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The Snake River Community Clinic has provided free medical and dental services to over 9,800 patients. We would not have been able to provide this care without the professional and dedicated help of all our volunteers including those listed below.

We are honored to have had over 500 volunteers and over 4,200 students from WSU, UI, LCSC, WWCC, ISU, and UW help us provide award-winning care to our thousands of uninsured, medically needy patients who need and deserve good health care. If we have inadvertently missed your name, it is not because we do not appreciate you!

We have been blessed with incredible volunteers, kind donations, generous grants, magnificent sponsors, and compassionate supporters. Most of the volunteers listed below have been with us for 15 or more years or have volunteered for over 2000 hours of critical volunteer work at our clinic! We sincerely appreciate their efforts!

To Our Magnificent Sponsors

Region II Public Health - Idaho
PacificSource Foundation
Twin County United Way
Inland Northwest Community Foundation
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center
Tri-State Memorial Hospital/RHAP

Pathologists Regional Laboratory
Ann E. Onymous Foundation
AmeriCares & Direct Relief
Idaho Dental Foundation
Ms. Kathleen Kuther
Dr. William Mannschreck
McCann Land Gary Snyder & Cara McCann
North Idaho District Medical Society

Idaho Community Foundation
Kissler Family Foundation
Valley Medical Center
Pierre Fauchard Foundation
Rural Health Care Access Program Idaho
Athena Foundation
Idaho Nonprofit Center

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To Our Dedicated Board of Directors

Glenn Jefferson, MD
Carol Moehrle
Mona Davis, FNP

Rev. Gretchen Rehberg
Sharon Sheahan

Charla Willis, MD
Donald Wee

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To Our Compassionate Volunteer Healthcare Providers

Glenn Jefferson, MD
Jay Hunter MD
David Peterson MD
Charla Willis MD
Randy Kloepfer MD

Mona Davis FNP
Carol Ellis NP
Carmen Stolte NP
Linda DeWitt NP
Tracy Flynn, ARNP
Bev Kloepfer, NP

Mark Ackerman PA-C
Vickie Ozeran PA-C
Chris Rickets PA-C
Amber McKinney PA-C
Sherry Smith, DNP-S

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To Our Incredible Volunteers

Sharon Sheahan, Volunteer Clerical Supervisor

Jan Stickler, RPh
Brian Rothfusz, RPh
Brian Hocum, PharmD, CGP, RPh
Lisa Peterson, RPh
Donna Volts, MA
Dea Hibdon, LPC
Pam Lopardo, LPC
Duane Ash

Eric & Jessie Montgomery
Peyton & Finley Montgomery
Bill and Megan Ash & Olivia
Steve & Micheal Smith
Makenzie Strasburg
Bryan, Tara, Charlie & Amelia Ash
Kiernan Dennis-OFoley
Bali Mshar

Jim Matuska, MA-C
Carol Clausen
Carl Benson
Joe Needham
Darlene Simpson
Helen Kenyon CPA
Colleen Lenz

Jacki Ryan Pearce
Linore Rider, CPT
Makenzie Strasburg
Sam Randall
Paul Hanna
Hailey Smith
Jose Araujo
Jaimie Young
Samual Billingslea
Dalton VanderPol
Nick Shepherd
Bill Thurston
Jade Rodgers

Jack Dotson
Amanda Elliott
Chris Miller
Joshua Helbling
Joy Goodwin
Megan LeProwse
Matea Berria
Kimberly Scheffelmaier

Wyatt Duchow
Abigail Tesnohlidek
Nathan Newby
Sarah Eberle
Brittanee West
Royce Woods
Sydney Kuther
Adam Kappmeyer
Tate Saurey

LCSC Nursing Students
U of I Pre-Med & Pharmacy Students
WSU Pre-Med Students
WWAMI Medical Students

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To Our Generous Dental Care Providers & Volunteers

Jacob Leavitt, Dental Program Coordinator
Nathan Whittaker & Joshua Mundell, Dental Assistants
Dr. Bill Perez
Dr. Chad Barney
Dr. Dan Wilson
Dr. Erin Leavitt
Dr. Nathan Leavitt
Dr. Greg Bengston
Dr. Jim Pierce
Dr. John Johnson
Dr. John Vornholt
Dr. Rich Bailey
Dr. Stephen Holm
Dr. Steven Nash
Dr. Travis Bartschi
Dr. Clarke Short
Dr. Kent Simmons

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To Our Gracious, Kind, and Generous Community Supporters Updating 11/26/16

