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   Trick Lists
T.H.U.G. Trick Lists

Spins And Point Systems

180 - 1.5x Trick Score
360 - 2x Trick Score
540 - 3x Trick Score
720 - 4x Trick Score
900 - 6x Trick Score

First Time You Land A Trick In One Combo - 100%
Second Time You Land A Trick In One Combo - 75%
Third Time You Land A Trick In One Combo - 50%
Fourth Time You Land A Trick In One Combo - 25%
Fifth Time And On You Land A Trick In One Combo - 10%

Manualing And Walking Tricks

Trick Name/Command/Points (Normal/Switch)

Walking During Combo - L1 + R1 (PS2)/Black Button Or White button (Xbox)/Z button (Gamecube) - 50/NA
Caveman - Getting Back On Your Board From Walking - 750/NA
Manuals - Up + Down Or Down + Up - 100+/NA
Pivots - Hit The Revert Button When Manualing - 250/NA

Ollie Tricks

Trick Name/Command/Points (Normal/Switch)

Ollie - Jump - 0/0
Nollie - Jump While In Nollie Stance - 200/NA
Fakie Ollie - Jump While In Switch Position - NA/240
Pressure - Jump While In Pressure Stance - 200/240
No Comply - Up + Jump - 100/120
Beanplant/Boneless/Fastplant - Up, Up + Jump - 250/300

Pressure Tricks

Trick Name/Command/Points (Normal/Switch)

BS 180 Pressure Flip - Flip, Right - 100/120
BS Toe Flip - Flip, Left - 100/120
BS 360 Flip - Flip, Up - 200/240
FS 360 Flip - Flip, Down - 200/240

Wall Tricks

Trick Name/Command/Points (Normal/Switch)

FS Wallride - Jump, Grind While Facing Wall - 200/240
BS Wallride - Jump, Grind While Facing Away From The Wall - 200/240
Wallie - jump During A Wallride - 250/300
Wallie Plant - Up, Jump During A Wallride - 500/600
Wall PlantDown, Jump While In Air Straight Into Wall - 750/900
Wall Push - Push Away From A Wall While Standing And Hit Grind - 10/12

Flatland Tricks

(Note: All The Tricks Below Are Done While Doing Either A Manual Or A Nose Manual.)
Trick Name/Command/Points/Modifier/Points/Rotation

Anti Casper - Flip, Grab - 350 - Anti Casper Flip - 500 - Anti casper Spin
Casper - Flip, Grind - 350 - Casper FLip - 500 - Casper Spin
To Rail - Grab, Flip - 500 - Rail Flip - 500 - NA
One Foot Manual - Grab, Grind From A Manual - 200 - 360 Finger Flip - 450 - Pivot
One Foot Nose Manual - Grab, Grind From A Nose Manual - 200 - Half Cab Impossible - 450 - Nose Pivot
Spacewalk - Left, Right, Flip - 1200 - 360 Fingerflip - 450 - Nose Pivot
Pogo - Grind, Grind - 250 - Wrap Around - 500 - Pogo Spin
Switch Foot Pogo - Grind, Grab - 300 - Half Wrap Truck Transfer - 500 - Pogo Spin
To Rail - Grab, Flip - 500 - Rail Flip - 500 - NA
Truckstand - Grind, Flip - 250 - Truckstand Flip - 500 - Truckspin
Handstand - Grab, Grab - 250 - Handflip - 500 - NA
Half Cab Impossible - Flip, Flip From Nose Manual - 450 - 360 Fingerflip - 450 - Nose Pivot
360 Fingerflip - Flip, Flip From Manual - 450 - Half Cab Impossible - 450 - Pivot

Lip Tricks

Trick/Points/Combos To

Nose Stall (Default) - 300+ - Lip Extras
Andrecht Invert - 550+ - Andrecht Extra
Axle Stall - 400+ - Lip Extras
Blunt To Fakie - 500+ - Lip Extras
BS Boneless - 550+ - Lip Extras
Disaster - 600+ - Lip Extras
Eggplant - 500+ - Invert Extras
Gymnast Plant - 575+ - Invert Extras
Variel Invert To Fakie - 450+ - Invert Extras
Invert - 500+ - Invert Extras
FS Noseblunt - 550+ - Lip Extras
FS Nosepick - 550+ - Lip Extras
One Foot Invert - 500+ - Lip Extras
Rock To Fakie - 500+ - Lip Extras
The Switcheroo - 600+ - Invert Extras

Andrecht Extra

Trick/Combo Command

The Switcheroo - Grind, Grind

Lip Extras

Trick/Combo Command

Axle Stall - Grab, Grab
BS Boneless - Grab, Flip
Disaster - Flip, Flip
Rock To Fakie - Flip, Grab
FS Noseblunt - Grind, Grind
FS Nosepick - Grind, Flip
Blunt To Fakie - Grind, Grab

Invert Extras

Trick/Combo Command

Gymnast Plant - Grab, Grab
Variel Invert To Fakie - Grab, Flip
One Foot Invert - Flip, Flip
Eggplant - Flip, Grab
Invert - Grind, Grind
Andrecht Invert - Grind, Grab

Basic Grinds

(Note: While in a grind you can push the revert button making your skater end the grind landing on the ground without ollieing off. This gives you 100 points.)

50-50 - Grind - 100
Boardslide - Push Grind While Perpendicular To Ledge - 200
Lipslide - Push Grind While Perpendicular To Ledge - 200
Tailslide - Left Or Right + Grind - 150
Noseslide - Left Or Right + Grind - 150
5-0 - Down + Grind - 100
Crooked - Up/Right Or Up/Left + Grind - 125
Overcrook - Up/Right Or Up/Left + Grind - 125
Smith - Down/Right Or Down/Left + Grind - 125
Feeble - Down/Right Or Down/Left + Grind - 125
Bluntslide - Down, Down + Grind - 250
Nosebluntslide - Up, Up + Grind - 250

Double Tap Grind Tricks


Nosegrind To Pivot - Up + Grind, Grind - 400
5-0 Overturn - Down + Grind, Grind - 400
Hurricane - Left + Grind, Grind - 400
Salad - Right + Grind, Grind - 400
Hang Ten Nosegrind - Up/Left + Grind, Grind - 400
Crail Slide - Up/Right + Grind, Grind - 400
Double Blunt Slide - Down/Left + Grind, Grind - 400
Darkslide - Down/Right + Grind, Grind - 400

Grind Combos

Trick/Combo Command
(Note: Kissing The Rail Gives you 50 points normal stance and 60 points in switch stance. Also Shuffling gives you 100 points.)

50-50 - Grind, Grind
Noseslide - Grind, Flip
Nosegrind - Grind, Grab
Crooked - Grab, Grab
Bluntslide - Grab, Flip
Nosebluntslide - Grab, Grind
Smith - Flip, Flip
5-0 - Flip, Grab
Tailslide - Flip, Grind

Flip Tricks

Trick/Points (Normal/Switch)/Double-Tap Trick/Points (Normal/Switch)/Triple-Tap Trick/Points (Normal/Switch)

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