Name: Lim Si Ying
Juz a Student
My no is 96561949 but try not to call me.
I live in S'pore
I like roller skating and high jumping. Oh yes...and camping.
I'm a sporty person.
I hav a dog, two rabbits, two doves, three hamsters and lotsa fish.
My favs:
Food: Sushi!!! I'm even doing my IRS project on it.
Drink: Erm...Anithing gassy
Boyband: Not sure..Backstreet Boyz or Westlife
Hobbies: Reading, roller skating and doing nothing all day...U can add daydream too.
Show: Spirited Away...maybe u neva heard of it.
Animal: Dogs..they are soooo damn cute!( except for some breeds)
My Hates:
Person: U!!!! (Juz joking)
Food: Chilli...more like eating it gives me a stomach-ache.
nothing else I guess...
My Info Stops Here!