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What is SB ET-Feel Auto-Saved Text-Slates (SB-ASTS) and How to Use it?
Shabda-Brahma and South Asian Languages - A Specific Discussion


A 1000-Character Description: This auto-suggesting, intelligent text-processor is just great for typing in the skeletal, raw form of your text into the PC. As you type the first few letters of a long word (or of a repeated phrase/ clause), SB tries to cleverly guess the intended word/ phrase and displays that auto-suggestion (2 choices) on the screen. If guessed by SB correctly, you need to just press Insert/ Alt key to get that auto-suggestion auto-typed. Newer auto-suggestions may even be auto-learnt from the user's written texts (along 20 user-paths or 80 languages). Defining & using up to 10,000 direct 3-key shorthand are also possible. Also able to auto-form usual symbols & even South-Asian 'conjunct-consonants' (juktakshar), and displaying font-specific onscreen keyboards, SB is even more useful for non-English typing. SB exports its typed text as HTML-output, to be copied using any Internet-browser into any word-processor (for final use therein). v5.9.5 improves suggestion-management in SB-classic & SB-ASTS.


The shorthand writers could take down a large volume of dictated material at a short time because of their skill of representing commonly used words by short symbols. The computer has been hailed as a great instrument for saving time, but not enough attempt has yet been observed that tries to comparably decrease the labor and time involved in typing long passages of text into the computer. Shabda-Brahma ET-Feel Word-Storm Processor (abbreviated as Shabda-Brahma or just as SB), devised by Rituraj Kalita of Guwahati (India), is a modest attempt to do something in this field. It was first developed in a rudimentary form during the year 1999, in a Pentium-I Windows-95 based PC at the developer's workplace, using the dBase III Plus programming tool. The FoxPro based versions (v2.0 onwards) started emerging in 2001 with their auto-suggestions wizard feature that even overshadowed the shorthand database feature developed in the earlier versions. Better-looking (v3.x) versions developed in Visual FoxPro in a Pentium-II 400 MHz 64 MB RAM Windows-98 based PC and perfected in January 2003 allows long filenames, offers a convenient set of mouse-based operations, introduces non-English typing facility with a symbolizer (conjunct-consonant maker) & onscreen keyboard, and can invite MS-Word, WordPad, Notepad, Internet Explorer, FireFox or FrontPage to take care of the text and HTML files generated by it. A more recent (v4.0) version perfected in April 2004 introduces in addition the context-sensitive auto-suggestion feature, the continuous HTML-Export feature, and the multiple-user (allowing up to 20 users or virtual user-entities) feature; may click here to know in details about the multiple-users feature in SB v4.x & v5.x. The most recent (v5.0 - v5.9+) versions perfected in 2005-2006 winter offers two dynamic auto-suggestions (Insert/ Alt enforceable) instead of the earlier one, along with the related feature (viz. para 65) of suffix-conscious auto-suggestion management. Without undergoing an authentication (i.e., registration) process involving a key floppy diskette (SB-KFD), the v5.9+ software installed from the internet works as a Free 33-Line Variety allowing one to type up to 33 lines (equivalent to half a page of single-spaced typed text in Word) per file (or per slate) and to open up to 3 files/slates per session (to authenticate SB v5.9+, contact the vendor firm). [However, in the file-less save-free variety of SB v5.9+, namely SB-ASTS, coming freely-bundled with SB, the number of text-slates is unlimited even for un-authenticated SB.] The name Shabda-Brahma is of an Indian origin, and is related to an ancient Indian belief that considered the Word (Shabda) as an extremely powerful entity. (Para 01)

To install and work with this application, you need to have Windows 95 or a higher version of Microsoft Windows as your operating system, in a PC  with a Pentium II (400 MHz) or a faster processor with at least 64 MB RAM and connected to preferably a color monitor, and in which there is at least 15 MB of disk space free in the hard disk drive you install SB into. These hardware criteria mentioned here are, however, over-satisfied with an extremely wide margin in most PCs nowadays, while Windows 95 or a higher version of Microsoft Windows is the operating system in most PCs around the world. In addition, you need to also have your monitor (VDU) screen resolution tuned in to at least 800 by 600 pixels and also the Windows Display Font Size tuned at Small Fonts or Normal, already made so in most modern computers (if not, click here for know-how about changing). (Para 02)

To powerfully navigate inside this help file that you are reading now, I should tell you here (lest you not yet know) that the underlined words here are hyperlinks, and by clicking (the left button of mouse) there you can arrive at another portion of this document explaining that term in more details. You may also look up an alphabetical index of such hyperlinks at the bottom of this document, in addition to the chapter-wise one at the top. (Para 03)

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SB Version 5.x is nothing but an text-processor application (though with a sort of extra-terrestrial feel), written in Visual FoxPro. It generally gets installed into the C:\SB5th9d5 folder, and is to be activated by double-clicking the icon of the link file SB Word-Storm Processor v5 in the same folder. (To easily activate this file, the installer tries to keep a copy of it in the Windows Desktop - if it hasn't done so, you may do that yourself.) After this, the program first does some preparatory work (e.g., measurement of the computer speed etc.) for 3-4 seconds, then waits for 5 seconds for the user-entity specification (if no user-entity specification is indicated through keyboard or mouse, the default user-entity is assumed to be using SB), and then three opening screens of Shabda-Brahma are displayed in succession. In the first one, you are asked whether you want to work further on the last used file with the last used setting -- if yes, Press Enter or Click OK to directly work on it (in that case the 2nd and the 3rd screen won't appear.) If you press Space or Click Not OK, the second screen would appear  where the file to work on (text or HTML file) has to be specified along with the folder. (If you instead want to view this help file while leaving SB, press PageUp while in the first opening screen.) In the third screen, you would see some instructions, and also a prompt to alter the line-width (i.e., page-width, in characters), tap-gap (difference of successive tab-positions), page-length (in lines), and script (English, Hindi, Assamese etc.); by pressing the Esc key the default values may be used. [To just open the last-opened file as the last-using user, avoiding all these troubles about selecting user-entity/ filename/ page-setup etc., you may either click at the LastUser-LastFile pseudo-hyperlink or press L / Ctrl+L (at the very beginning).] After passing through this screen, the text file is directly shown at the MAIN MODE of SB with the cursor at the end of the file (unlike at the beginning for most word-processors). One can now proceed with the typing work, and go on adding typed text directly into the end (or into any portion you need) of the file. While typing, the auto-suggestions wizard continuously tries to guess what word or word-set you are going to type -- in case it has guessed that correctly, you need to just press the Insert key (or the Alt key, in case of the lower, second guess since SB v5.x) to get it auto-typed. (This wizard works better if you click at the ReadWords button or click Ctrl+UpArrow from time to time while writing any piece.) You can also define and use up to 10,000 abbreviations available through a 3-keypress shorthand feature (see the next section for details). Starting from v5.9 onwards, you may even use a pair of Undo & Redo buttons in SB (note: if once-clicking any of them doesn't work, simply click again!). (Para 04)

