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I am Thomas Grapes and my music is a result of many long hours in my home studio trying to write a musical autobiography of my life. For example places you go people you see things you feel. This is a solo project involving every style of music I play. Every instrument you hear is me playing it. I have dedicated my life to music and the pursuit of song. I believe that anyone who likes any kind of music would dig what im doing. Almost all songs are still in experimental phase and will be recorded and mastered again...and maybe again after that. I was born 10/05/79 in Cumberland Maryland. A small town in western Maryland mountain country. In 1988 when I was 9 years old my uncle purchased his (and later my) first bass guitar. A four-string applause P-bass that helped him to join a speed metal band called Serpent Dead as their bassist. My Uncle and I both lived with and shared a level of the house of my grandparents in Ridgeley WV. So this new fascinating instrument was the constant victim of my abuse. I didn’t know a note from a string but I did know there was something about this object that absolutely captivated me and would later become the center of my entire life and worth as a member of humanity. Damn those were very good times. Call it fate, Call it luck, I call it Grace. My uncle taught me smoke on the water first, then some iron maiden and black Sabbath. These were the only lessons I ever received in my life. They were all I ever really needed. I never feed into whets cool now or whets new and fresh. I learned to develop me own tastes by reaching back over 400 years of the most emotional and demanding music ever conceived, Classical. I am of a proud German bloodline almost felt obligated to represent my lineage and culture by learning this new language. Being an American I also felt the need to learn the original native music of America, which is of course Jazz. I played with a variety of various musicians in my earlier years and that helped to greatly improve my sonic arsenal. My music is preconceived and conventionalized as apposed to playing what I feel. I like to feel what im playing. When the music truly speaks to me I listen, never making an interrogative statement or influencing its mood. It evokes in me tremendous feelings of longing, and self-significance. The feeling that drives us all, some are just a little more in tune with this, typically artists of any kind. I have dedicated my entire life to my music and know with a whole heart that I could never be complete without it. Music has taken me from Maryland to Florida to New York and back and has introduced me to most of the truly good people ive ever met. I owe it much respect and dedication. I may eat and sleep to sustain my life, I wail and to satisfy my soul.