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Ryan is Chachee.....

Hey everybody, I'm Ryan or Chachee, and i'm pretty sure you'll think this web page isn't too great. Ummm..... i'm kind of restricted on saying somethings because this is a school project but n e ways..... you should check out the links that i put up they're pretty cool..... well if you like ska, classic rock, skaters, trumpet players, the band 4 FINGERED MEL, any of the guys on 4 FINGERED MEL, guys nicknamed Chachee, or just guys named Ryan, then you rock!!!

Well I dont know what to write so.... sldkj f;lkj sf;lk sfl;k ; sdkfjriof;sdjv;kjasoigkjad;sklvnio arvcmn,m xcnvihroiughklj sglkjhsiurluihlakjh luhsdivuhrluihglkjncvliuyhir gljnluk ghilurh giluhjkvnc uilar ghiu hlkjasvn klujsdha iluhf ljnerkl fjnjkahliusfhi4uhlgjk b dfuilgh9 23489 y69tygiuh issog 4FM 4FM 4FM 4FM 4FM 4FM ;klasdjfgoir aufhdkl jsvh iuawr gfiuhklsdjvhiurhw iufhlkjsh klvgj hsfaklgjh lkasjhdgfuilhrwiu ghfius dhiu wiutywiutyoiueywihklsvjnm,cnxzbv,nmb,xmzvnbugha fiar i9ywtiuo hiohglfksdhlgk hj8473y8t6oyfglufhvklklfj hglajk hrlkjhrughlhaituhaioeurh tgjlhasflgjkheiarutyi y5tgi......

Yes.... well i hope that take up alot of the page..... well i guess i'll see you all later..... oh yeah if you wanna ask me something, or if you wanna get to know me (hint hint.....BOW CHICA BOW WOW!!!) my email will be somewhere on the page I think it's on the bottom.

Three Hot Chicks!!!

These are sum links to most of my stuff on AngelFire

The Prequel to "The Scarlet Letter" - I did this project a while ago and I got a hundred on it so I put it on the site
My Resume - This is obviously what the title is, but most of the stuff on it is not true... yet
Something Creative - This is supposed something I made that is creative, and it has some other cool liks too
My Action Plan - This is kind of an outline of what I want to do
