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Privitization of USPS
The Presidental Postal Commission, formed by President Bush is expected to render a report, a recommendation to the President on July 31st, 2003. In this report, the Commission can recommend the privatizing or selling off, retail operations, sorting and processing operations, all maintenance work, all custodial work, all VMF/garage work.

Is it expected that this will actually happen? YES? Those involved feel quite certain, that something or a combination of these may in fact take place. Never, ever before has the threat of the breaking up of the United States Postal Service ever been at such a critical level. If we were on a parity with homeland security, our very livelyhood and the survival of the Postal Service as we know it today would also be a "CODE-ORANGE". Once that report gets delivered to the President of the United States on July 31st, we most likely will go on to a "CODE-RED ALERT".

I cannot stress enough the importance of each and every member nationwide and particularly those here in the state of Maine, that they contact each of the 4 representatives, (ALLEN, MICHAUD, COLLINS, SNOWE) and express our three main areas of concern.

Those areas of concern are: 1) Maintaining universal service at uniform rates. 2) Ending below-cost discounts to mailers that starve the Postal Service of the much needed revenue it needs; and 3) Protecting our collective bargaining rights.

Brothers and sisters, let there be no misunderstanding. The very survival of the Postal Service and our jobs are at stake. Never before, have we ever been so close to the verge of extinction.

Remember- Privatizing is not the issue, it is the dismanteling of bits and pieces of the Postal Service.

This Union is also in dire need to raise COPA funds to allow us to keep friendly members of Congress in Congress.

Currently this Union collects less funds than any of the other organizations, including the much smaller Rural Letter Carriers Union. We must raise COPA funds.

Our national president of the union, Bill Burrus has tasked each organization to collect the mere price of a stamp, (thirty-seven cents) per member per pay period to help replenish and keep the COPA fund alive.

Soon you will be hearing more on this subject, to let you know what and how you can help the Union, help all of us save the Service and our jobs.

Please keep these thoughts and words close at hand, as time is very precious to act.

I will update this and keep you posted on how you can help, and what is expected of you. Together, in unity and solidarity, we can prevail.
The Presidental Postal Commission, formed by President Bush is expected to render a report, a recommendation to the President on July 31st, 2003. In this report, the Commission can recommend the privatizing or selling off, retail operations, sorting and processing operations, all maintenance work, all custodial work, all VMF/garage work.

Is it expected that this will actually happen? YES? Those involved feel quite certain, that something or a combination of these may in fact take place. Never, ever before has the threat of the breaking up of the United States Postal Service ever been at such a critical level. If we were on a parity with homeland security, our very livelyhood and the survival of the Postal Service as we know it today would also be a "CODE-ORANGE". Once that report gets delivered to the President of the United States on July 31st, we most likely will go on to a "CODE-RED ALERT".

I cannot stress enough the importance of each and every member nationwide and particularly those here in the state of Maine, that they contact each of the 4 representatives, (ALLEN, MICHAUD, COLLINS, SNOWE) and express our three main areas of concern.

Those areas of concern are: 1) Maintaining universal service at uniform rates. 2) Ending below-cost discounts to mailers that starve the Postal Service of the much needed revenue it needs; and 3) Protecting our collective bargaining rights.

Brothers and sisters, let there be no misunderstanding. The very survival of the Postal Service and our jobs are at stake. Never before, have we ever been so close to the verge of extinction.

Remember- Privatizing is not the issue, it is the dismanteling of bits and pieces of the Postal Service.

This Union is also in dire need to raise COPA funds to allow us to keep friendly members of Congress in Congress.

Currently this Union collects less funds than any of the other organizations, including the much smaller Rural Letter Carriers Union. We must raise COPA funds.

Our national president of the union, Bill Burrus has tasked each organization to collect the mere price of a stamp, (thirty-seven cents) per member per pay period to help replenish and keep the COPA fund alive.

Soon you will be hearing more on this subject, to let you know what and how you can help the Union, help all of us save the Service and our jobs.

Please keep these thoughts and words close at hand, as time is very precious to act.

I will update this and keep you posted on how you can help, and what is expected of you. Together, in unity and solidarity, we can prevail.


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