned above, it would obvious to the attentive reader that this
affinity A is nothing but the negative of DG, the Gibbs free energy change for the chemical reaction.
Similar to the difference of temperature-inverse values in the last example,
affinity A can also be thought of as the macroscopic cause of the
reaction: if the total chemical potential of the products are lesser than that
of the reactants, the affinity A will be positive (with DG being negative) and the reaction will then proceed in the
forward direction, and vice-versa.
also, the entropy change consists of two parts: the entropy flow deS
= dQ/ T from the surroundings, and the rest part A dz / T obviously being the entropy production diS.
So diS = A dz / T, which is always
positive for spontaneous processes as dz and A always have the same sign (as, clearly, dz > 0 implies forward reaction and dz < 0 implies backward reaction). If A = 0, the system is
at equilibrium and so dz = 0. The rate of
entropy production per unit time is diS/dt = Av/T where v = dz/dt is the speed of the chemical reaction (the rate of the
chemical reaction is r = (1/V)(dz/dt) = v/V, V
being the volume. Here also we see that the rate of entropy production is a
product of A / T (a function of state, the generalized affinity) and the rate v
(the generalized flow) of the irreversible process. (So A/T should have been
called the affinity, but just for historical reasons A is being called affinity
for a chemical reaction.)
This discussion can be
extended to the case of several simultaneous reactions. We then get diS
= (1/T) Sc
Ac dzc
> 0, where Ac is the affinity of the c-th chemical reaction
related to the chemical potentials per mole as Ac = Si nic mic. At
equilibrium, all these affinities A1, A2, .. Ac
are zero. The entropy production per unit time is here diS/dt =
(1/T) Sc
Ac vc, this being greater than zero except at
equilibrium. Here, however, it may happen that a system undergoes two
simultaneous reactions such that, say, A1v1 < 0 (i.e.,
A1 & v1 unusually being of opposite signs) and A2v2
> 0, provided that the sum A1v1 + A2v2
> 0. Thus in such cases one of the reactions (in this example the first one)
might progress in a direction opposite of its own affinity, provided the other
one doesn't do so. The pair of reactions is then called 'coupled' reactions.
Coupled reactions are of great importance in biological processes: many
biosynthetic processes (such as synthesis of the complex enzyme macromolecules
from the amino acids) are non-spontaneous processes made possible by virtue of
being coupled with other spontaneous processes (such as oxidation of glucose).
Let us now consider the relations that arise among the generalized fluxes
on one hand, and the generalized affinities on the other. For a
generalized set of several irreversible processes occurring simultaneously
within a system, the entropy production can be written as a sum of the products
of generalized affinities and the corresponding fluxes: diS/dt = Sk Jk
Xk where Jk are the generalized fluxes and Xk
are the generalized affinities. In this standard notation, for a chemical
reaction diS/dt = Jch Xch with Jch
= v and Xch = A/T (conventional chemical-reaction affinity A divided
by the temperature T). The fluxes Jk, however, depend on the
affinities Xk --- we have already come across the idea that a flux
is but the consequence of the corresponding affinity, and have the same sign as
the affinity. Now, as at equilibrium all Jk and Xk are
zero, so for systems not significantly far from equilibrium the fluxes may be
safely assumed to linearly depend on the affinities: i.e., Jk = Si LkiXi
(with the coefficients Lki s being constants). Examples of such
linear relations include Fourier's law for heat flow, Fick's law for diffusion,
Ohm's law for electric current etc., each relating only one type of flux and
the corresponding affinity. However, such linear relations also include Soret
effect, Dufour effect etc. --- each dealing with two or more
simultaneously-occurring sets of fluxes and affinities. As such laws are
generalizations from observed irreversible phenomena, they are called
phenomenological* relations, and the coefficients Lki there are
called phenomenological coefficients. The pure coefficients Lii
stand for the relation of a flux with the same type of affinity, e.g., the
coefficients for heat conductivity, electrical conductivity, chemical drag
etc., while the cross coefficients Lki with k ╪ i describe the
interference of two irreversible processes i & k, such as thermodiffusion.
Considering only two arbitrary irreversible processes 1 & 2 happening
together, we get J1 = L11X1 + L12X2
and J2 = L21X1 + L22 X2,
while diS/dt = J1X1 + J2X2.
This gives diS/dt = L11X12 + (L12
+ L21) X1X2 + L22X22
> 0, which implies that the 'pure' coefficients Lii (L11
& L22) are all positive [e.g., for X2 = 0, diS/dt
= L11X12 > 0, giving L11 >
0], while the 'cross' coefficients L12 & L21 may be
positive or negative, as they need only satisfy (L12 +L21)2
< 4L11L22 , because** of the above inequality.