After typing some text, one may save the work by clicking at the File menu or at the Save button as usual. At the end, one can quit by choosing Exit from the File menu or by clicking at a inner top-right cross (X) sign (unfortunately, the extreme top-right program-window closing X-button works here only if immediately followed by a Save command). One also has the option of inviting MS-Word, WordPad, Internet Explorer, MS-FrontPage etc. to work further on the SB-created text or HTML file: to do so one need to click either at the said inner X button (or choose Exit from the File menu), then click at (detailed later) any one of the lower long buttons Save & Text-Export, Save & HTML-Export or Simple Save & HTML-Export Package, depending on whether text or HTML file is exported. Because of the absence of formatting (bold, italic, different font-size etc.) features in pure SB, you are more likely to use SB to just generate the text skeleton and convert it (by another wizard in SB) to a similarly skeletal HTML file, and then to invite MS-Word etc. to save that HTML file as a MS-Word (or similar) Document, wherein you could do any formatting you desire. From version 4.0 onwards, SB is also offering the Continuous HTML-Export facility, whereby during every save, export & continue (hotkey Shift+F12) operation in SB, a file named output_htm.htm containing the exported text is formed in the Data subfolder (i.e., say, C:\SB5th9d5\Data) within the working folder of SB, and a shortcut (link-file, named as SB5 Output) to this file is kept in the Links subfolder of the main working folder (say, C:\SB5th9d5) of SB - you may copy (if not automatically pre-done) that  link-file to the Windows Desktop for your convenience. (You may also, of course, require an well-formatted HTML file (web-page) as an end product, in that case the skeletal HTML file generated by SB would be a good starting point. If you cannot follow why an HTML intermediate is required to finally get a document in MS-Word etc., see later for details). SB can also, of course, be of great help in directly typing lengthy computer-programs as these programs are generally all text files, and that too involving repeated keywords. (Para 05)

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The earliest purpose of developing SB was to enable its users to use a form of a computer-based 'shorthand'. This is still possible, and is done with the help of a Shorthand Mode, which can be activated by pressing any of the keys F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, or F9 while typing in the Main Mode. The Shorthand Mode thus activated would now prompt the user to type a 2nd Key, which may be any alphabet. Every Abbreviated Matter (AM), which may be an up to 75-character long piece (such as "The University of California, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.", or it may be simply a long word such as "imagination") in SB can be abbreviated by a small 3-key Abbreviation (3KA) (say, F9uc or F1in respectively). Upon pressing the 2nd Key, the already defined 3rd Keys corresponding to the given 1st key-2nd key combination will be shown (a 3rd key may be an alphabet, a digit or another character); pressing such a pre-defined 3rd key will bring the Abbreviated Matter down to the text file, and then re-activate the Main Mode. If the required Abbreviated Matter is not already pre-defined, then on pressing a (previously undefined) 3rd key, the Shorthand Mode would ask to define the Full Form (i.e., the AM) in a highlighted region; then that is to be typed there, and then Enter key is to be pressed to complete the definition and to re-activate the Main Mode. (This newly defined AM can now obviously be brought down to any text-file anytime by just typing the corresponding 3KA.) Instead of an actual 2nd key or 3rd key, Space (or Backspace or ? sign) may be pressed to abort (cancel) the shorthand mode, or one of three keys F9, F10 or | may be pressed to choose among the range of abbreviated matters available (handy feature if an exact 3KA was forgotten by the user). (Para 06)

Similar shortcut method of getting a long 'Abbreviated Matter', by simply typing even one or two keys, is also available in most other word-processors e.g., 'Shorthand' facility in WordStar, 'Macro' facility in MS-Word or in WordPerfect etc., but what distinguishes this facility in SB is the sheer number of AMs that can be defined. Considering one of the 9 function keys (F1 to F9) as the 1st key, any one of the 26 alphabets as the 2nd key, and any one of the at least 43 digits, alphabets and possible other symbols as the 3rd key, the number of possible AMs that can be defined is more than the number 9 x 26 x 43 i.e., more than ten thousand, which far exceeds the number of commonly used English words! (Para 07)

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The auto-suggestions facility, though not an early goal of this project, turns out to be the single brightest feature that puts SB a class apart from any other known word-processor in terms of the speed of typing by common and inexperienced users. Whenever you type anything, the auto-suggestions wizard tries to guess what (word or word-sets) you are going to type, and shows its two best guesses in blue-colored text, in blank spaces just above and somewhat below the working line. If she is guessing about you correctly, you just need to press the Insert key (or the Alt key, in case of the 2nd guess) to get the remaining part auto-typed. (If you want to choose one from the possible auto-suggestions offered, press Ctrl+Insert key.) The wizard does this wizardry with the help of an auto-suggestions database that includes common words and word-sets (each longer than 5 characters), and it can take up to 15,000-25,000 entries in an usual Pentium III or Pentium IV PC (depending on computer speed, which SB itself checks). From the 4th version onwards, there's also provision for contextual (context-sensitive) auto-suggestion that considers the last word typed while suggesting: if this RAM-requiring feature makes auto-suggestion slow, you may turn it off by putting a file (containing anything) named Block4th.htm in the DontOpen subfolder. Furthermore, if display of two auto-suggestions troubles you while typing, you may choose to display only the first auto-suggestion by putting a file (containing anything in it) named Block5th.txt in the DontOpen subfolder. (Para 08)

A question arises, however, that how can it guess people's minds correctly -- how can it know that you are going to type resources and not research, whenever you type the segment res? One answer is that you always have the option of accepting only proper suggestions, ignoring the ridiculous ones and just go on typing. A stronger answer lies in the idea that whenever you write a letter, a report or an essay, common keywords are bound to appear in that piece of writing again and again. So after writing the first few lines of any piece of written work, you should press the ReadWords button (or press Ctrl+UpArrow), so that the wizard learns or re-learns these new words so as to store them as if in a upper level of its 'mind', and so can suggest them correctly whenever it comes across the first two or three characters typed. To get the best out of the wizard, keep pressing ReadWords after typing the next few lines, and so on. (Such a simple ReadWords process generally takes only one or two seconds, and also supports typing during the process time.) However, to teach the wizard common word-sets and phrases in addition to words, you need to click at ReadW&Sets colored button (or press Ctrl+DownArrow). In this more detailed learning process, the wizard looks for repeated set of words within the file as well. (In all cases, HTML tags are ignored while reading text.) From v5.0 onwards, to avoid unduly long time in reading, a simple ReadWords process simply avoids re-reading the upper, already read, part of the file. [If you've just edited some upper portion of the file and want SB to re-read and learn words from that part also, press ^L (i.e., Ctrl+L) as if to delete all lines, then in the consequent question press N (or click at the No! answer) to avoid actually deleting the written lines. Now you may press the ReadWords button to duly learn words from the whole text. (Para 09)

Just as you take care of a pet, you may choose to feed the auto-suggestions wizard with texts already written by other people on the topic of your specialization (say quantum physics or welfare economics), so that it becomes knowledgeable enough with the keywords and phrases of your discipline. To feed it with text and HTML files is quite straightforward -- you just need to open the file with SB, click at the ReadWords button or at the ReadW&Sets coloured-button as is desired, to observe the wizard becoming wise with the keywords and word-sets. To feed files written in any other format, copy the text into windows clipboard, and paste that into an MS-Word (or FrontPage or FrontPage Express) new document, then choose Save As HTML (or Save As Webpage) File-Menu option (in case of FrontPage etc. simply Save) to create a new HTML file containing the same text. This HTML file can now be opened with SB (SB will never even attempt to open a file with .doc or .pdf etc. file extensions) (Para 10)

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The Main Mode of SB allows one to perform corrective editing in the usual way excepting selection of a piece, but the main hindrance to fluent editing here comes from the reality that this mode is not completely a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) user interface. So an alternative is necessary. For using a sort of selection, cutting and pasting operations possible in Main Mode, see below. (Para 11)

In SB, extensive corrections may be done by activating the TextEditor mode, which can be done by pressing the Esc key (or by clicking at the UseTextEditor button) while in the 'Main Mode' of SB. In this (TextEditor) mode the corrections may be done in the usual manner of any Windows-based simple word-processor such as WordPad or Notepad, including the facility to select, copy, cut, or paste a piece of text. After finished using this TextEditor mode of SB, one has to exit to the 'Main Mode' of SB by clicking at the top-right cross (X) sign of this TextEditor Window; or by clicking at the Save icon and then by pressing Esc; or by pressing Alt key, then F key and then C key as usual. (Para 12)

Corrections in the text-file naturally make some too short lines, sometimes also some lines longer than the page-width. So there arises a necessity for alignment. This can be done by pressing Ctrl+F11 or by clicking at the Align button while in the 'Main Mode' of SB. Now the user will be asked whether the text file surely not contain any poem etc. (on alignment, the lines of a poem will naturally get thoroughly disrupted). Upon pressing the Y key (or clicking the appropriate button) to mean yes, alignment will be done. (Para 13)

