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The argentinian Tango voice with his own style, ...tells tangos with Gaucho´s soul, without betray the "Guardia Vieja" with his modern, nostalgique and passional unique style...

how did he started...

He´s a real Gaucho, his grandfather, Bernardo Bustos(*), had a Tango sexteto, so he developed a strong relationship with it since a boy. a few years ago, in a social meeting with japanese guests, the japanese singer Madame Yoshie listen to him and told him that he should dedicate to sing professionaly, and then he began to take classes with Mario Marmo and learning from the duendes of the Buenosairean nights on La Casa del Tango... Guardia Vieja street at 4049, there he perfection his style to become pure and exquisite.

(*)Mr.Bernardo Bustos (left), Gaucho and a pure breed tanguero.


Where has he perform...

On 2002 he did many perfomances on Buenos Aires coffees and restaurants, his professional debut was on "Café Montserrat", and his name went trougth great places like La Esquina de Homero Manzi, La Esquina de Osvaldo Pugliese, La Casa del Tango, Café Tortoni, La Cachila, Teatro San Martin, Teatro Cervantes, among others.
              At the end of 2002, he made 2 tours to Chile. On the first one he perform in places like La Casa del Tango de Chile, El Cachafaz, La Casa Argentina, the Takuu milonga la Asociación Cristiana de Jovenes (young christian asociation), and he did some interviews to Yungay and Santiago radio by Eduardo Herbas and Nestor Larré. On his second tour went to Calama city for The 5th "Tango en el Desierto" International Festival, and he perform in places like the Cobreloa´s Soccer Sporting Club, Teatro Municipal de Calama where hundreds of people rise up in ovation for this new and harmonic world class voice. The third tour to Chile was a success, starting on may 2003 at the Sala Cultural 602 on Vicuña Mackenna street, where he present his second Album "Liber Tango", 18 tango tracks from the "Vieja Guardia" and the "vanguardia", the classics and the new spirit... National Newspapers agencies in Chile made articles about him, like La tercera, Las últimas Noticias and La Cuarta, La Estrella del Loa and El Mercurio.... On this tour he participate at the Calama Tango Club 5th Anniversary, he also perform on the Teatro Novedades in Santiago city, Casino de Arica, etc... this new voice on the Tango scene has that unique scent of the meadows with Gaucho´s feelings on a melodious, apassionate nostalgia...
Also perform in different places on Córdoba, Argentina, Like Confitería Mitre, Tango restaurant El Arrabal, Las Tinajas, an espectacular show for young people at the Ban Sai Vip pub on Saldan city, the Tangomanía  on San Luis, Mendoza and the Tanguería Alvarez on Salta city. He has participate on t.v. shows from Argentina, Chile and Paraguay... he´s a tango troubadour singing with a nostalgic passion.

What is Tango according to Sergio Villarroel...

               Tango is a phenomenon... is something natural and that´s why it will have a universal in force... it began on Buenos Aires, between the european inmigrant´s fatherland nostalgia and his violín or flute, later apears the Bandoneon; the mulato´s sad fellings silenced by his contageus rhythm with their drumbs and add to it the bohemia of the argentinian gaucho.... i´ll like to add, that the Tango´s mother is the Milonga and as such it also can make you laugh, isn´t?
A vocal Tango is a mini opera, those who lisen a true Tango singer must pass trough an emotional shade of colours that you can feel on 90 minutes watching a movie. But, and there is the art of singing Tangos, the Cantor must have the capacity to get to those shades of colours on 3 minutes, tune and clear... if the singer achieve to wake up those emotions on the audience, then he "sings" a Tango... otherwise he vocalize, scream, or just was an imitator.

Right know,  Sergio is the only Tango singer in Japan. ..



                  On his repertoire are many kind of tangos..."Vieja Guardia", "Gardelianos" y "vanguardia".
1. Adios Nonino  2. Adios Pampa mía  3. Antiguo Reloj de Cobre 4. Cada día te extraño más 5. Chau no va más 6. Contame una historia 7. Cuando caigan las hojas 8. Después 9. El Adios 10. El Choclo 11. El día que me quieras 12. El milagro13. El último café 14. En esta tarde gris 15. Flor de Lino 16. Garras 17. Garúa 18. Gitana rusa 19. Grisel 20. Jacinto Chiclana 21. La calesita 22. La vi llegar 23. La cumparsita 24. La flor de la canela 25. La luz de un fósforo 26. La mariposa 27. La pulpera de Santa Lucía 28. La última curda 29. Lejana tierra mía 30. Moneda de cobre 31. Muchacho 32. Palomita blanca 33. Pedacito de cielo 34. Percal 35. Que falta me hacés 36. Remembranzas 37. Romance de barrio 38. Rosas de otoño 39. Sentimiento gaucho 40. Será una noche 41. Rosas de Abril 42. Sin piel 43. Sin palabras 44. Tal vez será su voz 45. Taquito militar 46. Tarde 47. Toda mi vida 48. Tu pálida voz 49. Tu piel de jazmín 50. Y todavía te quiero 51. Alfonsina y el mar 52. Que nadie sepa mi sufrir 53. Himno nacional argentino 54. No llores por mi Argentina 55. Sus Ojos se cerraron 56. Sur 57. Volvamos a Empezar 58. Esquinas Porteñas 59. A Media Luz 60. En la Vía 61. balada para un Loco 62. Pasional 63. Volver 64. Yira Yira 65. Nostalgias 66. mano a Mano 67. Viejo Ciego 68. El Encopao 69. La Bicicleta Blanca 70. Uno 71. Por Una Cabeza 72. Los Mareados 73. Naranjo en Flor 74. Los Pájaros Perdidos 75. Milonga del Trovador 76. Chiquilín de Bachín 77. Libertango 78. Fuimos 79. El Último Organito 80. Maquillaje 81. Me Han Prohibido Quererte 82. El Amor Desolado 83. Afiches 84. Honrrar la Vida 85. Sus Ojos se cerraron 86. Sueño de Juventud 87. Rubí 88. Mi Castigo 89. Bandoneón Arrabalero 90. Muchacho 91. Nunca Tuvo Novio 92. balada para mi Muerte 93. El Títere and much more...

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