Lars Onsager (born 1903, Norway) has shown that for fluxes and affinities defined
obeying the standard relation diS/dt = Sk Jk
Xk , the cross coefficients Lik & Lki in
the relation Jk = Si LkiXi must satisfy the
relation Lik = Lki. This relation is known as the Onsager
reciprocal relation. The derivation of this relation involves the concept of
microscopic reversibility. Microscopic reversibility means the symmetry of all
mechanical equations of motions of individual particles with respect to time,
i.e., is invariant for replacement of t with (t). For example, the Newton's
second law m(d2x/dt2) = Fx is invariant for
replacement of t with (t).
principle of minimum entropy production by Prigogine states that the rate of
internal entropy production (diS/dt) is a minimum for a
non-equilibrium stationary state not far from the equilibrium. For small
deviations or fluctuations around a stationary state, the rate of
entropy production can only decrease with time (i.e., its time derivative is
negative), so that the stationary state with the minimum rate of entropy
production is re-attained. On the other hand, while in the stationary state,
the time derivative of the rate of entropy production is zero. Thus, such
stationary states are stable states with of the first derivative of diS/dt
zero, and the second derivative positive --- i.e., with diS/dt
understand this principle, let us consider a non-equilibrium stationary state.
Familiar examples include (i) a one-component (pure) gaseous system with two
compartments separated by a small hole or capillary, while the two compartments
are being maintained (using a heating device at one chamber and cooling device
at the other chamber, see fig.) at two different constant temperatures T1
and T2
AND (ii) a continuously charged chemical-reaction chamber
(as is found in any continuous-process chemical manufacturing unit)
where two substances such as SO3 and H2O are being
continuously charged into, and the product such as H2SO4
are being continuously withdrawn. It is obvious that in both cases familiar
stationary states appear and remain, verifying the concept of stable stationary
Considering the first example, we see that there
is a heat flow Jh corresponding to the heat-transport affinity Xh
(equal to the difference of inverse temperature) maintained at a constant value
D(1/T), whereas there also appears an affinity Xm
= D(m / T) corresponding to***
matter transport, that reflects itself in the so-called thermo-molecular
pressure difference between the two phases. Because of the existence of
stationary state, there's no net matter flow, and so Jm equals zero,
though Xm is non-zero. As the system was assumed to be not far from
equilibrium, the phenomenological linear relations are valid which give:
Jh = LhhXh + LhmXm
, Jm = LmhXh
+ LmmXm
where diS/dt = JhXh
+ JmXm > 0
From Onsagers reciprocal relation, Lhm = Lmh
, so that diS/dt = LhhXh2 +
2LmhXmXh + LmmXm2
Differentiating (diS/dt) with respect to Xm,
we get the expression (2LmhXh + 2LmmXm)
but as LmhXh + LmmXm i.e., Jm
is zero here, so the first derivative of diS/dt with respect to Xm
is also zero. As here Xh is kept constant, diS/dt depends
only on (or a function only of) Xm, the lone variable specifying the
process. Thus, as that first derivative is zero, here diS/dt is
either a maximum or a minimum. As it couldn't have been a maximum as it is
always a finite positive quantity, so rate of internal entropy production (diS/dt)
is a minimum in the stationary state.
* The word phenomenological means 'of experimental
** To derive the relation (L12
+L21)2 < 4L11L22 let us consider
the (very general) case of
(X1 ╪ 0, X2 ╪ 0) for which
L11X12 + (L12 + L21) X1
X2 + L22X22 > 0, obviously
L11ί2 + (L12 + L21)
ί + L22 > 0 where ί = X1/X2, i.e., ί is
clearly a real quantity. However,
this inequality also means that L11ί2
+ (L12 + L21) ί + L22 ╪ 0 which further
means that the quadratic equation L11ί2 + (L12
+ L21) ί + L22 = 0 can have no real roots (values)
for ί, meaning that the two roots [i.e., the roots ί = {(L12 + L21)
+ ((L12 + L21)2 4L11L22)½}/(2L11)
and ί = {(L12 + L21) ( (L12 + L21)2
4L11L22)½}/(2L11)] of that
quadratic equation can only be complex. This, however, would mean that {(L12
+ L21)2 4L11L22}½ must
be a purely imaginary number, i.e., that (L12 + L21)2
4L11L22 < 0, which means (L12 +L21)2
< 4L11L22.
Using the Onsager reciprocal relation L12
= L21, this immediately gives
|L12| < (L11L22)½,
meaning that the magnitude of the 'cross' coefficient L12 has to be
less than the geometric mean (L11L22)½
of the two 'pure' coefficients L11 & L22.
*** It may be shown that if, because of solely a difference Dm in the chemical potential m, diffusion of matter occurs (at the rate Jm =
dn/dt, from the high-m compartment to the
low-m one), then the rate of entropy production would
be diS/dt = (Dm / T). dn/dt, thus
meaning that the generalized affinity here would be nothing other than (Dm / T) i.e., D(m / T). [The negative
sign here signifies that matter diffuses from a region of high m to one of low m].
© 2005-2009. Rituraj Kalita, Guwahati (India).
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of
Thermoelectric Effects Some
Questions & Answers