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As mentioned above, as SB is more likely to be used to generate the text skeleton that the user would finally convert into a word-processor document (or into an web-page), a page-setting feature in SB is generally redundant. Nevertheless, in some cases you might want the SB generated text file to directly go to paper (or into some scientific / technical applications), and so this feature comes handy there. (Para 14)

In the above-mentioned third opening screen of SB, you may change the SB - text page setting from the default value of 065-08-55 by typing in new entries. These three entries respectively mean the page-width in columns i.e., characters (default 65, allowed 25-125), gap between respective tab positions in columns (default 8, allowed 3-33), and page length in rows (of single-spaced lines) with a default value of 55 (allowed 10-99). An interesting and awkward point to note is that these values are not document-specific, so if you change those setting values for any file and finally save that file, in the subsequent session of SB these new setting values will appear as if like a default value, even for another old file! So if you plan to have the SB-generated text file as a final end-product, beware of the page-setting offered in the current session, and change that if necessary. To change the setting after you've already entered Main Mode, press Ctrl+U key to generate FullHnG Menu and then press / (slash key) in that FullHnG Menu, so as to make the third opening screen reappear. (Para 15)

It is also possible to change the way (American or British etc.) of writing dates, assumption about paper-length during printing, font assignments for the three possible custom scripts, word-processors (MS-Word etc.) to be used as file importers from SB etc., Pipu-Phiho Shorthand key assignments etc. settings, by using the SB: Fonts, Importers and Other Settings Wizard. To call this wizard, press 0 (the number 0) while in the FullHnG Menu (the one obtainable by pressing Ctrl+U), then follow the directions on the screen to change those settings. (Para 16)

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As has been discussed, SB is more likely to be used by you to get text skeletons exported to another word-processor such as MS-Word (or at least, say, to WordPad), wherein you could do all the text & graphics formatting not possible in SB itself. After you finish writing a text file in SB, exporting it is very easy. The simplest way is to click the inner top-right cross (X) sign (or nearby Exit button) so as to leave SB. In addition to the usual bigger command buttons named Save file, Not be saved  & Cannot decide, you'll see two thinner command buttons below named Save & Text-Export and Save & HTML-Export -- click either of these two to have it exported. If you click the first one, you can have the text file (or a copy of the file with the .txt extension) appear under MS-Word, WordPad or Notepad within a few seconds by just pressing the Y, W or the N key respectively. Yes, you don't have to manually open MS-Word or WordPad etc., and open the text file with it -- SB will do that for you (the bulky application MS-Word may take a few seconds to fully appear - just be patient.) Yes, once within MS-Word or WordPad, you can of course save the text (.txt) file as a document (.doc) file, and do any desired formatting there. (Para 17)

But there is a small hitch about saving a text file as a document and changing it further, and because of this the second option of HTML-Export becomes extremely useful. The reason of this problem is that the text files have a carriage return (as if an Enter key-press) after every line of text, so every line there behaves as if like an individual paragraph. So, if the document page-width is made smaller, the lines break up as if like individual paragraphs instead of the actual paragraphs gracefully aligning themselves. Similarly, if you change this neo-document's font to any typical Windows font such as Times New Roman, the lines become longer or smaller, destroying the beauty of the document. In an HTML file generated by SB from its text file, however, the lines inside a paragraph are align-able lines without the hypothetical carriage returns after it, and so such a problem never appears. So while forming an word-processor document file from an SB-generated text skeleton, it is always advisable to choose the 'Save & HTML-Export' option, and then finally save the HTML file opened by the word-processor (say, by MS-Word) as a document file, and then do any desired text, graphics or page formatting therein. If you hate to understand computer mumbo-jumbo, you may simply click at the Simple Save & HTML-Export Package button, and copy the text material displayed in Internet Explorer into any desired word-processor. From version 4.0 onwards, SB is also offering the Continuous HTML-Export facility, whereby during every save, export & continue (hotkey Shift+F12) operation in SB, a file named output_htm.htm containing the exported text is formed in the Data subfolder (i.e., say, C:\SB5th9d5\Data) within the working folder of SB, and a shortcut (link-file, named as SB5 Output) to this file is kept in the main working folder (say, C:\SB5th9d5) of SB - you may copy (if not automatically pre-done) that  link-file to the Windows Desktop for your convenience. (Para 18)

When you click the thin command button 'Save & HTML-Export' from the above-mentioned Exit Screen, you are asked for the title of the HTML-file if you are editing a text file (if you are an HTML-nerd editing the HTML file directly in SB, the title is already available). Every HTML file generally have a title that appears at the top bar when browsed by a browser, and you should offer one too. (The presence of a non-null title helps the Text to HTML Conversion Wizard in SB to properly distinguish any hidden paragraphs in your text, and for the wizard to work best you should also have a final SB Text-Alignment (hotkey ^F11 ) performed and its result checked, just before HTML-Exporting.) The wizard may ask you a few more questions (in case of the two package buttons mentioned above, the wizard assumes default answers for some of these questions), and after answering them you'll arrive in the 'Farewell from SB' screen similar to the one in the Text-Export process -- therein you can press the Y, I or F key to invite MS-Word, Internet Explorer or MS-FrontPage respectively to take care of the HTML file generated by SB. In case of MS-Word, you can then even save the HTML file as a document file. (Para 19)

A much smaller hitch about saving an HTML file as a document file might trouble you a little. This hitch is that such a document file is not exactly similar to one you directly type in MS-Word, it as if has some web or HTML smell about it. To completely remove this web-smell and to get a proper, familiar-looking Microsoft Word document (to be saved as a *.doc file) with this, next you should Select All (i.e., select all the text) using Ctrl+A (say), then using a drop-down list-box in MS-Word (generally placed at the left-top corner), transform those selected text to the Normal pattern from the Normal (Web) pattern. (Para 20)

If you are an HTML-expert, you may prefer to directly write the HTML file in SB. This is fine, more particularly because HTML tags become good occasions for using shorthand and auto-type features in SB. In such cases, HTML-Export option just saves and export the HTML file, and obviously does not perform any Text-to-HTML conversion. However, if you choose the Save & Text-Export option here, something interesting happens: a wizard named HTML to Text Conversion Wizard gets activated, and forms a text file (with .txt extension) by removing all the HTML tags. This is a rather funny option, however this wizard also gets used by the Auto-suggestions Wizard to learn the text hidden in HTML file without learning the HTML tags. (Para 21)

For the users who prefer other word-processors instead of MS-FrontPage or MS-Word, a useful tip may be provided here: while installing SB, the installer will ask you to confirm the locations of MS-Word, MS-FrontPage and Internet Explorer (usual locations of these three are, respectively, "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Winword.exe", "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\FrontPg.exe" and "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IExplore.exe"). If you want to use other word-processors instead of them, just change those pathnames to your desired ones. Thus, if you want to use FrontPage Express instead of MS-FrontPage, change the given pathname of MS-FrontPage to that of FrontPage Express (say, to "D:\Program Files\FrontPage Express\Bin\FPXpress.exe"). These importer word-processor assignments can also be changed any time later by calling the Fonts, Importers and Other Settings Wizard, see above. (Para 22)

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SB supports writing in non-English scripts also, provided you have a True Type Font (.ttf font) for that script installed in your computer. In the third opening screen of SB mentioned above, you can set the session's script to Another European, Hindi or Assamese by pressing appropriate buttons or by replacing E with O, H or A in the appropriate entry as explained in the screen. You may also similarly change the script, using a corresponding Edit Menu option in the Main Mode of SB. So if you have the true type fonts "Kiran" or "Aadarsha Ratne Internet", you can write in Hindi/ Marathi/ Nepali or Assamese/ Bengali. However, this assignment only changes the font in SB Main Mode. In the TextEditor Window (Mode); the font assignment of the TextEditor again needs to altered by clicking first at the Format menu bar option, and then at its Font menu option. (Para 23)