Ann Onymous
George & Jackie Brammer
Dr. William & Martha Chetwood
Dr. William Mannschreck
George & Louise LaVoie
Donna & Ernie Heimgartner
Tammany Pollyanna Club
Ray & Nancy Rosche
Robert & Judy Hepton
Darlene Leachman
Kathleen Van Sise
Floyd Zorens, Jr.
Ron & Sharon Sheahan
Virginia Sparkman
Lorrie Raymond
Tutcher Living Trust
Dianne & Jack Waldemarson
Bill & Cindy Stellmon
Mike Lorenz & Lorenz Construction
Gary & Colleen Broemeling
Marilyn & Cameron Hinman, MD
Dr. Kay & Dr. John Rusche
Dr. Robert Colburn
Ellen Thiem
Gary Snyder,Cara McCann, & McCann Land Co.
Loretta, Keith,& John Richardson-Scheid
Richard J. White
Dr. David B. Leach
Jake Heusinkveld & Mary Heusinkveld
Rhett & Wendy Diessner
David B. Johnson
F. Hedrick, MD and J. Stone, MD
Anita Rognas
Ann Hogan
Charmaine Allen
Darlene & Lorin Eggers
Francis Bayer
Bruce & Carol Moehrle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Dorothy & Doug Eatmon
Roy & Diana Dotson
Sharrol St. Marie
Gayla Thayer Filler, CPA, PLLC
Dr. Stamey, Lee, and Debra English
Connie Taylor
Jack Brown
JoeAnn Ruckman
Howard & Barbara Hayes
John Hawkins
Gus & Joanna Johnson
Kathy Carson
Lee & Roberta Owens
Edna Storey
Susan G. Niewenhous
Annice Edmundson
Rod & Donna Watson
James & Gwen Koreltz
Gerald & Janet Scheelke
Vince Fibelstad
Tim McInnis
Laurence Dean
Norma & Thomas Jones
Marilyn Kidder
Emotional Wealth Rob

Helen Thompson for Mary Heusinkveld
Ann Rees for Mary Heusinkveld
James & Virginia Redenbaugh
Diane Bull
Mary Evans
Barbara O'Connor
Lisa & Donald Peterson
Chas (Pete)& Lola Collins
Helen Hogden
Cynthia Tews
Celeste Wilkerson
Jan Smith
Susan & Allen Jones
Diane Kottkey
Claudine Weiss
Mr.& Mrs. William Cone
Connie McDonald
Bernie McCabe
Douglas & Barbara Steel
Marsha Dodson & Michael Bristol
Jack & Julia Blewett
Verlin & Dianne Blum
Don Adams
Floyd & Marian Haugen
Paulette Hamilton
Frankie Anderson
Kay & Doris Berry
Phyllis Steen
Roy Bly & Phyllis Collins
Ruth T. Bosserman
Robanna & Henrik Brosten
Jane & Jean Swenson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cable
Carolyn Hamm
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pfaff
Richard & Jeanne Weber
Connie Overall
Jeanine Cooke
Anne Crea
Beverly Nelson
Loyd Ware
George & Betty Currier
Bonnie Faling & Paul Tutcher
Harriet S. Feeney
Marjean Riggers
BG Rawley
Michael & Jacqueline McConnell-Feil
Francis & Betty Wittman
Mr. & Mrs. John Simmons
Mike Devich
Gerald Tutcher
Marjie Johnson
Barbara & Thomas Hartig
David & Linda Weisel
M.J. Spilker & Gregory Kalbfleisch
Charles & Barbara Woods
Doris Wyatt
Francis Wittman
Marilyn Sittner
Annice Edmundson
Jan Woods
Cottie & James Hood
Norris & Lynda Irish
Imogene Vassar
Linda & Fred Newcomb
Harry & Peg Snyder

Grantham Student Council
All Saints Catholic Community
Cameron WELCA
Cavendish United Methodist Church
Christian Women's Fellowship
Church of Nativity
Church of New Hope
Clarkston United Methodist Church
Congregational Presbyterian
Cottonwood Creek Comm. Church
First Christian Church of Clarkston
Grace Evangelical Lutheran & THRIVENT
Nez Perce County Chapter Thrivent
Orchards Christian
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Priscilla Whitman Mothers' Club
Shekinah Lutheran Community
Trinity Lutheran
United Methodist Church
United Methodist Women of Asotin, Clarkston, Lewiston
United Universalist Church
Employees of Cambia Health
Kendall Cares
Lewiston Service League
Organization X
PEO Chapter FE
Sons of Norway

And all of the people who bring cash and supply donations and the lovely people who feed our volunteers!

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