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Just Something To Rant About

Ashley Lazower aka Convoluted Girl and Tears like a River
Inside Her Mind
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Can I go Back?

So your the one their looking for?
Better run before I turn you in!!!

What bugs me...teenagers saying "I believe in God, but I'm going to wait until I'm older before I even begin to start following the Bible and GET religious." Sorry to say but you either worship Satan or Christ. If you’re simply putting God aside until you grow up, than you must and can not be worshiping him. Get it straight! Anyone who chooses to be a friend to the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4:) Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules! (Colossians 2:20) For what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial [Satan]? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? (2 Cor 6:14) Don't call yourself a Christian if you don't practice or have a relationship with Christ, for even Satan believes in Christ! Does that make him a Christian? People are simply forgetting what Christian means, devoted followers of Christ! Are you devoted to Christ? For what is faith without deeds, and what is deeds without faith! (James 2) "If anyone would come after me [Christ], he must deny himself and take up the cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." (Luke 9:23-24) Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:1-2) For in him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature (Colossians 2:11).
"This is something I too need to work on. It's really difficult to seperate from the world, the world of desires, the world of flesh, the world of satisfaction. But if you think about it, its the world that destroys. That's why it's difficult for me to understand my continual fall back into the world. "

Let's see...Mrs.Rosenfield decided to give me and "F" in yearbook!! But thats not what pushes my button, it's the fact that she wrote "poor work quality". It's like she's sayin I contributed nothing to yearbook but being a lazy bum!! Let's analyze this. First, it's sad to say, but I spend more time in yearbook than any other class. I'm always in there till 6 pm or later to meet the deadlines. Second, I'm editor, Third, selling ads aren't everything. Arg...hopefully I can control myself before going off on her tomorrow.

Guess what? The 80's are coming back. I went to the mall today with Christina, and my eyes were suprised to see tons of 80's clothing. It's awesome. I love the 80's! Psst...your breath smells...go brush your teeth.

My birthdays tomorrow, I wish it could wait awhile. It’s probably the worst week to celebrate me being 18. could be worse. Anyways, what's up with people placing themselves higher than everyone else? Just because they have the time to do some research on trends and to make sure their every move follows magazines and popularity? It's ridicules and pure stupidity! I don't understand why you want to follow the world, because if i were you, i'd die from the changing tides of trends. Conformings hard to do anyways, so why conform? Looking at your clothing and personality, it sure replicates the other preppies. All you do is make fun of the meek, make fun of those who are different, and make fun of those who aren't like you. Just make fun of me, because your words can't destroy me.

I watched a movie today with my sister. She dragged me. It was a rip-off, 9 bucks. Together 18 smackers. We could have bought a movie! Though it was a good movie it's so overpriced. I would rather have waited to rent it. Besides that, I had a good service today. I seem to have forgotten what it felt like to get lost in worship. It feels so good, I'll write on it sometimes. Oh...this Wednesday...the 31st is a new years eve bash at Trinity (corner of madison and hillsdale, off I-80 towards reno) Skate board ramps, rock bands, bounce house, sumo wrestling, jousting, velcro wall, giant slide, giant boxing...and all you can eat food for 7 bucks. I'll be performing, and I know you all wanna see me shake it. if you wanna go and have nothing better to do with your precious time, GO!!! Call me! Don't know my number...e-mail me, Im me...anything...just GO!! Last one to the finish line gets a wedgie!!!

Okay, I've done some thinking. Actually I think I think to much. Well, after contemplating my life and what i need or what, I seem to have forgotten what Christ meant to me, and seem to have slipped further down the drain. People keep asking me, who do you like? who do you like? but the question should be, are you ready for a relationship. I don't think i am. I see no point in another relationship if my relationship with Christ needs some mending. Right now I have to concentrate on the Lord, and another relationship (particularly with a boy) would distract me from getting right with Christ. Anyways, boys are immature and poor pathetic losers, at least high school boys are. (not dissing on my guy friends, your the only acceptable ones from the bunch of retards that think they can get any girl in their pants). The point is, I meet a few acceptable guys out there in this demonic world, but pushed them aside. Now I know why, because I'm not right with Christ. I need more alone time with him and his word.

My hearts in my throat right now, I have my big Christmas production today. I guess it's normal to be scared at falling or forgetting the dance. Ahh...fear, what it does to people. I'm excited though, especailly about the sign language. Well, merry Christmas, and don't forget the reason for this season!!!!! JENNY!!! I'm missing 5 min. Ride!!! We have to take a road trip and see them perform next week!!!! Ahhhhh... ::on the floor kicking and screaming uncontrollably:: Ahh...

Finals are finally over, school has come to a closure. A break is what I need, a break is what we all need. Christmas is around the corner, which means money and being broke. It's also a time of the year to gain those extra 10 lbs. that I've always wanted. Well, I fixed my converse shoes, i added some nifty designs to them. So make sure you check them out, if i have time, i'll try to post up a pic of them. Peace out, and don't forget to stuff your face with CHOCOLATES!! Yumm...I think I am going to go do that right now.

Just doing the usual. Typing and writing and playing the guitar, anything that keeps me sidetracked from the pile of homework sitting on my skinny desk. MONICA!! Dec. 20 is a SHOW that we MUST attend. 5 Minute Ride. I only wish Alex was there, I wonder who their new guy is. Go to your agenda RIGHT NOW and sketch it into your busy schedule!! Hehe...jk. Ohh...we need to make our funny random video. Also, I decided to go Vegan again...after getting in touch with PETA and why I was vegetarian, I am going to force myself to give up sour cream and ice cream and ...(soy dream ice cream is pretty good though) and milk chocolate, so MONICA....don't you tempt me with any of those delicious goodies. At least I still have my BIG FAT vegan cookbook.

Happy Gobble Day!! The intense flavor of a scraped knee...hurray!! I just got done rollerblading...crazy stuff...another bruise to add to my collection. I'm stuffed like a stocking, I think I'm about to explode, grab your unbrella, I'm filled with potatoes and cream cheese!

The Talent Show went well yesterday. It lasted until 2:00 in the morning. A Band called Deficit (they sound like The Used) were really good. Hot Bass Player, and drummer. Grrrrrr. Of course we had our local bands from Trinity there. OMG. Slick Shoes tonite!! I am so excited. Hopefully I can leave before my Mom gets home, or else I can't go. (My Dad gave me permission to go). Okay...gotta skip.

Sorry, I have no internet in my room right now, so it will take a little longer to update. Besides that, if anyone is interested in a Talent Show with a 1st place prize of 250 dollars, its going to be held at Trinity Life Center. Just e-mail me if you want more info. Well, there is so much DRAMA. Reminds me of Days of Our Lives, that's how bad it is. Can't get into details, but I hope everything is swell with you!

I'm off to New life Fellowship(somewhere by Bradshaw or Zinfendel) today, to perform with my dance and step team. It should be exciting and fun. Our last performance was at a Southern Baptist church, boy was that exciting. Also, I am so glad I'm not my sister. Everyday she comes home and shows me what she purchased. She's like a shop-a-holic. I have no idea where she gets all the money, but she always buys name-brand items, like Guess, Express, Steve Madden...and so on. But the thing about her is, is that she only wears her clothes only once or twice, and then its back to the mall again. I feel sorry for her, but that's her life not mine.