By default, the Another European is set to the "Times New Roman" font installed in most computers, and so it writes Greek alphabets if required. Also, Assamese has been set to "Aadarsha Ratne Internet", and Hindi to "Kiran"; if you don't have these two fonts installed (to install a font via Control Panel - Fonts, may consult Windows Help), you'll just see a different English font when you try to use any of them. [To download the last two extremely convenient Indian-language fonts you may log on to ( offers a version of the Aad. Ratne Int. font exactly matching with the one being used in SB) or to respectively.] You can change the font assignments for these three scripts to any installed font, and that too even for any language. Thus, in your computer's SB, you may actually choose to mean a Thai font when you choose Assamese
[N.B. If you use the Hindi or Assamese script-setting in SB, you may now avail of the Symbolizer technology inside SB, which helps you get all the conjunct consonants (juktakshar-s) in the Assamese (Bengali) or Hindi with ease into your HTML output file made by SB. You may also use an onscreen keyboard for these three fonts, which may be activated by clicking at the OnScK button at the top part of the Main Mode screen. (If interested, click for a specific discussion about SB and South Asian Languages.)] (Para 24)

One tip is however necessary here: the auto-suggestions wizard maintains three separate auto-suggestions database (in files Hindi.dbf & Hindi.dtb, Assamese.dbf & Assamese.dtb, and Other_Eu.dbf & Other_Eu.dtb) for these three custom scripts, in addition to the database (in files 99.dbf & 99.dtb) maintained for default English script, so if you change, within the same user-entity, the font for any of these three custom scripts in the middle of your writing career, your already developed auto-suggestions wizard may, at least temporarily, lose its wizardry (in that custom script only). Another tip about having custom fonts is this:  though you might know that a text file cannot have an intrinsic font assignment, an HTML files generated from a text file (by the Text to HTML Conversion Wizard in SB as detailed later) does have the font assignment of the SB-session during which this said conversion took place. (Para 25)

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The facility of adding left margins or having non-single line-spacing described in this section becomes valuable only if you plan to have the text file as the final product. In the flourishing HTML-Export (of text files) business of SB, a non-zero left margin or a non-single line-spacing can only be a big nuisance. So if you are going to do HTML-Export of a text file, use the knowledge of this section only for the destructive purpose of destroying line-spacing, removing left-margin, or of alphabetically sorting lines. (Para 26)

Particularly in case of text files as end products, you might want to have (or change) a left-margin, or want to alter the inter-line spacing of the text, or even to sort the lines alphabetically. To do such things in SB, one has to press the Ctrl+U key while in the Main Mode, followed by pressing the greater-than ( > ) key as directed in the consequent Full Help & Guidance Menu (FullHnG Menu), and then follow the directions in the screen, explained in next paragraph. It must be specified here that while typing in SB, there is no provision for having a left-margin, or of having blank lines automatically generated between the typed lines. So, it is advisable to do these transformations only after typing, correcting and aligning the complete file. If, by mistake, one has anything more to type after creation of a (non-zero) left-margin or a (non-single) spacing, it is advisable to have another 'transformation' done before typing (or before the final transformation), in which the left-margin should be 'removed' and the inter-line spacing should be 'destroyed', so that any Alignment operations, if necessary, can be fruitfully done. (Para 27)

After pressing the > key in FullHnG Menu, you are first asked whether you want to have the all lines alphabetically sorted. You might require this option in some rather rare cases, such as converting a non-sorted book-index text-file you have written in SB to a file with sorted index lines. You may press Y or N key to mean yes or no, or press C to mean yes with a case-free (insensitive of upper or lower case alphabets) sorting. As this is rather a disastrous option for most texts (e.g., a poem) that you write, you are asked another confirmation of Y key-press if you answer Y or C. To mean no, press N or Enter or Esc in the first time itself, and enter the world of common textual transformations. You'll be then asked whether to Increase by 1, Destroy or Keep the current line-spacing, press I or D or K to change as you wish (D option removes all blank lines, while Enter or Esc works like the ineffective K option). Next you'll be asked whether to Add, Remove, Subtract or Keep the current left-margin, press A or R or S or K key as you wish (here also Enter or Esc works like ineffective K option). If you choose the A or the S option, you'll offered a place to type in the desired number of left-margin columns to be added or subtracted, and to press Enter to have that accepted. After doing these, wait for the transformation to complete within a second or two, resulting in a transformed text file shown at the Main Mode. (Para 28)

Something should also be told about the nature of the 'Alignment' process in SB. As SB generates a purely text file, it cannot distinguish a paragraph from another in a inherent way, unlike MS-Word, WordPerfect or WordPad does! So, it tries to distinguish a so-called 'paragraph' by looking for either a blank line just before the beginning of the paragraph, or one or more blank spaces at the beginning of the first line of the paragraph. So if neither is there (because of the writing habit of the user) SB, during the 'alignment' process, would not recognize the start of a new paragraph, and so join the new paragraph with the earlier one! (Para 29)

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While typing in SB, one may come across the need to do a small numeric calculation. For this you don't need to minimize SB and open the Windows calculator. While in SB Main Mode, you may press Ctrl+U to open the FullHnG Menu, and then press . (a period) to open a prompt (that mimics the dot prompt in dBase) wherein you can type your arithmetic expression and press Enter to see the result. If you press Esc, (or press Enter alone without an expression), you can Exit this command prompt and come back to the Main Mode. For example, you can type 25.5*(4/7) and press Enter to see the result (14.5714286), then press Enter to arrive at Main Mode. However, if you just enter an number instead of an arithmetic expression, the ASCII character corresponding to the number will be displayed, provided the number is an integer between 32 and 255. (To actually get an ASCII character into your text file, type 1 instead of a period in the FullHnG Menu, and then, in the resulting screen, change the offered number from 255 into the desired number, and press Enter.) (Para 30)

This command prompt can have an additional use for some advanced users with knowledge of dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro or Visual FoxPro programming language. They can type in a command in any such language and change the text file in any eerie way they please. If the command has any syntax error, nothing wrong will happen to SB or to the text - just an error message will appear stating that the command did nothing! (Para 31)

To add or subtract a series of numbers, SB offers the unique Shabda-Brahma Number Adder wherein you can type each number to add (negative number to do subtraction) and press Enter, while the numbers get listed in a aligned way as if in a primary school blackboard. To complete the process, type 0 and press Enter, which results in a completed sum. To access the number-adder, press 3 (instead of a period)  in the FullHnG Menu; you can exit the Number Adder  by just pressing Esc, so as to come back to the Main Mode. (Para 32)

Instead of typing 3 in the FullHnG Menu, if you type 2, then the Shabda-Brahma Calendar Viewer will appear, and ask for a date of the required month. You may type in any date of a particular month (in any year from 1 AD to 9999 AD) as desired (and press Enter) to view a calendar for that month. The current (today's) date is initially shown  (Para 33)

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Defining AMs is easy, but remembering which 3KA corresponds to which AM is difficult. To simplify matters, each of the possible 1st-keys F1 to F9 could be related to a part of speech (grammatical form); this author suggests the following allotments: (Para 34)

F1 ------- Singular Nouns, Similar Uncountables & Pronouns

F2 ------- Plural Nouns, Similar Uncountables & Pronouns

F3 ------- Gerunds (or Continuous Tense Verbs)

F4 ------- Present Indefinite Tense Verbs

F5 ------- Present Indefinite Third Person Singular

F6 ------- Past Indefinite & Present/Past Perfect

F7 ------- Adjectives & Names

F8 ------- Adverbs, Prepositions & Conjunctions

F9 ------- Word Collections, HTML Tags, Symbols etc.

