The Basic Package
The Cost
  $75 each for the first 3 generations
  $50 each for each additional generation
  Postage for your package
  There is a $50 deposit required to start the research, $25 of this amount is not refundable. The $50 will count towards your package.
  There may be misc costs (see below) but these are only added by first obtaining approval from you
NOTE: There is not a minimum or maximum number of generations. You set your price, one, two, three generations, whatever you feel.
Misc costs
  Copies:   Only if the expenses get to be too much. You will be notified first.
  Postage:   Only for items costing more than regular letter postage.
  Certificates:   birth, death, marriage, etc.
Again, except for postage for the package, all other charges will be run by you FIRST before anything is done