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:: Upcoming Events ::


The Valentine for Seniors event on 2/15 is unfortunately canceled due to the limit number of volunteers needed. Anyone who volunteered for this event, I'm sorry for this inconvience and late notice. We might switch plans in going to Carlton Plaza and celebrate post-Valentine with the elderly seniors in San Leandro this Sunday. If this is going to be an event, I will contact you guys.

- Patty Mai

Agenda 2/13/04

1. Sign up

2. Valentine for Seniors -When? This Sunday, which is 2/15/04 -Where? In Oakland

3. KFRC Radioton -When? March 6th -Where? Children's Hospital in Oakland -How many volunteers we need? 5-10 people -What we'll be doing there? Answering phone calls, and set up logistics.

Got a question about the site?
Email Julie Ye at , or Peter Mai at
Got a question about the club?
Email Patty Mai at
Thank You!