(These suggestions are shown in the last Opening Screen of SB, and is also indicated in brief at the top of the Main Mode screen.) (Para 35)

For every AM, the '2nd-key' and the '3rd-key' may be chosen so as to have an obvious relation with the AM. Thus we may suggest the following abbreviations: (Para 36)

realization ----- F1rs

realize --------- F4rs

realized ------- F6rs

however ------ F8he

as well as ----- F9aw

However, in some situations the abbreviations cannot be defined to be so obvious; for example, "midnight" and "morning" both would compete for the same abbreviation, namely, F1mn (both are singular nouns); in such cases, one of them must be allotted a less easily recalled 3KA! (Para 37)

In many cases, one need to have the abbreviated matter with its first letter capitalized. This can be easily done by typing the '2nd-key' in uppercase. Thus, if F1rs corresponds to realization, then F1Rs would correspond to Realization. Similarly, if one types F1rS, in this case REALIZATION would appear in the text (the last facility is obviously available only with the abbreviations with an alphabetical '3rd-key'). Another important facility in the 'Shorthand Mode' here is that of defining an abbreviation after already writing the abbreviated matter in the 'Main Mode'. Many times, it is only natural that during the flow of typing a given text material, the possibility of future importance (i.e., of future repeated appearance) of a certain piece of text is realized only after already typing that, and so a sigh may then come: 'had I defined a 3-Key abbreviation for this, instead of directly typing this into the text material!' There is an answer to this in SB: just after typing the lucrative piece, devour it with one or more F11-pressings (provided the piece is less than 75 characters); a message 'F11ERASED READY TO REPLACE ANY ABBREV., nn' will appear, just then type the desired 3KA (say, F1rs), and the lucrative piece gets defined as an AM with that 3KA! (Para 38)

By pressing Ctrl+U in the 'Main Mode', the 'Full Help & Guidance Menu' (FullHnG Menu) appears. Here also a form of shorthand is available, named the 'Pipu-Phiho Shorthand Menu' (in Assamese, the word 'Pipu-Phiho' indicates extreme laziness). To use this, one types an alphabet as directed by the above menu, to get very commonly used small words (like 'one', 'some', 'done', 'the', 'there' etc.). The allotments in this shorthand menu may be altered by pressing 0 or by clicking at the appropriate button in this FullHnG Menu, and then following the directions in the screen. (At first, the Pipu-Phiho database is shown, wherein you can change the assignments, and then click the database window's own top-right X button or press Ctrl+End when you've finished changing!) (Para 39)

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The user-options structure in SB is mainly confined to the two screens offered by the SB Main Mode (MM) and to the Full Help & Guidance Menu (FullHnG Menu). Other than the Notepad-like familiar text-file operating menu options offered by the SB TextEditor Mode (TEM), all  the user-options in SB are directly accessible from either of these two screens. Even the three opening screens of SB are accessible from FullHnG Menu, giving the user freedom to open another (text or HTML) file to work on, after closing the current file (two or more documents cannot be simultaneously opened in SB -- it is a Single-Document-Interface (SDI) application). These two basic screens are directly connected -- you press Ctrl+U in MM to access FullHnG Menu, and press Esc or Space or click anywhere in FullHnG Menu to access MM. MM and TEM both being file editor screens, you can switch between them very easily -- press Esc (or click Use TextEditor button) in MM to access TEM, click its own X sign or File / Close menu option in TEM to reach MM. The main idea in navigate inside SB is to look closely at the screen, and follow the directions written thereon. There are too many shown command buttons to click, mentioned hotkeys to press, and also the familiar menu bar to click onto. (Para 40)

In MM, the click-able menu bar offers the provision to get drop-down File, Edit, Window and Help menu. The Help menu may lead you to the whole-screen pervading FullHnG Menu, or a brief user-manual, or this help-file or to the SB website. The File Menu offers the New/ Open..., Preserve-Txt, Full-Save, Reopen Saved-File and Exit SB menu options. F12 is the Save hotkey, which you can press from time to time while typing: this Save operation saves text (the file being worked on), shorthand entries, auto-suggestions and session settings. In addition to saving things in this way, to export the HTML-converted form to the output_htm.htm file as well, press Shift+F12 (instead). To just preserve the text, you may just activate the much faster Preserve-Txt command in this menu (or press the hotkey Ctrl+P).  The Exit option (hotkey Ctrl+Tab) offers the same exit screen as is obtainable by clicking at the second X sign in MM screen, as already discussed. The Edit Menu offers the Align (hotkey Ctrl+F11) option to align lines in the text file (to the page-width setting currently in session) and the TextEditor (TEM) option, in addition to the Change Language, Read W&Sets (Read Words & Word-Sets) and the drastic Clean the Slate option. Using the Window menu options, in addition to accessing the TextEditor (TEM, with hotkey Esc) and Text-Viewer (read-only TEM, hotkey Ctrl+T) windows, you can toggle between (i) Dimmed Commands and Lit-up Commands, the first one referring to the dimming of the hotkey indications and command buttons shown in MM so as to not distract an experienced SB-user from the actual text he is generating, while the second refers to its restoration back to lit-up state; and also (ii) Lit-up Auto-Suggestions and Dimmed Auto-Suggestions, the latter referring to the newly introduced option available to you to display the pair of dynamic Auto-Suggestions as well as the SB - Main Mode screen-heading in a non-dazzling way. (Para 41)

In addition, the MM screen shows a host of hotkeys to press and command buttons to click, shown particularly on the top part of the screen (an exception is the ^F11 Align command button in the middle-right). In SB, the blue, green or yellow color-highlighted (as found in the Lit-up Commands option) command buttons include the hotkey indications as in case of this ^F11 Align, while the non-highlighted hotkey indications are not mouse-click sensitive, i.e., they are not command buttons, but just serve to indicate the hotkey. In addition, below the working line, there is a place for showing variable messages, a place to show the working line number in light green text, along with this said command button (SB shows the actual text in black color). Just above the working line, the relevant auto-suggestion (corresponding to the already typed word / alphabets) appear in blue text. At the bottom, there is a constant message appearing which states that if the user is going to type the dynamic bluish text (i.e., the auto-suggestion) above, she may just press Insert/Alt. The top first line of hotkey indications / buttons are Ctrl+Enter to form a New Paragraph, Ctrl+UpArrow to let SB read words, Ctrl+Insert to choose auto-suggestions, and Ctrl+Tab to Exit from SB, besides the top-right corner red X button to exit from SB. The second line of only hotkey indications show which function key F1, F2, F3  etc. should be associated with which parts of speech is a suggested (not mandatory)  scheme for Shorthand in SB, accessible by pressing the function keys F1 to F9 in MM. The third line shows the five (or more) command buttons F12 Save, Save&Exp, ^T Txt, Use TextEditor and ReadWords along with their hotkey assignments (respectively  F12, Shift+F12, ^T, Esc and Ctrl+Up). The fourth line shows the command button FullHnG-M (hotkey Ctrl+U) leading to FullHnG Menu, and the hotkey assignments F11 CutWords and Shift+F11 Paste -- meaning that F11 works like a multiple Backspace key, back-spacing word by word, while Shift+F11 un-does the recent set of multiple-back-spacing operations by F11. In addition, clicking on any character of the text brings the cursor to that character, just as in any other modern word-processor. (However, as the line containing the clicked character becomes the working line, this line comes to central strip of the screen meant for the working line -- learn not to get afraid about this normal occurrence in SB.) (Para 42)

The user options in TEM are provided through a Notepad-like menu bar at the top. Using the File Menu options, you can save the file being worked on with TEM, or close TEM to come back to MM. The Edit Menu in TEM is important, using which you can cut, copy and paste text as you do in any word-processor starting with Notepad; using its Find menu option you can also find a particular word in the text. With the Format Menu's Font option , you can choose a different or even a Non-English font to view your file in TEM, or change the size (just for viewing, not actually changing). To abandon any unintentional changes in TEM, you may press Esc. You'll be offered a choice to discard the changes and come back to MM. On the other hand, the Text-Viewer Mode, the lately-introduced read-only variant of TEM, allows one to just view the text generated in a familiar manner, and it may be closed by just one Esc-pressing. (Para 43)

As was told, FullHnG Menu is a full-screen choice menu. This is a powerful menu that can access the most esoteric command and wizards in SB. The menu has a blue upper part dealing with six command buttons along with detailed hotkey indications, dealing with file management. You could choose to Save & Text-Export or Save & HTML-Export your work to other word-processors as was already explained, save and continue working, save current file and open another, cancel current file changes and open another, or cancel new changes and leave SB by clicking / pressing these six command buttons / hotkeys. The central green part deals with text-management and other advanced commands. Using the two command buttons or associated hotkeys here, you can Align the text or Let SB read your working file (i.e., the text therein) and learn words, phrases and cliches etc. The many mouse-insensitive hotkey indications in this central part of the menu can lead you to ASCII characters, the calendar viewer, the number adder, a crude printing of pages, text transformations or alphabetical line-sorting, numerical calculations, insertion of current date or time into text, or a change of the page-setting. Here, you may also selectively save or cancel the new abbreviations without effecting the text, observe your Visual FoxPro commands wreak havoc on your text as you please, or use the advanced cut-paste or text-explanation wizards. The lower blue part of FullHnG Menu deals with the Pipu-Phiho (extreme idler) shorthand menu, wherein by pressing an alphabet from a to z, you can avoid typing small words like and, some, but etc., and compete for greater idleness with the historical dhods in Assamese history. By pressing a command button or by typing (pressing the key) 0 herein, you may change these Pipu-Phiho alphabet-assignments, along with the text-importer word-processors, date setting, paper-length setting etc. (Para 44)

The Shorthand Mode Screen (generated by pressing any of the F1 to F9 function keys) has rather brief options: it offers the user to type in the second key and then the third key, in place of any of which a escaping key (Esc, Space, Backspace or ?) or a choice key (F9, F10 or | key) may also be typed, as already discussed in details. (Para 45)

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Though you can easily cut and paste text segments in the TextEditor Mode in a familiar way, there is a provision for exotic, unheard of cut & paste operations for text using the File Segments Cut & Paste Wizard. This wizard lets you even vertically cut a portion from one text file, and also can vertically join that with another portion from the same or a different text files. Such operations sometimes gets necessitated in some scientific or technical applications such as Gaussian used for theoretical-chemical calculations. Doing such an operation manually (i. e., line by line) takes a lot of time. In this wizard, you have to specify the text segments to be cut by their limiting row or column numbers, and can view the result or store that in another text file. (Para 46)

The text-explanation wizard does another esoteric operation of replacing difficult words / phrases with simpler words / phrases to produce a simpler text, easy to understand by a less verbally efficient person. Before doing that, you are offered an opportunity to modify or enlarge a list of user-defined difficult words and their so-called meanings or simpler synonyms. The process is blind and can result in a ridiculous so-called explained file, but everything depends on your choice of synonyms and of so-called difficult words. The result file, however, gets gracefully aligned automatically. The wizard may have future scope in any mass-production of simplified text and translations, particularly in the arena of internet texts. (Para 47)

You open both wizards from the FullHnG Menu, by respectively typing ? (question mark) or ! (exclamation mark) in the FullHnG Menu. These hotkeys refer to the emotions generated in the user's mind while first learning about these two wizards. (Para 48)

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The installation & authentication set of SB generally comprises of a compact disk (CD) and 3.5 inch sized floppy diskette. The CD contains the installer program in its main folder as a file named SB5Setup.exe, with copies of this and of the AO (Abhibhavak Organizer, developed by the same developer) installer file in sub-folders below (the multiple copies help if one copy of an installer file gets affected by any unfortunate data corruption). The floppy diskette is also a requirement for authentication purpose for the registered variety, i.e. it lets the program ascertain that the registered-variety installation set was obtained through legal means. (Para 49)

So, now, to install SB insert both the CD and the floppy diskette into their respective drives. (If you have already installed the unregistered variety from the internet, skip these steps: you may authenticate it to convert it to the registered variety just while running SB.) Now you need to browse the CD drive (say, by opening My Computer) and locate the SB5Setup.exe file just on the main folder of the CD. Double-click this file icon to start installation. Respond to the Installation Wizard dialog boxes as per directions in the installation screen. (Para 50)

During installation, you'll be asked about the desired installation (working) folder of SB in your computer, i.e., the folder in which SB will be kept. The installer suggests the folder C:\SB5th9d5 -- you may accept that and click OK. However, if C:  is not a valid hard disk drive in your computer (very rare possibility), or if your C-drive has any problem, then you can of course decide to install it into another hard disk drive (only D: or E: , depending on they being hard-disk drives in your computer). In that case, you are advised not to change the folder-name part, i.e., the "SB5th9d5" part of  the name: i.e., if you want to install into D-drive, change the installation folder name to D:\SB5th9d5 (from C:\SB5th9d5). This advice is offered to save you the unnecessary trouble of modifying the tiny link file named SB Word-Storm Processor v5, the modification being required to ensure that the link (shortcut) file properly points to the SB program file. (In case you are an advanced user not taking this advice, learn to change or create the link file by knowing that the program resides in the file sb.exe in the DontOpen folder just beneath the working folder of SB, and a link file (to this sb.exe) is a must as only through a link file you can make SB always open in a Maximized Window (which is required) form, so choose the Run Maximized option if creating the shortcut.) (Para 51)

After copying the application's files into the installation folder, the installation wizard plans to copy the program link file explained above into your Windows Desktop as well as into your Start Menu [Desktop is the final stable screen (with the Start button at the bottom-left corner) which appears whenever you turn your computer on and log on as an user]. To locate the folder represented by the Desktop, the wizard asks you your username, and copies the link file thereto, so that you can open SB just by double-clicking its icon (or by selecting it & pressing Enter) on your Desktop. Next, the wizard tries to locate your My Documents folder, wherein MS-Office etc. put their created documents. SB likes to puts its work in a folder named HTML and Text Files lying just beneath this My Documents, so it creates this folder if not already present. After that, the wizard looks for the location of the drive containing Windows, and for the pathname of the program files for the three importer applications (that takes care for files exported from SB) Internet Explorer, MS-FrontPage and MS-Word -- offer the wizard any help, if its asks for, to locate these three. You may also fool the wizard into accepting Mozilla Firefox for Internet Explorer, FrontPage Express for MS-FrontPage, or RoughDraft for MS-Word (and so on), if you so please. (Para 52)

Every time while running the unregistered variety of the program, the option for the authentication process arises. At first you are shown the 'End-User License Agreement (EULA)', which you must agree with to work in SB: in a following screen you need to type Yes (not Y) and press Enter twice to mean that you agree with all its terms and conditions. After that, you are asked about your registration code. This is the 12-character alphanumeric code written in ink on your floppy-diskette, or on its cover. Type this in the space provided, and press Enter. After filling the registration code correctly, you are asked to provide a nickname for your copy of SB. As you have learnt, the auto-suggestions and shorthand wizard grow differently in every user of SB reflecting his/her choice of words and phrases, so your copy must have a definite (non-blank) nickname. Fill in the nickname and press Enter. At the end, you are asked to insert the installation set  floppy diskette into the floppy drive, and press Enter (or any key). If you have inserted a genuine SB authenticator floppy diskette (SB-KFD) at this stage, the installation & authentication procedure will be over, and you can happily type in SB after that. (Para 53)

However, for some reasons, your Desktop may not get located properly, and the installation wizard may not become able to copy the program link file to your Desktop. In that case, you'll have to open the working folder (e.g., C:\SB5th9d5) of SB, starting from, say, My Computer. Within that working folder open the Links subfolder, and from there copy the link file SB Word-Storm Processor v5, and then paste that to your Desktop to facilitate future runs of SB. Next, if the wizard and you both could not locate the text-importer applications, you can always give the proper locations afterwards in any SB-session, by pressing 0 (or by clicking the appropriate button) in the FullHnG Menu to invoke the Fonts, Importers and Other Settings Wizard. Finally, even if you could not complete the authentication because of any inability to locate the registration number or the installation floppy-diskette, you can always complete the authentication any time later by just trying to run SB (by double-clicking the said link file), SB will then ask for the authentication information and tool. If completed successfully, the first session of SB will start. (Para 54)

In case of any failed authentication because of data corruption in the floppy diskette or for any other reason, you should contact the distributor for a replacement. In case of any partial installation or improper working because of minor data corruptions in the CD or in the hard disk, you can safely re-install SB using the any of the other two copies of the installer file (SB5Setup.exe) inside the inner folders in the CD -- no further authentication will be required if that was once successfully over. But in case the hard disk (at any time) gets formatted and all data in the hard disk was lost, a new installation will require a new authentication, including a newly obtained installation floppy-diskette! Similarly, un-installing SB is not advisable, because if you need to install again, a fresh installation floppy-diskette might be required, particularly if you manually delete some key files yourself or install next time into another folder. (Para 55)

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Whenever I try to open Shabda-Brahma, an error message comes: row or column position is off the screen. What is the problem?

Most probably your monitor (VDU) screen resolution (screen area in Windows terminology) is not set to a level high enough (i.e., at least to a level of 800 by 600 pixels) to allow 28 or more rows to be shown in the Visual FoxPro screen, so all the lines in SB could not be properly shown. Alternatively, you might have the monitor settings specifying all characters to be shown in the form of large fonts. To change this situation, click (after closing all programs) at the Start button, then at Settings, then at Control Panel, then double click the Display icon, then click at the Settings button in this Display Properties screen, then at the lower part of this screen try setting the Screen Area knob to the value of 800 by 600 pixels. If that was already set at that value or the problem persists even after this correction, then there is a problem with the font size. In that case, instead of moving the Screen Area knob any further, click the Advanced button just nearby, then change the Font Size to Small Fonts (or to Normal, as is the option available). After making any change(s), click Apply, then click OK to let such change(s) take effect. If the resulting screen appears deformed, i.e., the left or the right part is black, try pressing the monitor buttons (physical buttons) as explained in your monitor (hardware) manual. After properly doing all this, you need to restart your computer for the new settings to properly take effect. (Para 56)

I am getting an strange problem with your program. Whenever I contemplate for a while keeping SB open, thus let the screen saver (or monitor dimmer) run, I cannot get back the original screen of SB and the screen goes blank-white. Such a problem has never occurred in any other application! What to do when this occurs?

This occurs with SB & AO only in some computers, not all, and I am sorry that I couldn't make out why. This must be having something to do with Visual FoxPro itself. However, there is nothing intrinsically wrong happening with your file or with SB when this error occurs, only the visual display is missing. So, don't worry - if you're knowledgeable enough about SB to know the current environment you're working in, you may even continue working as if there is no problem. If you're not so fortunate, you know anyway that you can't do anything wrong with the Esc key twice in SB, so press the Esc key twice or several pair of times till you get back a proper visual display of your program screen to work with. (Para 57)

What is new in SB?

The ability to offer tens of thousands of auto-suggestions (in contrast to a few in MS-Word and a few tens in RoughDraft ), around ten thousand shorthand 3-key abbreviations (in contrast to a few tens everywhere) and automated updating facility for the auto-suggestions wizard from text-based text and HTML files. (Para 58)

Won't the definition of ~10,000 live AMs and 15,000-25,000 auto-suggestions in full-blown SB make it slow?

No. Even 10,000 AMs and 50,000 auto-suggestions will only consume less than 5 MB of memory, whereas nowadays a computer has at least 64 MB of memory (for computers with lesser RAM, SB will itself regulates its auto-suggestions size). The hard disk requirement varies from 3-4 MB in early stages to at most 12-15 MB in full-blown stage, covering a miniscule corner of even a 20-GB hard disk. (Para 59)

I understand that the auto-suggestions wizard learns every word longer than 5 alphabets, and there aren't so many of such actually used words in most languages including English. But with these limited number of words, you can make an ocean of word-sets up to 75-character long. How can the wizard know which are valuable ones, i.e., would appear in future pieces of text yet to be written?

To distinguish commonly occurring word-sets (e.g., made from & as well as) from the uncommon ones (e.g., please perform carefully) the wizard uses a very simple technique -- it looks for repetition of the word-sets in the opened file only. So, learning words work the same way in both smaller and larger files, learning word-sets is better only in larger text files. So to fatten your auto-suggestion wizard in the best way, feed it with large files (written on your discipline). (Para 60)

Won't it be faster to freely go on typing than to bother about when and where to use 'shorthand'?

Most probably not. But even if you feel that, you can always press Insert key to at least some of the auto-suggestions popping up. Nevertheless, if you want to use shorthand also, the 'Difficulty in Remaining Alert While Typing' (DRAWT) about whether a 3KA exists (or whether a 3KA is worth defining) for the given long-word/phrase/clause just to be typed, is a real issue. In contrast to the problem of memorizing about which AM is meant by which 3KA, it is DRAWT that hinders the extensive application of SM (Shorthand Mode) in SB. However, the more one uses Shorthand Mode in SB, the less one would face DRAWT. (Para 61)

Why can't we always quit SB by simply closing its program window? Why should the dumb error message Can't Quit Visual FoxPro be encountered?

Because of some intrinsic problem in Visual FoxPro 6, I could not make a Save Works Dialogue Option be executed when the main program window is itself closed. So the window-closing operation is allowed to remain active only immediately after a Save operation. (Para 62)

Why does all lines are shown in SB Main Mode with a star (*) sign at its beginning?

Just to clearly identify every line in SB. It is just shown, doesn't actually remain. Doesn't cause a trouble, does it? (Para 63)

All other word-processors opens any existing file with the cursor at the top of the file. Why should SB open with the cursor at the bottom of the existing file?

Because you are more likely to add new text to the bottom of a file than to its top. So, let me dare do that. Anyway, you can always reach the top with just a single Ctrl+Home key-pressing. (Para 64)

While 'reading' the text to look for new long-words, it seems that for any given word, SB learns either the plural form/ past-tense form etc. (with 1-character or 2-character suffixes such as -s, -ed) or the root (main) word, but not both. Is it deliberate? What is the use of this?

Yes, from version 5.0 onwards this suffix-consciousness attribute has been introduced in SB. For example, if the word college was already present in the auto-suggestions database, then the word colleges would get learnt only in the expense of forgetting college. Also, if gardens was already there, and the text-reader has just come across the word garden, then garden will be learnt and gardens will get deleted. This is being of late done to avoid having the database unnecessarily cluttered with nearly identical words, and more importantly to ensure that the second (Alt-key enforceable) auto-suggestion in SB v5.x is different from the first (Insert-key enforceable) one in a meaningful and significant way. (Para 65)

Can you please tell me the fastest way to quit SB in case of an emergency, such as a power failure?

SB offers the facility of quitting faster any most other word-processors. First come to the Main Mode from anywhere (really anywhere) in SB by just pressing Esc key twice or 4-6 times to reach MM. Once at MM, you can save and quit fast by pressing Ctrl+Tab twice, or cancel and quit fast by pressing Ctrl+F12 twice, using either the left-most or the right-most corner of the keyboard alphabets respectively. (Para 66)

May I define thousands of fine-tuned shorthand-abbreviations and/or auto-suggestions in SB and sell them to other users?

Yes, if you are just a bona-fide end-user of SB, you have the full rights for defining and selling sets of shorthand-abbreviations and auto-suggestions to other users of SB, if and even if the sets include only one abbreviations/ suggestions newly defined by you. The auto-suggestions remain in the four files 99.dtb, assamese.dtb, hindi.dtb & Other_Eu.dtb within the sub-folder DontOpen in the working folder (say, C:\SB5th9d5) of SB (99.dtb contains auto-suggestions in English), whereas the shorthand abbreviations remain in the ten files 1.dtb, 2.dtb, 3.dtb, 4.dtb, 5.dtb, 6.dtb, 7.dtb, 8.dtb, 9.dtb and sb_pipu.dtb within DontOpen. All these files are also kept together within the sub-folder Backup in the working folder. You may easily develop them by working in SB, and then copy them to floppy diskettes / CDs to sell them. Similarly, you may also develop and sell the text-explanation wizard's data file named 100.dtb. If you, however,  want to freely distribute such created resource to like-minded SB-users, the publisher of SB even provides a free platform for freely hosting such resources on the web. However, except these 15 (fifteen) files, you are NOT allowed to sell any other files or components of SB. (The text and HTML files typed in by the user using SB are not components of SB, and they are obviously the user's property, just as the word-documents typed in by an MS-Word user are not components of MS-Word.) (Para 67)

I have a horrible problem! After I install SB, whenever I try to run SB I get this message: "SB.exe is not a valid Visual FoxPro object file", and it never runs. What's happening?

You must be having a pre-existing virus infection that corrupts sb.exe just when it is born. Clean the virus from your computer, and also from the installation floppy diskette if it was already inserted, and re-install SB. (Para 68)

In case I uninstall Shabda-Brahma, would it require another key diskette from the seller to reinstall it?

First of all it is not understood why one would uninstall Shabda-Brahma. Its key files consumes at most around 3 MB of disk space, which is less than ten thousand times smaller than the space in a  modern hard disk. If you still want to uninstall Shabda-Brahma, do not manually delete the SB5th9d5 folder or any file other than those erased by the uninstall program. If you do not manually delete anything, you may safely reinstall without requiring any authentication process or key (floppy) diskette from the seller: just take care to reinstall to the same folder. If you do not manually delete anything, you'll not lose even your auto-suggestions, shorthand-abbreviations and text explanation settings etc.. (Para 69)

How to back up the auto-suggestions, shorthand-abbreviations and text explanation settings to guard against hard-disk failure?

In addition to backing up (that you should obviously do) your typed text documents, you should also periodically back up (into floppy diskette etc.) your auto-suggestion file 99.dtb (as well as assamese.dtb, hindi.dtb & Other_Eu.dtb, if present), your ten shorthand files (1.dtb, 2.dtb, 3.dtb, 4.dtb, 5.dtb, 6.dtb, 7.dtb, 8.dtb, 9.dtb and sb_pipu.dtb), and the text explanation file 100.dtb (if present). You may note that all these document files needed to be backed up are conveniently kept together in the subfolder Backup in your working folder of SB, so that this subfolder (i.e., generally C:\SB5th9d5\Backup) may be backed up wholly into a floppy disk (directly or in a zipped form), preferably as multiple copies inside multiple folders (e.g., A:\Backup1, A:\Backup2, A:\Backup3 etc.) of the floppy diskette. (If you prefer to backup into a CD, take care of the fact that all files and folders copied onto a CD automatically gets a read-only attribute, and after copying the files and folders back to the aforesaid hard-disk folder, this attribute must be removed therein for proper working of SB.) The key floppy diskette used in authentication of this text-processor is an otherwise new and practically empty diskette with such multiple folders, so it may be a handy one to be used for backup. (Para 70)

In case of a hard-disk failure, you need to follow these steps: first, contact your program vendor to have Shabda-Brahma properly re-installed (as well as authenticated) in your computer. Secondly, you need to collect the above-mentioned contents of your Backup subfolder from your floppy disk or internet backup folder etc., and copy these contents directly to the Backup subfolder within the working folder of SB. You'll see that your old, familiar abbreviations and auto-suggestions etc. of  SB are breathing intact. Thirdly, you may restore the typed text documents from any such backup source to their original place in your computer. (Para 71)

Is there any known bug(s) or problem(s) associated with this word-processor?

After quite extensive use and corrections by the author, only a very minor bug was found -- however it could not be removed due to inherent difficulties in Visual FoxPro. It is about the appearance of a purely blank line at the beginning of any file text-saved by SB (note that no such problem appears at the HTML-exported .htm file): If a file during editing by SB had no blank line at its top, SB will add one blank line at its top while saving the file. If a file initially had one or more blank lines at the top and you make no changes during editing, SB will show one less number of such lines while editing, but finally keep the same number of blank lines in the saved file. Nobody need to bother much about one more or less number of purely blank line(s) at the top of a file, except some users of a few scientific or technical applications (e.g., Fortran program writers using SB), and you can always delete or add that line by calling Notepad, or by Text-Exporting to Notepad. (Para 72)

There is another small problem that may sometimes occur in case of an inexperienced user. However, this is not a bug in the sense that it is preventable. When you are inside the TextEditor, you may note a small square (or a similar odd character) at the bottom of the file -- this character is used by Visual FoxPro to indicate the end of the text file. So if you, by using Cut / Copy & Paste operations from the TextEditor Edit Menu, if you place any text below this odd character, this pasted text will be lost and won't be seen in the subsequent Main Mode. So always paste anything in the TextEditor only above (or at least at the left side of) this odd character sign always visible at the bottom. (Para 73)

Aren't you ready to face just that most benign bug and this tiny preventable problem? (Para 74)

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Para Hyperlinks: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Index:  Introduction Basics Shorthand Auto-Type Edit Setting Export Non-English Transform Math More Shorthand Multi-Users Interface Adv. Wizards Install FAQ

Additional Alphabetical Para-Index (Use the Para-Hyperlinks Above): 3KA (06 34 37-38 61), AM (06-07 34 36 38 59 61), Author (01), Align (13 19 27 29 41 42 44), Auto-Read (04 09 42), Auto-Type (01 04 08 10 21 25 41-42 53 59 60-61 67), Backup (70), Blank (57), Bug (72-73), Buttons (17 40-42 44 56), Calendar (33), Command (30-31 44), Cut (11-12 43-44 46), Desktop (04 52 54), Developer (01), Dimmed (41), Explanation (44 47 67), Export/Exporting (17-21 26 44 52 72), FullHnG Menu (09 15-16 27-28 30 32-33 39-42 44 48 54), File (01 04-05 06 08-10 13-21 25-29  40-47 49-55 58 65 67), Find (43), Folder (04 51 52 54 67), Fonts (02 16 18 23-25 43 54), FrontPage (01 05 18 19 22 52), Help File (03 04), History (01), Hotkeys (40 42 44 48), HTML (01 04-05 09-10 18-21 25-26 44), Importers (16 22 44 52 54), Internet Explorer (01 05 19 20 22 52), Link-file (04 51 52 54), Opening Screens (04 15 23 35 40), Main Mode / MM (04 06 11-13 23 27 30 32 38 40-42 65 66 72), Margin (26-28), Menu (05 09 10 15 16 22 41-44), Messages (38 42 56 65), MS-Word (see Word), Notepad (01 12 17 43 72), Online Help (42), Page-Setting (14 15-16 44), Paste (10 12 20 42-44 46 73), Pipu-Shorthand (16 39 44), Problems (72 73), Programmed in (01), Read (04 09 42), Reinstall (69), Requirement (02), Save/Saving (05 10 15 17-21 41-44 65 66 72), Screen (57), Selling (67), Shortcut (04 07 51), Shorthand (01 04 06-07 34-39), Sorting (26 28 44), Spacing (26-28), System-Requirement (02), TextEditor / TEM (12 23 40-42 43 46 65 72 73), Skeleton (05 14 17 18), Uninstall (69), Version (04), Vertical (46), Visual FoxPro (01 04 31 44), Word (Microsoft-) (01 05 10 16-20 22 52), WordPad (01 05 12 17 20).